In the United States, there have concerns that the standardized tests favor some groups of people including whites and Asians while undermining others races such as African-Americans and Hispanics. The latest filed complaint with the United state education department regarding standardized tests in high schools in New York pointed that black and Hispanic students had a low average score in comparison with that of whites and Asians. The report cited the cause of this as the low number of Latino and black students being enrolled in leading public schools in comparison with the Caucasian group. If the claims by that complaint are something to go by, then there is clears violation of civil …show more content…
The standards used in tests are set without considering the factors that could contribute to poor performance in minority groups. The criterion used cater for about 80% of the whites need neglecting other groups in the cold. To cover for the flawed systems of testing, the students of color usually are blamed for being lazy and individuals who are not willing to take on challenges (Paul, 7). This reason has been given to camouflage the flawed standard testing system in which inequalities show themselves in allegedly democratic, free and progressive society. As a result, students of color are usually blamed for educational system failure while their white counterparts are seen as normal, exceptional academic achievers by some natural ordering process proved by standardized tests and other psychological profiles in which they usually stand out. “In addition to white privilege, racial profiling works throughout the fabric of Education”. Despite such blames white privilege is apparent in some ways as far as the context of education is …show more content…
Most blacks and Hispanic attend public high schools that are not well equipped with facilities to prepare them same as the whites to tackle these standardized tests. These schools are commonly characterized by a large number of students with low numbers teachers. However, when setting exams, the system does not consider these factors but give similar tests to privileged high schools as poor ones. There is racial discrimination within schools with whites and students of color as even in schools where everything is provided; blacks still do not perform at the same levels with whites. The standard testing system has been blaming the students of color for their failure saying that they are lazy and always focused on causing trouble in school rather than their studies hence the reason they fail the same exams their white counterparts pass very