Allegories Of A Cave And The Allegory Of The Cave

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In recent discussions of Susan Bordos reading about woman’s pressures in society, one controversial issue has been on how women have these expectation in society that they think they have to follow, like being able to cook, be in the kitchen, look pretty, and dress a certain way to get attention. By contrast, other arguments are that men don’t have to worry about their weight, how they are supposed to be stronger, and not having to be in the kitchen or cooking. Proponents of this position emphasize that women in this world have to go off of what society thinks of them, so they have to follow this or they will not get the same attention as they would if they went on and did their own thing. In sum, the issue is whether women follow what society …show more content…
I will argue that Bordo’s and Plato’s concepts both Identify that social pressures trap woman in their own bodies. Though I concede that when women think they need to look pretty or even have to cook, I nevertheless maintain a feeling about how Plato describes a way that people are locked down with theses shackles because it is what society is telling them they can and cannot look like. If women can break out of these shackles or the social norms they will live a life free of society pressures. This issue is important because women are judged in society, by how they look, dress, and how they have the job of cooking and being in the kitchen. If they don’t do these things they won’t be considered a woman by society standards, rather they will be considered something else because they don’t fit the …show more content…
These is a Mac n Cheese cup that looks to be a smaller size or a to go size cup. In the photo there is a woman that looks to be relaxing while having one of these treats. I feel that you wouldn’t see men ever posing for this kind of advertisement. Just because men are supposed to be eating something big that will fill them up not a snack size cup. If men would be posing for this brand he would have a bigger bowl or would show a lot of cups empty on the ground. Bordo explains “When woman are positively depicted as sensuously voracious about food (almost never in commercials, and only very rarely in movies and novels), their hunger for food is employed solely as a metaphor for their sexual appetite. This means that their appetite isn’t as big as a males would be. That is why they have a woman in this kind of ad to show that it could help with a woman appetite (page 148).” By going off of what Bordo explains, Plato says “So now imagine that all along this low wall people are carrying all sorts of things that reach up higher than the wall: statues and other carvings made of stone or wood and many other artifacts that people have made. As you would expect, some are talking to each other and some are silent.” In this passage he is saying that there is already an image on a woman that is painted for them. It shows that woman don’t eat as much as men, but they have little bit size cups to get them through the

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