Half of the measuring cylinders were filled with 60oc water, and the other half with 25oc water. Tests of the water were carried out with an iodine test and diet stix to detect any starch that had been broken down and passed through the tubing. The results from the tests show that there were experimental errors, and the experiment should be carried out again to…
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the pH of known substances by use of a pH color indicator of red cabbage and the use of a pH meter. As well as, to observe the pH changes in a substance by adding in more basic of acidic to buffered solutions and unbuffered solutions. This experiment will also will show how to calculate H3O+, OH- and pH by use of known values. In order to do this lab, there are a few key components one needs to know and understand first.…
The purpose of this lab was to understand the Law of Conservation of Mass and how it works, using half of an Alka-Seltzer tablet, concealed in a water to fill the container, while a balloon sealed the top to keep it a closed system. The hypothesis was, if the Alka-Seltzer chemical reaction is a closed system, then the mass of the products will equal the reactants. The data did not support the hypothesis because the products were almost always a different mass to the reactants but only the last trial revealed that the mass of the reactants was equal to the products. Usually, the trials indicated a loss of mass until the third trial was done, which was a success. Since the experiment was a closed system, matter could not leave or enter.…
Purpose The purpose of this lab is to investigate animal behaviors by diving into the world of ethology. There are two ways pill bugs will respond to environmental stimuli: Kinesis (non-directional response) and taxis (directional response). Kinesis occurs when organisms (randomly) move around quickly when they’re unhappy and slowly when they’re happy, which is best demonstrated when one lifts up a rock or other material that the pill bugs are under. In contrast to the simpler response that does not necessarily involve many neurons, taxis is often observed in response to changes in light, heat, moisture, sound, and/or chemicals (odor).…
The second part of the lab’s setup was nearly identical to the first part. Out of the first four tests in the first part of the lab, two of the best coagulant dosages to provide the most optimum results were further analyzed. Two more samples of each dosage were recreated. One was subjected to a mixing speed of 60 rpm, while the other was subjected to 15 rpm. Mixing occurred for 15 minutes and settling for 15 minutes.…
In this lab we wanted to identify what the four mystery liquids were using density and their characteristic properties. We were initially given four liquids that were labelled numbers 1- 4, some graduated cylinders, and a scale, but we also knew that the 4 liquids were ethanol, vegetable oil, water, and cyclohexane. Using the mass that we found when we measured the liquid and using only 10 mL of the liquids we were able to calculate the density and easily identify the liquids and see if they matched the guesses we had made initially. Our results do confirm our hypothesis that you could identify liquids if you have their densities.…
In this unit of my 9th grade Physical Science, we are learning and experiencing with labs. In this week's experiment, my class did the paper towel lab. Here, we tested the quality of three different paper towel brands, Viva, Up&Up, and Bounty. Each lab group was testing for a certain quality of each brand, such as strength and absorbency. Through different experiments, each lab group came to the conclusion that one paper towel brand had more strength or better absorbency than the other two.…
The control group was Brawny brand. The experimental group was Bounty, White Cloud, Homestore, Walmart Brand, and Sparkle. First, move one of the brand’s a paper towel sheets to a balance to see what the mass is. Then, take the dropper and drop water on the flat paper towel…
During this experiment eggs were rolled on paper towels to blot the excess liquid and then weighed. They were then placed into one of six solutions immediately afterwards. In 15-minute intervals, the eggs were blotted and weighed again. This process was repeated four times, adding up to 60 minutes.…
Controlled Variables: Measurement of liquid (60mil) The size of each paper towel Experiment: Put 60mil of water in a measuring cup. Submerge a folded towel in the water for 10 seconds. Remove the towel.…
The purpose of this lab, cell size activity, was to determine how small cells are, and how do different cells compare to each other in size. For this lab, I didn’t have a hypothesis, but I did learn many new things that I didn’t expect to learn. First of all, I learned that a salt crystal is significantly larger than even the largest of cells that we used in this experiment. And that says something because a salt crystal is very little, and our own human eyes can barely see it.…
After timer goes off you will then take tweezers and remove each raisin from the water, blot it dry, and weigh them. Record the data in your chart. You repeat this every 10 minutes for a total of 30 minutes. So you should have a weight for each raisin at 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes. Then you will analyze your data and record how the weight of each raisin changed over time based on its…
Start of the process of setting up the experiment, by adding 400 millilitres of water at a temperature of about 32°C into the beaker. Have a timer…
Exercise 1 The abundance of nitrogen in the standard dry atmospheric composition is 781,000ppmv. The mass mixing ratio is the volume mixing ratio multiplied by the molecular mass of nitrogen all divided by the molecular mass of air. As the molecular mass of air, 28.8g, is higher than the molecular mass of nitrogen, 28g, the mass mixing ratio would be lower than the volume mixing ratio.…
If too much of the sample liquid entered the capillary tube, some was removed by lightly tapping the tube on a paper towel. In each of the capillary tubes the sample liquid was moved to the middle of the tube by lightly tapping it; once the liquid was in the middle both ends of the tube were sealed by plugging both ends with some Vaseline. The capillary tubes were then arranged in sequence along the tube holder with a space between the 3 groups. The alcohol bath was then prepared by placing dry ice into it in order to lower the temperature to around -15°C. Gloves or paper towels were used to handle the dry ice.…