They would often work in the house of a rich white man, in which they would be “washing windows, shaking carpets, brushing boots, or tending upon gentlemen’s tables.” Stewart’s use of parallel structure when describing the jobs given to African-Americans highlights the repetitive nature of these jobs. They spend the entire day doing these manual tasks, leaving little time for anything that can develop their skills as a worker. Also, these jobs do not have any other position one can be promoted into, meaning black people will be stuck in these low-paying, low-class jobs. Oppression from white society is clearly shown in the repetitive nature of the jobs they are forced into and in lack of career progress black people are able to make while working these jobs. Stewart proves that it is impossible for an African-American to hold a high ranking position in a company, as society has set up a system that prevents them from doing
They would often work in the house of a rich white man, in which they would be “washing windows, shaking carpets, brushing boots, or tending upon gentlemen’s tables.” Stewart’s use of parallel structure when describing the jobs given to African-Americans highlights the repetitive nature of these jobs. They spend the entire day doing these manual tasks, leaving little time for anything that can develop their skills as a worker. Also, these jobs do not have any other position one can be promoted into, meaning black people will be stuck in these low-paying, low-class jobs. Oppression from white society is clearly shown in the repetitive nature of the jobs they are forced into and in lack of career progress black people are able to make while working these jobs. Stewart proves that it is impossible for an African-American to hold a high ranking position in a company, as society has set up a system that prevents them from doing