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131 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the tendons that run behind the fibular
the peroneal tendons
What is a common injury that occurs to the peroneus brevis tendon
a perneus brevis tendon tear
What is the cause of a peroneus brevis tear
What direction does the peroneus brevis tendon tear
it is usually a longitudinal tear
Tom Dick And Harry

Toms Harry Dick
posterior compartment tendons

posterior tibialis
flexor digitorum
flexor hallisus
What is the tarsal tunnel of the ankle
this is where tom dick and harry are located
When moving through the coronal images of the knee what is a clue you are looking at the posterior horn
the fibula is located more posterior and so is the PCL
What is a radial tear of the meniscus
Radial tears are perpendicular to the long axis of the meniscus. They start at the inner margin and go either partial or all the way through the meniscus dividing the meniscus into a front and a back piece (if they occur in the body...side)
What is a longitudinal tear of the meniscus
Longitudinal tears parallel the long axis of the meniscus dividing the meniscus in an inner and outer part.
So the distance between the tear and the outer margin of the meniscus is always the same (figure).
The tear never touches the inner margin.
What is a bucket handle tear of the meniscus
a type of longitudinal tear where the tear is displaced toward the center of the knee like a bucket handle
Named 3 types of displaced tears of the menisci
Bucket-handle tear = displaced longitudinal tear.
Flap tear = displaced horizontal tear.
Parrot beak = displaced radial tear.
What is a flipped meniscus
Flipped meniscus is a form of bucket handle tear.
There is a capsular detachment or peripheral tear of the meniscus, usually the posterior horn.
The posterior horn flippes over onto the anterior horn.
What is a complex tear of the meniscus
Complex tears are a combination of these basic shapes.(radial, horizontal, longitudinal)
What is a horizontal tear of the meniscus
Horizontal tears divide the meniscus in a top and bottom part (pitta bread).
What happens if a horizontal tear goes all the way through the
If horizontal tears go all the way from the apex to the outer margin of the meniscus they may result in the formation of a meniscal cyst.
What is a meniscal root tear
A meniscal root tear is a radial tear located at the meniscal root.
How do you diagnose a meniscal root tear
Normally when you image the posterior cruciate ligament on sagittal images you should see a considerable posterior horn of the meniscus on that image or the image adjacent to it.
If this is not the case it is an absent or empty meniscus-sign indicating a radial tear.
How do you detemine if you are looking at the medial meniscus on sagital views
The posterior horn is always larger than the anterior horn
Where is the posterior horn of the medial meniscus
The posterior root is immediately anterior to the posterior cruciate ligament.
Describe the insertion points of the anterior horn of the medial mensicus
The anterior horn has an insertion on the tibia and a second portion that travels from medial to lateral to connect to the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus
On sagital views what horn is higher (lateral meniscus)
On sagittal images the posterior horn is higher in position than the anterior horn.
What is the criteria for a meniscal tear
The two most important criteria for meniscal tears are an abnormal shape of the meniscus and high signal intensityon PD-images unequivocally contacting the surface
What plane is best for visualization of the radial tears of the anterior and posterior horns
coronal views
What plane is best for visualization of radial tears of the body
What is the classic sign for a radial tear of the body on sagital imaging
interuption of the bow tie
Where is the most common location of a radial tear
the body
What is a complication of a meniscal tear
2ndary osteoarthritis
What changes are seen on T2W images in myoid degeneration of the ACL
bright signal
What is a complication of myxoid degeneration of the ligaments
cyst developing behind the knee

cyst with in the bone

from mucin
If you see a mass in the ACL what is it most likely going to be
a ganglion cyst
What is a discoid meniscus
A discoid meniscus is thought to be more prone to tear than a normal
meniscus, and it can be symptomatic even without being torn.
How often do mensical cyst occur
5% of cases
Can meniscal cyst cause pain without an associated pain
Are meniscal cyst associated with discoid menisci
What does a discoid mensicus look like on coronal and sagital images
meniscus with meniscal tissue extending into the intercondylar notch medially

more than 2 images with a bowtie
What may cause a pseudotear of the anterior horn of the meniscus
transverse ligament of the anterior horns (connects the anterior horns of the medial and lateral menisci)
What ligament normaly has lower signal; PCL or ACL
What is the ligament that travels behind the posterior collateral ligament
ligament of wrisberg

ligament of humphrey is anterior
What is an intercondylar notch cyst
Cyst within or extending from the intercondylar notch
What are the findings of a intercondylar notch cyst
Increased signal intensity (T2WI) mass expanding and/or extending from a cruciate ligament
Size: Mild expansion of cruciate ligament to cyst, several centimeters in size
What is the cause of an intercondylar notch cyst
Related to trauma followed by tissue breakdown of cruciate ligament or adjacent tissue (mucoid degeneration)
What is the ddx of a t2 bright cyst posterior to the knee
intercondylar notch cyst
meniscal cyst
popliteal cyst
What is popliteal cyst
Fluid distension of gastrocnemius/semimembranosus bursa which is usually in communication with the knee joint
What are the findings of jumpers knee
thickened high signal patella tendon, particularly of the deep and proximal fibers.
What is jumpers knee
is a chronic insertional injury of the posterior and proximal fibres of the patella tendon, where they insert into the inferior pole of the patella.
Where i s the avulsion fracture of in segunds injury
avulsion of the lateral tibial plateau
What percent of people with a segund fx have a ACL tear
What is the mechanism of a segund fx
internal rotation and varus stress
What injury commonly occurs to the ITB in a pt with a segund fx
avulsion of the posterior ITB/lateral capsule
What percent of pt with a segund fx have a meniscal tear
40-66% (lateral>Medial)
What has occure if fluid is seen between the medial meniscus and the MCL
a meniscocapsular tear
What are the findings of lipoma arborescens
Increased (fat) signal thickening of the synovium
What happens to the synovium in lipoma arborescens
fatty infiltration of the joint capsule resulting in distension of the joint capsule
What do you see in the knee joint in a pt with lipoma arborescens
fat globules in a effusion . see fat on T1 and then the globules will sat out on PD FS
What 2 other conditions involve the synovium
PVNS and osteochondromatosis
Do patients with lipoma arborescens have a big effusion
how do you tell if the meniscus is extruded
if it is beyond the outer margin of the tibia by 2-3 mm
What is the cause of SONC
stress reaction of weight bearing surface
What is SONC associated with
low bone mineral and meniscal tear
What is a clinical sign of SONC
acute onset of pain
What is the ddx of SONC
Where does OCD occur
lateral aspect medial epicondyle

What is the radiographic finding of OCD
Radiograph shows rounded lucency in subarticular region, usually at convex surface of bone
What is the main goal of MR in OCD
Main goal for MR is to determine stability of lesion; T2 FS is most important sequence
What is the appearnace of bone infarcts
How is a bone infarct differentiated from SONC and OCD
it is usually multifocal but if it isfocal an infarct can look like SONC
What is the bone marrow edema pattern of the femoral head
What is the bone marrow edema ddx
transient osteoporosis
transient bone marrow edema syndrome
Stress fx
Osteiod osteoma
infiltrative neoplasm
Do transient osteoporosis and transient bone marrow edema syndrome go away after a few months
If you are under the age of 30 with edema pattern in the femoral neck and head what should come to mind
osteoid osteoma
What do you expect to see in AVN and stress fx
a line
Do osteoid osteomas have a nidus
What are the findings of transient osteoporosis
normal joint space
effusion and edema on MRI
What do you find on bone scan in transient osteoporosis of the hip
hot on bone scan
What is the prognosis of transient osteopenia of the hip
self limited without joint space narrowing (2-9 months)
Does transient osteoporosis of the hip occur more often in males or females

if it occurs in females it will be during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Where is a classic location for a labral tear of the hip
What are the SS of a labral tear of the hip
hip pain, clicking, locking
What are presdisposing factors to a labral tear of the hip
Legg Calve Perthes
What is the problem in the CAM type FAI syndrome
femoral side

aspherical femoral head neck junction
Who tends to get CAM type FAI
younger males
What basic dysfunction in FAI
abnormal contact between the proximal femur and the acetabular rim with repetitive motion
What is the issue in Pincer type FAI
acetabular side

acetabular overcoverge
What type of FAI syndrome has retroversion
What do you look for on plain radiograph in CAM type FAI
bumps of the head neck junction (pistol grip deformity)
What tendons attach to the greater trochanter
gluteus medius
gluteus minimus
What r the 2 ligments of the proximal carpal row
What are the 3 ligaments of the distal carpal row
trapezium trapezoid
What cartilage goes across from the ulnar to the carpal bones
triangular fibrocartilage
What is the cause of ulnar carpal impaction syndrome
Hyperextension of wrist + rotational load
What is the best diagnostic clue of ulnar carpal impaction syndrome
Eccentric sclerosis proximal ulnar lunate

positive ulnar variance is associated

Area of subchondral sclerosis in lunate > triquetrum

Hyperintense central perforation TFC (FS PD FSE)
What is the cause of ulnar carpal impaction syndrome
Degenerative condition caused by excessive load-bearing across the ulnar aspect of the wrist
Where is the pain located in ulnocarpal impaction syndrome
Is ulnocarpal impaction associated with positive ulnar variance
What is positive ulnar variance
ulnar is 1mm or more longer than the radius
What is the presumed cause of ulnocarpal impaction syndrome
ulnar bone hitting the carpal bones (bc ulnar variance)
Is the marrow sometimes abnormal in the corner of the lunate, triquetrum and the distal ulnar in ulnocarpal impaction syndrome
Is the TFC damaged in ulnocarpal impaction syndrome
Is lunotriquetral tears associated with ulnocarpal impaction syndrome
What tendons are on the lateral side of the elbow
What tendons are on the medial side of the elbow
What does a high riding humeral head usually indicate
a rotator cuff tear
What should you loook at on the sagital view if there is a supraspinaatus tear
muscle atrophy (line through the top of the acromion and coracoid the muscle should go above this)
How do rotator cuff tears generally progress
articular to the bursal side
Where do you see fluid in the shoulder joint if the pt has a full thickness tear
What 3 things will happen to the muscle following a full thickeness tear
fatty infiltration
What is a dislocated bicep tendon associated with
subscapularis tendon tear
What is a (non-bony) bankart lesion
on axial the anterior labrum tip is broke off
What is a hills sachs lesion
impaction fx after dislocation
Where does the hill sachs lesion occur
the top 2 cm of the humeral head posteriorly
Do you quantify a hills sachs defect
Is the periosteal attachment torn in a bankart lesion
What part of the labrum is torn iin a bankart
Are ALPSA lesions still attached to the glenoid via the periosteum
What is a ALPSA lesion
antero labral ligamentous sleeve avulstion

intact scapular periosteum
Where is the detatched labraum in an ALPSA lesion
balled up labrum infero medial to glenoid
What is a perthes lesions
similar to an ALPSA but it is not balled up (also has a periosteal attachement)
Where is the avulsion of a perthes lesion
inferior to the labrum
What is the best position to see a perthes lesion
ABER positons
If you see a cyst around the glenohumeral joint what should you suspect
a labral tear
Where is the detatched labraum in an ALPSA lesion
balled up labrum infero medial to glenoid
What is a perthes lesions
similar to an ALPSA but it is not balled up (also has a periosteal attachement)
Where is the avulsion of a perthes lesion
inferior to the labrum
What is the best position to see a perthes lesion
ABER positons
If you see a cyst around the glenohumeral joint what should you suspect
a labral tear
What happens to the muscle on MR when there is nerve impingement or damage
increased signal on fluid sensitive images
What is a common cause of impingement of a nerve in the shoulder
cyst from labral tears
What causes a cyst in the suprascapular notch
a slap tear
Why is it bad to have a cyst in the suprascapular notch
impingement syndrome of the suprascapular nerve with branches to the supraspinatus
What are the findings of a suprascapular nerve entrapment
mixed motor and sensory issues
What if you have a cyst impinging upon the spinoglenoid notch
the suprascapular nerve is also involved but lower and the branches to the infraspinatus are effected (add to prior that the suprascapularis notch cyst will also effect the infraspinatus bc it is more proximal)