Each population within these counties has unique assets and liabilities that result from living differently. Without public participation a successful assessment could not be completed by and emergency manager. The most important things emergency managers must take into account are changes in society, technology, the economy, demographics, and civil life. This indicates an emergency manager must identify the likelihood of different environmental changes and hazards and the demographics and socioeconomic status of their …show more content…
These would include prisons, assisted living homes or those with caretakers, and those living on the water. Anne Arundel County alone has two prisons, Jennifer Road and Ordnance Road. Jennifer Road is a maximum-security intake and pretrial detention facility and is designed to hold 631 inmates. Ordnance Road is medium security for men and women who have been convicted and sentenced to terms up to 18 months and holds 432 inmates. (Department of Detention Faculties) Fort Bend County only has one county jail holding up to 1,500 inmates a day before they are transported to state prison or a long-term facility. (Detention Division) Both of these facilities are those that can encounter an environmental hazard at any time. Whereas Anne Arundel’s are more for long-term stay, Fort Bend has the issue of it not being a long-term facility. Even though, these jails and prisons only make up a small percentage of the population, they hold criminals who would not mix well with the general population. Additionally, more assisted living homes or people that are living with a caretaker are becoming more popular. A nursing home is completely different from assisted living. Those residents who reside in their own home and have caregivers or a nurse come to visit is becoming more popular with the high-income population. These facilities are home to the elderly and disabled, which are two populations that