The author is trying to give the readers insight into the lessons he learned while working his summers away on the factory floor. Adjacent to that goal the author wants …show more content…
I agree with this belief that education is one of the key elements to a better future. Because I made the decision in my own life to have a family and put college on the back burner why I worked real world jobs. This proved to be one of the greatest lessons I learned because I had to live with the low wages and long hours. Alongside, being stuck in a job position where I could not pursue other avenues. Consequently, this leads me to believe that college would have been a better way. Which makes me incline to agree with the author's claims from the …show more content…
Once again do agree with the author because of my own experiences. Working in the nursing field and going to trade school give me the same belief's, that future would be better if you go to college. however, with me, it is more about a dream come true. Because from the time I was a child I wanted to write. To give the world my own voice. I think the author want the readers to know that his experiences not only taught to life lessons but they also give him a sense of