A Rhetorical Analysis Of Hillary Clinton

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Hillary Clinton is doing what most presidential candidates do to boost their votes, and that’s by running television ads portraying the other running candidate negatively. The video we picked is one of all Hillary Clinton’s ad she’s using to attack Donald Trump with all the controversial statements he has made. These clips are from one of America's very own presidential candidates Donald J Trump. The video starts off with asking the African American voters what do they have to lose? The answer is everything. Trump goes on and talks about how he has had a great relationship with the black African Americans but when black people attended his “Make America Great Again” protest and disagreed with what he was saying he kicked them out along with allowing them to get physically and verbally abused on their way out. He’s discriminating against race, sexual orientation and religion, he has said countless of times how he wants to build a wall to stop the “Mexicans” from coming in, how he wants to take down the “Muslims and ISIS”, ban gay marriage, and how he’d punish women for having abortions.

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