I have chosen this condition to investigate because I find it an interesting one, and one that I rarely hear about.
Everyone has a heart, a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout our bodies through veins, arteries and capillaries. These blood vessels supply our other major organs and tissue with oxygen and carries away the carbon dioxide and waste.
Image from university of Nottingham, http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/nursing/practice/resources/cardiology/function/anatomy.php
Angina is a pain or discomfort and tightness in the chest and is usually caused by coronary Heart disease. There are four types of Angina:
• Stable
• Unstable
• Variant (Prinzmetal)
• Microvascular
Unstable is dangerous it does not follow a pattern …show more content…
Angina restricts oxygen to the heart for a short period of time. The pain soon subsides with rest or medicine, it will not usually cause any long-lasting damage to the heart but is often a warning sign to much more serious heart conditions.
The symptoms of angina can vary from person to person and dependant on the type of angina, most symptoms are a pain or tightness in the chest, a heaviness and shortness of breath. Some people feel the pain spread to the neck and jaw and even to the back and shoulders. The pain does not usually last long, it will usually ease within 10 minutes when you rest. If medicine is taken it should ease a lot faster.
Angina is a common disease in older adults, it is more common among older males. In England alone it is estimated that 1 in 12 men and 1 in 30 women between 55-64 years suffer from Angina.
Medicine will more than likely be given and will need to be taken for the remained of your life. There are several types that can be given to manage your symptoms of angina and all act differently. You could be given medication to lower your cholesterol or blood pressure, you could be prescribed beta blocker to reduce the amount of work you heart has to do. Most angina suffers are prescribed Aspirin which reduces clotting or GTN (Glyceryl Trinitrate) a fast-acting spray that will relieve the angina symptoms. Lifestyle changes can also help, by quitting smoking having a healthier diet and taking on more physical activity, losing any excess weight and de-stressing