Juvenile Justice System Analysis Essay

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Analysis of the Juvenile Justice System and Dipartites amongst Minorities The United States incarcerates more youths than any other development country; approximately 2 million juveniles are arrested annually in the United States (Barnet et al. 2014). Although juveniles are protected against cruel and unusual punishment by the Eighth Amendment, many states in the U.S. are creating and implementing new laws designed to be more stringent with the juveniles. These new laws range anywhere from setting curfews to trying a minor as an adult. Studies show that not only has there has also been an increase in the number of minority juveniles being arrested, but minority youths are more likely to receive harsher punishments as well (Mears, Pickett, & Mancini, 2015). Specifically, African American youths are roughly 5 times more likely, and Latino and American Indian adolescents are 3 times more likely, to be incarcerated than white minors (Barnet et al, 2014).
The Eighth
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Research on children ages 8-17 indicates a lack in consistency and accuracy in understanding the legal system. While some children view prison as a positive (e.g. the presence of televisions), others view prison as a negative (e.g. bad food and toilets in the room). Additionally, other studies show that the age of a minor is imperative in the understanding of the justice system. As early as four years old, children can grasp and understand concepts such as police and law. But, before the age of nine, children are unable to conceptualize key concepts of the justice system such as the court process; they are unable to understand the meaning of terms like evidence, oath or prosecution. It has been concluded that minors under the age of ten years old cannot fully understand what it means to be prosecuted or other important factors in trying adults (Folk et al,

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