Obesity By Julie Guthman Summary

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Within the last thirty years, the rise obesity has become a major topic of concern in the United States. While many argue that this increase in size is due to disruptions in the “energy balance model,” which states that the obesity is due to a combination of eating too many calories and not exercising enough (Smith & Cummins, 2009), Julie Guthman argues in her book Weighing In that this definition focuses too much on the individual’s actions without looking at the broader health consequences derived from the built environment, agricultural policies, and neoliberal capitalism. However, although Guthman does offer some excellent points, specifically with her political ecology perspective in the alternative food movement, she does little to debunk current thinking about the energy balance model while also scarcely supporting some of her own arguments with convincing evidence. One of the first topics Guthman takes issue with in mainstream thinking about obesity is the energy balance model, as mentioned above. Although she claims that people have not been eating more or exercising less today compared to the past, as many people argue, her evidence is nearly nonexistent. Instead, she explains that food intake and physical activity data are contradictory and unreliable, being “gross estimates at best” since they are based on self-reporting and food diaries especially are prone to underreporting. While Guthman does offer some USDA data to describe how people across different ethnicity groups with different average BMIs still consume about the same amount of calories daily, one could also rationalize that perhaps different ethnic or racial groups process calories differently. The author also explains that problem closure, or the fact that scientists integrate too many assumptions with their research, perpetuates misconceptions about obesity. …show more content…
To explain the rise of obesity, Guthman argues that exposure to “obesogens,” or substances such as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) or higher levels of estrogen and other hormones, have led disrupted people’s metabolisms and regulation of fat cells. While the idea of chemical obesogens seems valid, given that EDCs are known to be correlated with illnesses and disorders such as cancer (Silent Spring Institute, 2006), Guthman again still does not have much evidence to prove her point, since these chemicals have barely been studied when researching obesity. Overall, while Guthman makes an interesting point in that scientists should consider causes of obesity besides the disruption in energy balance, her absolute refusal to agree with the energy balance model causes her to ignore a well-studied idea. Instead, a mix of the energy balance model and the exposure to obesogens would likely provide the most accurate explanation for the rise in obesity. Despite her shortcomings about the …show more content…
While mainstream thinking perhaps provides a more reasonable explanation about the science behind the epidemic, Guthman challenges the political, social, and economic forces that have induced the national increase in size and calls for the shift away from blaming the individual and towards policy changes to unearth the roots of the problem. However, for all the Guthman talks about the pitfalls of neoliberal capitalism, and with many valid points as well, she ultimately fails to offer up other potential solutions. At the end, she calls for people to use “food” issues “to change capitalism,” but how? Guthman leaves that for the reader, and the others who suffer from the repercussions of the U.S. food industry to

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