African Burial Ground

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To understand how the African Burial Ground (ABG) became a national monument today, one must examine the process and implications through which the African Burial Ground was established. This includes a recalling of the history of slavery in American and more important in New York from 1626-1827. The African Burial Ground gives us the opportunity to explore America’s past, it also gives us the chance to understand how a site about ideas, values, and significance has transform over time. Creating an area to commemorate people and groups such as the African Burial Ground, leads to the issue of significance and controversy emerges within the community. Throughout time, we notice how the past of the institution of slavery becomes the future and …show more content…
The city established a law that racially segregated the dead, the law stated that people of African descent free or enslaved were not to be buried with the regular cemetery most people occupied, Trinity Church’s cemetery. When the community received the news of the possible discovery of the African American remains, they became very engaged in the project. The African American community believe that this burial was not to be removed from its origin, they found it highly disrespectful the way the archaeologist were handling the remains , placing them in newspaper and wrapping it …show more content…
Illegal immigrant workers in Immokalee could only find jobs in the farm, picking tomatoes for big retails brands such as Wal-Mart and McDonalds. These jobs aren’t guaranteed for them, one day that have a job and the next day they don’t because these jobs are first come first served. These jobs consist of bending down in hot temperatures picking tomatoes and being around pesticides and chemical makes the job cruel. Once they arrive in the United States is a never-ending debt life to work as Hedges explains, “Debt peonage is the instrument of control. For agricultural workers, if often begins in the form of a transportation fee. Workers newly arrived in the United Sates and without money, are told they can “owe” the $1000 it cost for a ride to a job in Florida. They are informed that they cannot leave until the debt is repaid.” [Days of Destruction, Day of Revolt pg.197, 2012, Hedges]. Immigrants’ fear of being deported leaves them with no choice, but to work until death, with low wages and few hours it would take forever to save $1000. You can compare illegal immigrants to indentured servants back in the 1600’s. Women are seen as sex objects to the owners of the farms and instead of being paid to work in the farms; they are paid to prostitute themselves for money. “The reality is we 're not free; we 're treated

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