In the mystery novel And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie ten people are invited to stay at a house by Mr. and Mrs. Owen. Nobody seems to know who Mr. Owen is but they all decide to go. Once they arrive at the house it is not what they expected. Their unknown hostess is trying to murder them one by one. Tension starts to grow between the ten people once they figured out that the murder has to be one of them because they are the only people on the island. Throughout the book alliances are made but, they soon start to break down because of the growing suspicion. First of all, Blore, Armstrong, and Lombard were one of the first alliances that were made. Their alliance was made after Anthony Martsons death. All three of them began to make different theories as to how Anthony died. At first they thought that Anthony had committed suicide but when they began to look at the …show more content…
Blore and Armstrongs alliance helped the murder beacuse they went searching the island to see if there was anyone else on the island and they didn't find anyone. This made veryone be more cautious around each other because the murder was one of them. When Armstrong and Wargrave's alliance was created it helped the murderer. Wargrave was the murderer and when they made their alliance,Wargrave used Armstrong to make it seem like he was innocent by faking his own death. Vera, Lombard, and Armstrong were the last three poeple out of the ten people that were on the island. Vera and Lombard created their alliance once they went to go looking for Armstrong. When they found Armstrongs dead body, Vera turned on Lombard and stole his revolver. Vera shot Lombard and then she went to the house and killed herself. All of the alliances helped the murderer because he succeeded in killing all ten of them including