Alice Paul Thesis

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Understating Alice Paul is an important part of understanding our history as women, and even men should understand the horrors these women experienced in their time. Alice Paul has not been completely forgotten by all means, but has been forgotten on a huge level. Very few people have learned about the struggles of Paul and her fellow suffragists. Paul is one of the lucky ones in my opinion, for there are hundreds of women’s names that we will never know. There are contributions that will forever be anonymous to the world. Now that we know Alice Paul’s history, let’s discuss the reasons few know her name, what we can do to fix it, and why it’s important that we do. There are many people at fault when we discuss why Alice Paul, and so many of America’s women, have been forgotten. Firstly, people who write most history books write very little about women at all. I can attest to this, for I have had little education about the women who changed history so myself, and so many other women, could have better futures. Until my Women in History class, my text books were filled with the history of America’s men, and little to none about America’s women. I remember quite clearly when we learned about women’s suffrage. There was a short simple paragraph that was …show more content…
Perhaps learning the other half of our history could lead to better treatment of women. Not only that, we owe these women so much more recognition than what they’ve received. Alice Paul’s name may not have been completely forgotten as the many other women suffragists have, but there are too many people who know nothing of her. The information about Paul is right in front of us, we just need to find the desire to learn about it. We should ask questions about what we don’t know. We should ask questions about the things we don’t know. We should deeper investigate the things we found interesting but have been taught so little

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