She lives in the slums, and is forced to prostitute herself because there are simply no job opportunities. Habiba is another of the girls who stars in I am a Girl. She is 17 years old, and lives in Cameroon. She has given up getting an education to get married to a 39 year-old groom. There is also Katie, who is an Australian girl who suffers from depression. She is probably one of the better off girls in this documentary. There is Breani, a young black woman living in America and trying to stay away from bad crowd in her neighbourhood. Aziza is another of the girls, who lives in a society where women are looked down upon, and with no father to protect her and her family anymore. And there is also Manu, who is about to become a mother at a very young …show more content…
This is audience positioning, and I am a Girl uses the empathy of viewers to achieve the positioning. It draws out the empathy from the audience, using retellings of their personal experiences.
It is structured with various persuasive language techniques throughout the documentary. There are two very dominant techniques throughout I Am A Girl. One of them is anecdote, which is the retelling of stories and experiences. This happens a lot, such as when Kimsey tells the filmmaker and audience about how she had no other choice to go into prostitution, and how she ended up with her first child at such a young age.
“I sold my virginity when I was 12 years old. We needed money to buy food.” – Kimsey (I Am A Girl 2013, Rebecca