Justice Frankfuter has said that the fourteenth amendment does not incorporate none of the provisions included in the Bill of Rights. This amendment only requires that states abide by simple regulations of fairness for citizens and it can be said that these ideals can also be found in the bill of rights, but does not really relate to the rules in the amendment. It was a hot debate between Brennan, Black, and Frankfuter as far as their own personal opinions were concerned. Focusing on Justice Black in particular, he was a man who believed immunities and priviliges of citizens first was used against the States when the fourteenth amendment was born. Contrary to the idea, The Bill of Rights wasn’t entirely for the citizens when focusing on the provisions it included. Some included partial rights of a state and hardly were fully against …show more content…
Having slaves was economical to most because it was free labor from people White's didn’t even consider to be humans with rights. It is said that the invintion of the Cotton Gin in particular killed any chance that slavery could be completely abolished without economic repercussions. Slavery was a child of state laws and for a very long time the federal government didn’t get involved to prevent back lash and because slavery made money. In 1850 the constitution completely blocked any federal involvement in the slave business. Slave states violated every freedom law put into place by the Bill of Rights and this wasn’t right at all, but no one was going to stop them. A step in the right direction concerning slave rights was the creation of the 13th Amendment which granted the abolishment of slavery sent Americans scrambling. With slavery gone people had to find new means of making up for the missed labor for those who lost their