Discontinuing Embryonic Stem Cell Research By Chris Mooney

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Since the past decade controversial debates have been going on the issues pointed out by the journalist and author Chris Mooney. Advocating and criticizing Chris Mooney’s points of view through the research by our panel members Alyza, Bryan, Crystal, Kayla and Sang;it illustrates the issues of discontinuing embryonic stem cell research, either accepting or disregarding abortion, continuous sea level rising, benefits of vaccination and beliefs of a greater power of this universe.
Embryonic stem cell research can be seen through multiple lenses. Not only is this matter political but also plays an important role in an individual’s beliefs. Chris Mooney believes that embryonic stem cell research should not be tangled with a person’s beliefs
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In his article published on June 26, 2017 on Washington Post, Chris Mooney states that “Sea level isn’t just happening, it’s getting faster.” From Sang’s point of view, he supports Mooney. According to Nature Climate Change research, that was a 2.2 millimeter per year rise in 1993 and was a 3.3 millimeter rise in 2014. We might see 1.1-millimeter rise is a very small number but it could change our whole habitat. Mooney also point out that the principal reason of the sea level rise was the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, which went from contributing under 5 percent of all sea level rise in 1993 to contributing over 25 percent in 2014. The disappearance of ice sheets in smaller glaciers and Antarctica over the same time period also contributed to quicker sea level rise. As an illustration, my country – Vietnam is one of the five countries most vulnerable to rising sea levels, and potential flooding areas include the most populous and most important economic areas. In 2007, it lost 15.000 square kilometer of delta because sea level increased. By the 2040s, scientists forecast that the sea level could rise by 30 centimeters. If this prediction becomes a reality, about 6 million people will be in the floodplains of the Mekong Delta and nearly 6% of Vietnam's territory is at risk of submerging. To stop sea level rise, we basically have to prevent climate change. In addition, our generation have duties and responsibilities to make the Earth green

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