As told in the beginning of the Janie’s story, she grew up in a white town with only Nanny to watch over her, the moment she kissed a boy, Nanny took away her childhood and Janie realizes that her life as a real woman begins. Nanny opens Janie’s eyes to the reality that because she’s an African American woman, she’s on the very bottom of power in the world. Janie grows up innocent and believes in universal love with everything and sees marriage as a beautiful thing. Nanny forces Janie to marry an older man named Logan because Nanny and Janie’s mother were just like her when they were young and they were both mentally broken because they both raped and mistreated. So to keep sure that Janie doesn’t let men take turns with her body and that she have a happy life with protection. So Janie marries Logan and learns that she doesn’t love him and that …show more content…
Janie’s journey with Joe begins with Joe buys a town and becomes the mayor with no time to care for Janie as his mind is consumed with the vision of him being God of the town. During a speech after buying the town and attracting 10 families to live there, the crowd wants to hear his wife give a speech, Janie wasn’t prepared to give a speech but before she can say anything Joe speaks up telling the whole town “mah wife don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no speech-makin’. Ah never married her for nothin’ lak dat. She’s uh woman and her place is in de home,” (Hurston 43). This moment truly opens Janie’s eyes to the reality that not even Joe, the man she hoped would be perfect, was now no different than the man she was forced to marry that started this whole chain of events. Joe then puts her at the desk of the town store where she wastes away years of her life until she’s middle aged and had lost the hope she had to do anything more with her life besides work at the store desk. When Joe dies of old age, Janie is free once more and hides her glee from the town. This joy only escalates when she soon meets a charming man named Tea Cake who treats Janie differently by behaving as though she is an equal in every way. Janie has found her freedom and she grows attached to Tea Cake who lets her be