Compare And Contrast The Bismarck And Beveridge Model Of Healthcare

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The American Health Care Dilemma “Affordable universal health care for every single American must not be a question of whether, it must be a question of how” (Obama 1). As Barack Obama neared the end of his first presidential campaign, he spoke about the need for universal health care in America. While he did implement Obamacare, this policy has left many people angry and disappointed. The end product was nowhere near what the public hoped for, so as a nation we were back to square one. This does raise a good question about the U.S. health care system and whether we should pursue a different healthcare model all together. To answer this question, we must find out more about the options that the U.S. currently has for its health care system. …show more content…
future goals quite well, and has aspects of the Beveridge model and the Bismarck model. First, this model forces everyone to be covered by health insurance, which benefits the general health of the population. This is also similar to both the Bismarck and Beveridge model. Second, this model offers both government intervention and private industry. The government funds it through taxes, making it easy to redistribute wealth, and it has many privatized aspects of the health care industry. This would be a system that combines the best parts of both the Bismarck and Beveridge models. Lastly, this lowers the costs of health care and the various aspects of health care. This lowered cost will benefit those in the system as the single-payer model still provides the government with strong bargaining power. While this system may provide a good option for the future, there are still aspects of it that make it an imperfect …show more content…
First, the wait times for procedures are less than with the Beveridge model, but they are still greater than the wait times we have in the current system. Garrison, who moved to Canada from the U.S., writes, “Sometimes there could be a wait time before a particular medical service could be provided” (2). Second, these models may appeal less to those who either strongly oppose government intervention or the intervention of private firms as it uses both of these. While this could benefit the system, it could also hurt its chances of support from the people. Lastly, this system costs less, so people may assume that the health care offered will be worse than that previously offered. This is due to the distrust of large government programs as a whole. Overall, this system could be the best option for the people to compromise over their

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