Looking at Michael Burawoy he is a British sociological Marxist. In all his studies he speaks postcolonialism, the organization …show more content…
For them to say this it can be speculated that if he acted or spoke whiter than he would have been seen liked I said before, more civilized, which would have made the media not see a reason to think of him a barbaric, so it is fine to dig up any dirt on him now that he’s in the spotlight in a bad way
The negative unembraceable is something that no black male wants because the black lash is harsh. His 1986 TV documentary, The Vanishing Black Family: Crisis in Black America (102). Made it to where if anyone were to watch it all anyone would think was that young black men have no support system because their fathers in Bill Moyers words are “simply unreliable and uncaring fathers” (101). The fact of this message that he is trying to send through his documentary would in many ways make the racism in young black men even stronger. Ethnically Correct Dolls: Toying with the Race Industry by Elizabeth Chin, when Mattel has made their Shani Dolls, they made sure that this time their black Barbie would be “ethnically correct”. This meaning that they couldn’t do what they did back in the 80’s where their first black Barbie doll had white features instead of black