This article written by Corey Johnson is about a 16 year old boy named Taurus Buchannan who killed another young boy with one single punch. In the article, the author advocates that young adults should be tried as juveniles and the correctional system sentencing people should change. The author starts off the article with moments before the trial about Buchannan’s prosecutor, Tony Clayton, preparing for his first murder case. In the beginning of the article, it is clear that Clayton and the rest of the people involved in the trial want Buchannan to be tried as an adult and be sentenced to life without parole. The author does this to get the reader thinking about their side of the issue, and then humanizes Buchannan and later states that Clayton…
Eleven-year-old Nathaniel Abraham of Pontiac , Michigan is in custody for the murder of Ronnie Green, awaiting the beginnings of a long trial balancing his actions with the appropriate consequences. Based on the mental status and the treatment that Nathaniel Abraham was given as a child gives you insight as to how it is unlikely Nathaniel had a full understanding as to what is right and wrong at the time of the incident. Based off of Nathaniel’s inability to understand behavior control he should be treated with a blended sentence including time within a juvenile center until he shows a tremendous amount of improvement and if not to be placed in an adult prison at 21. While growing up Nathaniel had to deal with several negative factors that…
The article On Punishment and Teen Killers by Jennifer Bishop Jenkins speaks about how we here in the United States although we do give teenage murderers very big sentences that make them spend the rest of their life in prison we still respect their human rights. We do not imprison children nor torture and hurt the offenders, we simply are not letting their crimes go in vain. The authors purpose is to let us know that all though many people believe that teenagers who commit crimes should have a smaller sentence because of the way and the time it takes for their minds to develop. In fact she even states the following, "If brain development were the reason, then teens would kill at roughly the same rates all over the world. They do not.…
Edward Humes’s book, No Matter How Loud I Shout, follows the life of seven teenage boys who are working their way through the juvenile justice system and also serving time for their crimes. No Matter How Loud I Shout provides a clear and vivid picture in readers mind about the juvenile system and how it operates. It shows readers how unjust some situations in court can be. Humes spent a year researching California’s juvenile justice system and his book was inspired by his experience.…
Philip Holloway wrote the article “Should 11-year-olds be charged with adult crimes?” for the Cable News Network on October 14, 2015. Holloway, a CNN Legal Analyst, discusses the case of an 11 year old boy who murdered an 8 year old girl for refusing to allow the boy to see her puppy. The author believes juveniles shouldn’t be tried as adults and also points out that placing them in adult prisons puts them in more danger. Holloway suggests…
One reason why juveniles should not receive life in prison without parole is the undeveloped thinking process that occurs. This is further explored in the article, “Startling Finds on Teenage Brains,” by Paul Thompson, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of California, Los Angeles. In the article, Thompson focuses on the cognitive development of the juvenile brain and compares it with the brain of a full grown adult. He uses an example of a juvenile being tried as an adult for second-degree murder to point out how when questioned, the juvenile was unable to give a reason for his actions. He then reports on findings about the teenage brain that he and his research team had discovered.…
Since Washington State Juvenile Disposition Guidelines have stated the age range a juvenile could be tried in juvenile court of jurisdiction, it would be easier for the judge to determine if the person should be sentenced in juvenile or adult court jurisdiction. The confusion of the exact age a person is fully mature and should be consider adult makes it hard for judges under blended sentence to determine the appropriate court of jurisdiction for the juvenile. Following a research in psychology and neurology that confirms that young people’s brains are not fully formed until in their mid-20s, some people presumed that juvenile under 21 should not be tried as an adult. Contradictory to what the research have claimed, Catherine Rampwell in her…
This section seeks to examine the history and some effects of mass incarceration in Chicago. When looking at the data it is difficult to overlook the racial disparities. Take marijuana for example. Black and White use marijuana at similar rates. However, those end up being convicted for possession of marijuana in Chicago are mostly Black.…
Others may argue that it’s not right because there are laws that prohibit youngsters to complete certain actions like smoking, drinking, or going to R movies, these actions don’t seem to affect other it might affect them, however, once they commit a horrifying crime they are being tried as adults. In addition, Lundstrom argues that “Today we are witness to criminal defendants facing a life sentence without parole…” (Lundstrom, 10). Lundstrom continues by stating that juveniles cannot shave and still play with toys also they act scenes from their favorite T.V. shows. Further information that researchers have studies on teen brains with technology that maps the patterns of brain growth in children and teenagers, has given information that indicate that teenagers are having a massive loss of brain tissue this scientific evidence has also sparked the opponents, and argue that this evidence is why juveniles should not be facing life sentence in prison without parole.…
Many court cases have tried to use this lack of brain tissue as an excuse for committing their crime. Youths do have less knowledge, but their ability to know if shooting someone is a bad act, is still present. Arguing this as being a legitimate excuse, Jennifer Jenkins points out that if “brain development were the reason, then teens would kill at roughly the same rates all over the world. [but] They do not” (On). So, researchers cannot blame the brain development, so they search for something else to excuse them from their terrible…
While the “criminal is a child” approach to the juvenile justice system is appealing due to its forgiving nature and emphasis on rehabilitation rather than punishment, there are some cases in which this decision is not so cut-and-dry. One of these instances of a legal “gray area” is the case of Marin Sinzer, who was charged for the murder of Tammy Shevin, 25 years after the crime was committed. The now 38 year old is petitioning to be tried as a juvenile, since he was only 13 at the time of the crime, a year younger than the waiver age at the time. While many proponents of the “criminal is a child” approach take that stance because of the physical and psychological dangers posed to juveniles who are placed in adult prisons, in this unique…
Over 100 years ago the United States established the Juvenile Justice system. In most states, a person who between the ages of 10 and 18 charged with a crime is considered a juvenile . The juvenile justice system main goal is to help rehabilitation rather than punishing the individual and held youths who commit crimes responsible for their action. Where adults who are accused and found guilty of a crime, the criminal justice courts focus on punishments. There are many debates over the juvenile justice on whether or not the system should need to focus more on proving rehabilitation or punishment like the adult criminal justice system .…
Juveniles should not be tried as adults for it is wrong to hold adolescents, under the legal age, to adult standards. If children do not even receive the same rights as adults in the first place, it makes no sense to try them in adult court. These juveniles should have the opportunity to be rehabilitated in a positive manner, for they tend to come from troubled households and violent neighborhoods. In over half of the cases these troubled kids don’t know any different way than a life of crime when surrounded by both social and environmental factors that influence their delinquent actions. One must commemorate that juveniles are mentally underdeveloped, and still have time to innovate if their issues are dealt with precisely and accurately.…
The decision of juveniles being tried as adults in the world of criminal justice has usually been an object of controversy. Some agree that an adolescent who commits a serious crime like murder deserves to be penalized exactly like an adult; while others declare that a minor should not face the same punishment as an adult. However, no matter how severe or appalling a crime may be, juveniles should not be tried as adults; the reason being that everyone should be granted the chance to learn from their mistakes. Juveniles should not be punished as adults, simply because they biologically distinct from adults. Teenagers are the midsection between children and adults.…
Criminal Justice Frontline’s video, “Second Chance Kids,” takes its viewers through a controversial topic: life in prison for those who committed crimes as teens. Before the mid 2000s, teenagers who murdered someone get sentenced to life without parole. The arguments that teenagers grow up and change convinced courts to reconsider giving parole to those who were convicted for their crimes made as a teen. In one case, Anthony Rolon was 17 years old when he committed a crime. He was helping his father with selling drugs but a party next doors got really loud.…