Adderall, in its intended use, is used in a treatment program to control symptoms of ADHD in adults and children (Dextroamphetamine). ADHD is a highly genetic, brain-based disorder that affects the regulation of a particular …show more content…
As a drug used to treat ADHD, Adderall calms all portions of the brain except the pre-frontal cortex, which is essentially the ‘decision maker’ portion of the brain (Stolz). However, college students not afflicted with ADHD have found that using Adderall only further enhances their brain, or so they think (Stolz). Studies have shown that while Adderall may make you smarter under the influence of the drug, what a student learns and studies is only retained while that student is under the influence of Adderall. Therefore, what a student learns and studies under the influence of Adderall disappears once the drug is out of that student’s system (Stolz). But, most college students are only concerned with the short term benefits of using this drug. Approximately 25% of college students have admitted to using Adderall while preparing for and taking exams (Stolz). This staggering statistic leads to the startling reality that Adderall is a very easy to access drug. College students can obtain Adderall from friends and family, but since it is so easy to fake ADHD and narcolepsy, college students are able to go into the on-campus clinics and get a prescription for Adderall merely by faking a disorder …show more content…
Stimulants, such as Adderall, work by increasing dopamine levels in the brain (Bratsis). The effects of stimulants are by slow and steady increases of dopamine. This is typically the way dopamine is produced in the brain, but when diseases like ADHD occur, dopamine levels tend to decrease (Bratsis). However, when individuals with regular dopamine levels use stimulants that further increase the dopamine levels, some negative side effects can result; especially, when stimulants are mixed with alcohol, a common occurrence on college campuses (Vimont). When taken in doses other than prescribed, stimulants can increase blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature and decrease sleep and appetite (Bratsis). Further abuse can result in malnutrition, which comes with its own consequences. At higher levels of dosage, abuse of Adderall can result in severe cardiovascular implications, including strokes (Bratsis). Additionally, studies have shown that students who use Adderall without ADHD have lower GPAs than students who don’t use stimulants (Bratsis). Therefore, college students without ADHD who use Adderall as a stimulant to increase academic performance are not likely to achieve a higher GPA but are more likely to contract the detrimental side effects associated with