He enlists himself in the 16th Bavarian reserve infantry regiment (Miller, “Adolf Hitler”). He served in France, and Belgium, receiving several military distinctions such as the iron cross first, and second class (Miller, “Adolf Hitler”). He displayed a lot of fearlessness in battle receiving the wounded badge for injuries he got in 1916 (Miller, “Adolf Hitler”). Then in 1918 he was admitted to the military field hospital for temporary blindness (Miller, “Adolf Hitler”). While he was in the hospital for temporary blindness, he was examined by military physicians and a psychiatric specialist who found him mentally unfit to command subordinates deeming him “dangerously psychotic” (Miller, “Adolf Hitler”). His WWI experiences greatly influenced his belief that he was Germany's “savior” (Miller, “Adolf Hitler”). Although he wasn't a German citizen, because of his love for Germany he was a fanatical German patriot, and was appalled by Germany's surrender causing the start of his political career in the 1920's (Miller, “Adolf Hitler”; Manehiem and Abraham …show more content…
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