A Clean Well Lighted Place By Ernest Hemingway

Improved Essays
Good Evening Dr. Busby,

Here is the paragraph explaining what I plan to write on for my research paper. If you have any further questions, ideas, or resources that would be helpful, please let me know.

For my research paper, I plan to explore three philosophical ideologies that are prevalent in Hemingway’s work, pragmatism, existentialism, and nihilism. In Hemingway’s writing he is always searching for truth, although, he often looks at world in a nihilistic way. For instance, in the short story, “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” he focuses on nothingness and the meaninglessness of existence. However, in “Big-Two Hearted River” he uses practical application (ex. making coffee, setting up a tent, fishing) to repair his nihilistic viewpoints

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