According to the author, the first person to be pointed the finger are the individuals who employ undocumented immigrants knowing that they immigrated illegally. These are the contractors to employment …show more content…
Otherwise, the writer suggests that the governments should have opted to build fences Around INE firms so as to separate them, or even deploy military troops to guard those walls, (Pilards, 2017),. But since the citizens view only the positive outcomes of these illegals they prefer to keep them. And this has led to the constant increase in the immigrants.
Also, the author argues that, instead of the government focusing on the employers who are hiring the undocumented immigrants, they are shifting their attention on the amnesty bill. The government is planning to give those illegals that have stayed in the United States at least two years a maximum of eleven years probationary period before returning them to their home countries. According to the author’s point of view, the government should have dealt first with those employers of the undocumented …show more content…
And that it takes the government and the citizens themselves and not the immigrants to rectify this. As per her argument, she expounds this by showing evidence such as the employers giving jobs to the undocumented immigrants, sourcing the immigrants as a cheap source of labor and passing bills in favor for the immigrants. And therefore, she points her finger to the United States themselves as the one encouraging immigration to which to some extent this is true.
On the issue concerning the amnesty bill to give a maximum of eleven years to those immigrants that have settled for over two years before returning to their country, (Pilards, 2017), I disagree with the author as she regards it as a way of encouraging immigrants. But, this is a good way to eliminate the undocumented immigrants as they will be given time to get prepared. Change does not come once, but it takes the time to bring it into use. And for that, I disagree with the writer concerning this matter since according to me it’s the right course of dealing with undocumented