A Rhetorical Analysis Of Florence Kelley's Speech

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Rhetorical Essay Florence Kelley, a social worker and reformer gave a speech at the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Philadelphia that emphasizes the need to modify the existing working conditions of young children as a crucial change in society. Through her use of repetition and various anecdotes over the conditions these children work in and the different state policies put in place, Kelley develops a highly compelling argument that ignites an interest in her audience to be aware of the problem and to join the cause in order to reform child labor laws. Kelley first intrigues her audience to the cause by introducing the problem of child labor in the first few lines where she says “We have, in this country …show more content…
She uses parallel structure in the beginning of each of her body paragraphs to emphasize on the similarity of the injustices of the laws “in Georgia,” in Alabama,” and “in Pennsylvania.” She continues on the injustice of these laws through her diction as she compliments the United States as a “great industrial” country while also putting down the laws of many states as a “great evil.” However in the final paragraphs of her speech Kelley suggests the right for women to vote as a solution in lines 55-58 when she questions “If the mothers and the teachers in Georgia could vote, would the Georgia Legislature have refused at every session for the last three years to stop the work in the mills of children under twelve years of age?” she makes it sound as an outrageous suggestion but yet again brings up the topic of enfranchisement of women in lines 62-63. Finally she calls for women to get their husbands to vote for the reform of child labor laws as well as to help the women become enfranchised.
Overall Florence Kelley’s speech is highly compelling and intriguing that it catches her audience’s attention to emit the same passion Kelley has for the reformation of child labor laws as well as the want for women to be enfranchised. Furthermore through her use of pathos and repetition Kelley is more able to get her point across to her

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