There are varieties of prostheses for different types of amputations. For example, above knee amputations (AKA) are incisions at the thigh bone above the knee joint causing significant muscle loss and making it difficult to use a prosthesis. Another form of amputation is a below-knee amputation (BKA), which is an incision through the …show more content…
For instance, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder involving a person who has experienced severe damage to oneself, causing mental and emotional stress; this is a common risk factor amongst amputee patients. Psychological complications can be prevented after an amputation as long as prosthetics are applied in a sufficient amount of time. Generally speaking, the acquisition of a prosthesis is held to such an importance that agitation, self-consciousness, and depression arises within amputee patients if the process is delayed any further (Khan et al., …show more content…
Holzer et al. (2014) concluded that, “Lower-limb amputations significantly influence patient's body image…The loss of a body part disturbs the integrity of the body and affects the physical and psychological condition” (Holzer et al., 2014). It is imperative that patients, after such a traumatic procedure, accept their initial state to avoid any mental health issues. Amputation results in the loss of function and sensation. Therefore, improvements in prosthetics have revolutionized from a plastic figurine appearance towards a more flexible imitation of limbs. In spite of that amputees are occasionally looked upon differently amongst their peers.
In todays society amputees are looked at as a disadvantage, the quality of life of amputees is taken for granted and often underestimated. So often amputees find themselves facing not only physical issues and limitations but emotional ones as well. The expectancy rate of amputees who been able to fully integrate back into society and under gone the process of receiving a necessary prosthetic continues to dwindle over time. Numerous factors go into these statistics such as the sustainability of prostheses, the financial strain of buying needed prosthetics and the view and opinion society has toward