(Facts, 2013) This money is coming out of your taxes and is being put right back into the system, a system that is racial bias to African American males. According to a report by The Price of Prisons organization this country spends on average $31,307 per inmate per year. (2010) If African American males are being incarceration at high rates with nonviolent offense, would you rather spend your taxes of keeping them in prison or getting them the help that they need? If African American males are giving the help they need instead of being incarcerated, crime rates will decrease. The United States justice system is failing all groups of people but not equally because African American males have the highest rates of incarceration. The mass incarceration of African American males just proves how racially bias the justice system is. African Americans have suffered a lot over the years in this country and this suffering still counties till this day with the mass incarceration of African American males. The question that keeps coming to my mind is how can a group of people who are minorities in this country have a higher chance of being incarcerated then Caucasian who are the
(Facts, 2013) This money is coming out of your taxes and is being put right back into the system, a system that is racial bias to African American males. According to a report by The Price of Prisons organization this country spends on average $31,307 per inmate per year. (2010) If African American males are being incarceration at high rates with nonviolent offense, would you rather spend your taxes of keeping them in prison or getting them the help that they need? If African American males are giving the help they need instead of being incarcerated, crime rates will decrease. The United States justice system is failing all groups of people but not equally because African American males have the highest rates of incarceration. The mass incarceration of African American males just proves how racially bias the justice system is. African Americans have suffered a lot over the years in this country and this suffering still counties till this day with the mass incarceration of African American males. The question that keeps coming to my mind is how can a group of people who are minorities in this country have a higher chance of being incarcerated then Caucasian who are the