1984 Use Of Technology Essay

Improved Essays
1984 by George Orwell takes place in a dystopian, totalitarian based society. Citizens are constantly surveyed by the government through the use of surveillance technologies, which causes the citizens to be fearful and paranoid. However, through the rise of technology in modern times, society is moving toward the paranoid society of 1984, due to the increase of surveillance devices such as cellphones, GPS, and video cameras. The use of surveillance technologies in modern times correlates and is similar to the use of surveillance in 1984, leading to the conclusion that society is morphing into the paranoid, fearful society of 1984.
In 1984, citizens are unceasingly scrutinized through the use of the telescreens and the Thought Police. On page 3, the text states, “The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he
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As privacy is an issue of universal human rights, the surveillance in 1984 and modern times violates citizens’ confidentiality, despite the governments’ claim that surveillance is an issue of security. Technologies of 1984 and modern times ultimately contribute to the fear and paranoia of the 1984 society.
The society of 1984 uses telescreens and the thought police to constantly survey their citizens. In modern times, citizens are unknowingly watched through their popular electronic devices. Both societies survey their citizens with claims on security, while in reality, surveillance is a violation of human rights. Technology in modern times is similar to surveillance technology in 1984, and is ultimately leading to a fearful and paranoia based

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