The 'crease[s] on her body' demonstrates her experience as they told a story of a lady who has worked hard, showing that she was someone who had chased the American Dream in hopes to be successful. The second individual is a young man and he's symbolic of inexperience, naivety and delusion of the American Dream. The fact that his skin 'is absent of any discernible pigment or crease' demonstrates his inexperience with the American Dream but his ardent passion to be associated with it, shows his …show more content…
The town I set it in, reflects the norms and mannerisms of the townspeople in Carey's story whom live by watching American films and dreaming of America, which is what the young man in my story has been doing this entire bus ride – reading the newspaper on America and ignoring 'politics' and 'societal issues’ that are possibly prevalent in his town and world, and in addition, he also dreams about the American Dream in his 'profound sleep’. Furthermore, by setting my story in a remote and isolated place very far from America and any Australian city itself and still ending up getting consumed by the American Dream shows how easily anyone can get caught up in such thing and can under undergo moral decay.
The inhabitants of my story's town and Carey's town are oblivious to the true beauty of their small towns. This is portrayed through the thoughts of the young man in which he dismisses the nature and naturalism of his town as the ‘embodiment of boredom’ and ‘nothing of picturesque’ – the only thing he seems to be seeing is ‘green’, hinting at his consumption with money, as money is ‘green’ and typically associated with success and the American Dreams. It shows the audience how easily it Americanisation can easily colonise your subconscious that you start to be ignorant, just like