When people envision justice, they often imagine a blindfolded woman holding a balance and a blade, they see courtrooms and fair trials, but what happens when the no one is willing to uphold the laws of the land? How is justice served then? Carrie A. Nation would answer that question with the swing of her hatchet. Living in the wake of World War One, on the front of the temperance and women’s rights movements, Carry A. Nation led a radical resistance to alcohol and misogyny, showing true leadership through her bold actions. It is in the roots of an individual’s life that their motivations and principles can be understood. Carrie Nation, or Carry A. Nation, was born on November 25, 1846 in Garrard County, Kentucky …show more content…
Carry Nation led with a combination of the authoritative and servant leadership styles. Nation acted by her own accord, but cared for the greater good of those around her. Her position as “Home Defender” was a position of trust, not law. She was a woman of action and compassion. Her acts of civil disobedience challenged the processes of both the temperance movement and women’s rights movement. A colleague once described her, saying “She fears no man, counts no costs, asks no quarter and gives none to friend or foe...She relies on God for her strength” (www.anb.org). When confronted by leaders such as Susan B. Anthony, Carry Nation wrote “an elite, east coast woman like Susan B. Anthony, quote ‘didn’t seem to understand the need for the hatchet’” (Criminal 20:00-20:12). By combining these two leadership styles, Nation spread her …show more content…
In a time where women were expected to sit back and let their husbands govern, Carry A. Nation took a radical step to make her voice heard. While her actions were violent at times, Nation valued peace and communication. When I hear her story, I don’t see a crazy woman who doesn’t know where to draw the line, but a woman who was tired of not being listened to. While some may have viewed Nation as a mad woman in need of institutionalization, her only crime was wanting to be heard and being willing to do whatever it would