Edward Hirsch Analysis

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Edward Hirsch recently gave a presentation at Aquinas College and went over a few of his poems and talked to the audience about himself and his poetry. Having Edward for our next new candidate would be a great twist on season 20 of The Bachelor. Although he is rather different from the usual handsome and fit guys that are typically on The Bachelor, this twist is exactly what The Bachelor needs. The Bachelor usually picks men that are young, good-looking, well-known, and are seeking a woman for a relationship. The Bachelor intrigues people who watch it because of the handsome men and how they choose a partner from the show. This new season with Edward would bring a more emotional season with Edwards’s life and his skill for writing poetry. This …show more content…
Although Edward is a poet and can be known for deep personalities and high levels of sophistication. He has a lighter fun side as well. Edward’s personality would bring a funny, emotional, and a deep feeling to The Bachelor, making the viewers even more emotionally attached. The deep feeling Edward brings will also bring out the deep side of the girl contestants on the show as well. The show usually has to try to make the bachelors show an emotional deep side to improve the emotional connection of the show, but with Edward he brings it because of his personality. “I felt that I was living the wrong life, spiritually speaking, while halfway around the world thousands of people were being slaughtered, some of them by my countrymen. So I walked on—distracted, lost in thought— and forgot to attend to those who suffered far away, nearby. Forgive me, faith, for never having any. I did not believe in God, who eluded me” (Edward Hirsch, “A Partial History of My Stupidity”). This was a section from Edward’s poem, “A Partial History of My Stupidity”. This title and his experiences were funny, but they also made the reader feel his emotions during them and his deep feelings for those he should have helped but didn’t. As he explains his poem he gets deep and expands on his emotions and thoughts of what he regrets in life. It’s a funny title for his poem, but as a reader continues through it, you get a sense of what his thoughts are. He explains his feelings in such a deep emotion, connecting with the reader by expressing himself and his feelings. Edward’s personality is unique and would bring a great connection from bachelor to bachelorette to the

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