A Christmas Carol: Movie Analysis

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“In our daily life, we encounter people who are angry, deceitful, intent only on satisfying their own needs. There is so much anger, distrust, greed, and pettiness that we are losing our own capacity to work well together.” (Wheatley, 77) In Charles Dickens writing, he tells of a story about a man with nothing left in his heart, but greed. This craving for more led him nowhere, but by his own peers mocking of him. These friends and family attempted everything to change Scrooge’s ways and have him become a new person. During a particular time, Christmastime to be exact, the grumpiness inside was overpowering. Jacob Marley, a deceased business partner of Scrooge, came back to haunt him and promised him forgiveness if he abided by three other …show more content…
The plot of the story is not very different than the play. Characters are either similar or exactly the same. In the film, you are able to have a visual perspective of the story line. Scrooge seems to be more grumpy and in a Christmas-Bah Humbug, than displayed in the written format. (Dickens, 7) The old man is also extremely judgmental and blunt, with no regards for any other person’s feelings. An example of this is, in the beginning of the film, Scrooge’s nephew visits to invite him to dinner. At this moment , Scrooge asks his nephew about his wife and impolitely discussed of how he disapproves of their marriage. The nephew, Fred, is a little taken back by the comment, but then argues that they love each other. The topic is dropped and Scrooge continues his day in his bad-tempered day, while Fred goes along an optimist. Another very small differences that can be spotted is how the film begins. The films opens up with the town in which the story is setted. The camera makes it way through the small terrain and shows of families that are gathering items for the holiday season. A blanket of powdery snow covers the city in layers of very little measures, and finally the workplace of Scrooge

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