a) Heart Rate
b) Contractility
c) High blood pressure
d) Platelet aggregation and thrombosis
Answer: D
Answer Rationale:
A. (Incorrect) Heart rate and coronary perfusion is not correlated. An increase or decrease in heart rate along does not necessarily impact the coronary perfusion. In most cases, it is the vasodilation and vasoconstriction in either health or platelet aggregated vessels that impact coronary perfusion.
B. (Incorrect) Any change in the contractility of the heart is able to effect the level of myocardial workload. Contractility does not impair coronary blood flow. …show more content…
(Incorrect) Fluid and electrolyte imbalance does not induce the occurrence of stable angina. However, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, such as Calcium can lead to vasospasm, which can cause the development of variant angina.
B. (Incorrect) Elevation in serum biomarker level in the blood often indicates the presence of myocardial cell death. Serum biomarker level in the blood is a great indicator of myocardial infraction. However, it does not cause the occurrence of stable angina.
C. (Correct) Stable angina is mainly caused by stenotic atherosclerotic coronary vessels, which can result in insufficient coronary blood flow due to the narrowing of coronary arteries. Inadequate amount of coronary blood flow and cause the onset of stable angina pain.
D.(Incorrect) Increase intake of high-density lipoprotein does not lead to stable angina. In fact, it can reduce the number of atheromatous plaque in the arteries. Therefore, increase intake of high-density lipoproteins can reduce the chance of developing atherosclerotic coronary arteries, which in turn decrease the occurrence of stable angina.
3. Which of the following factor contribute to the development of Prinzmetal variant angina?
Physical or emotional stress
b) Vasospasm
c) Plaque rupture
d) …show more content…
Which of the following factor can greatly reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis?
a) High-density lipoproteins (HDLs)
b) Smoking
c) Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
d) Presence of liver disorder
Answer: A
Answer Rationale:
A. (Correct) High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) is able to transport cholesterol from the arteries and peripheral tissues back to the liver for removal. Increase intake of high-density lipoprotein can dramatically reduce the number of plaque formation, thus, reducing the chance of developing atherosclerosis.
B. (Incorrect) Smoking is one of the major factors leading to the development of atherosclerosis. Prolong smoking can cause damage to the blood vessels and oxidize low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Both can increase the risk of atherosclerosis.
C. (Incorrect) Low-density lipoprotein (LDLs) is contains high level of cholesterol, which increase the risk of plaque development, leading to the development of atherosclerosis.
D. (Incorrect) Liver is our body’s main organ to remove and digest cholesterol and fat. Therefore, liver dysfunction due to disease can directly increase the level of cholesterol and fat in the blood. Thus, leading to an increase chance of developing