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73 Cards in this Set

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What percent of facial fractures involve the orbit
What are 3 indirect signs of a facial fracture
soft tissue swelling
periorbital or intracranial air
fluid in a paranasal sinus
What is the most common facial fracture
Nasal fracture is the most common and Zygomaticomaxillary complex (tripod fracture) fracture is the second most common
What is the third most common fracture
LeFort (35%)
I 15 %
II 10 %
III 10 %
What is the 4th mc facial fracture
zygomatic arch 10%
What is tied for 5th mc facial fracture
Alveolar process of maxilla (5%) and Smash fractures (5%)
What is another name of a tripod fracture
zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture
What does a tripod fracture involve
separation of all three major attachments of the zygoma to the rest of the face. (think of it as removing the zygoma and therefore fractures move along the zygomaticofrontal, zygomaticomaxillary and zygomaticotemporal sutures)
What 3 fractures make up a tripod fracture

Where exactly is the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus fractured in a tripod fracture
the zygomatic arch (along where the zygomatic bone joins the temporal bone)
floor of the orbit and includes the maxillary sinus (anterior and posterior wall)
lateral orbital rim and wall (at the zygomaticofrontal suture)

the anterior maxillary wall is usually fractured along the zygomaticomaxillary suture
What is the usual cause of a tripod fracture
The tripod fracture is usually secondary to a direct blow to the malar eminence (zygoma bone)
What does a fracture of the anterior and posterior maxillary walls look like
there is a fracture of the anterior and posterior maxilary wall and also the zygomatic process of the temporal bone
What does a fracture of the lateral orbital wall look like on coronal ct

What makes of the zygomatic arch
This image shows a fracture in the area of the zygomaticofrontal suture

the zygomatic arch is formed from part of the temporal bone and a small portion of the zygoma
What does a fracture of the zygomatic bone look like on axial ct (zygoma makes up the lateral portion of orbit and superior portion of lateral border of maxillary sinus)

What bone makes of the anterior medial and lateral and complete inferior portion of the maxillary sinus

What bone makes up the anterior lateral and a small portion of the superior lateral wall of the maxillary sinus
This image shows the lateral orbit fracture which is the zygoma bone


What makes of the floor of the orbit
the roof of the maxillary sinus
What is the inferior orbital rim
the inferior portion of the front of the eye socket (front of roof of maxillary sinus)
What makes of the floor of the orbit
the roof of the maxillary sinus
What is the inferior orbital rim
the inferior portion of the front of the eye socket (front of roof of maxillary sinus)
What are some complications of a tripod fracture
impingement of the temporalis muscle, trismus (difficulty with mastication) and may compromise the infraorbital foramen/nerve resulting in hypesthesia within its sensory distribution.
What is the mc facial fracture
nasal fx
Where does zygoma usually seperate from the frontal bone in a tripod fracture
the separation of the frontal process of the zygoma from the frontal bone usually occurs in the form of a diastasis of the zygomaticofrontal suture (rememeber this the one where all its sutures are being fractured)
Where is the malar eminence
malar eminence is the most prominent portion of the zygoma (check bone)
What is a common presentation of a zygomatic arch fracture
inability to open their mouth due to impingement of the zygomatic arch fragment upon the coronoid process of the mandible or the temporalis muscle
What is an alveolar process fracture of the maxilla
Another focal fracture type is a fracture of the alveolar process of the maxilla, which involves a small piece of the maxilla, associated with several fractured teeth
What is the most common cause of a blowout fracture
The usual mechanism is a blow to the eye, with the forces being transmitted by the soft tissues of the orbit downward to the thin floor of the orbit.
Where do bone fragments from a blow out fracture often end up going
the maxillary sinus
What % of blow out fractures are associated with occular injury
24 % of these fractures are associated with ocular injury as well.
What are 2 common pitfalls for mistaken a nasal fracture
Common pitfalls in viewing the nasal bone are the normal sutures lining the nasal bone, as well as the linear channel for the nasociliary nerve, which may all be mistaken for a fracture
What is the pathway of a le fort 1 fracture
nasal septum to the lateral pyriform aperature rims, travels horizontally above the teeth apices, crosses below the zygomaticomaxillary junction( and therefore the zygoma is not involve), continues across the inferior lateral wall of the maxillary sinus, and traverses the pterygomaxillary junction to interrupt the pterygoid plates.
What does a bilat pterygoid fracture look like
What portion of the temporal bone forms a joint with the zygomatic bone

What is medial wall of the maxillary sinus
the zygomatic process of the temporal bone

lateral wall of the nasal cavity
What bone is the pterygoid part of
Where is the pterygoid plates
Where are the pterygoids plates on the sphenoid

What does the ptyergoid plates have sutures with
the palantine (centrally) and the maxilla laterally
Where is the zygomaticmaxillary junction that le fort 1 goes below
Are le fort fractures bilateral
How many lefort fractures are there
Describe a le fort II fracture
Le Fort II fracture crosses the nasal bones on the ascending process of the maxilla to the medial orbital rib and then the medial orbital wall (lacrimal bone) to the medial orbital floor and crosses the inferior orbital rim. It then goes towards the maxilla just above the teeth and moves along the inferior lateral maxillary sinus like a le fort 1 fracture
When is the only le fort fracture to break the medial and inferior orbital rib
What is a pt complication of a le fort 2 fracture

Does a le fort 1 or 2 involve the zygoma
Because of this proximity to the infraorbital foramen, type II fractures are associated with the highest incidence of infraorbital nerve hypesthesias

What is a common mechanism of a le fort 2 fracture
A common mechanism is a downward blow to the nasal area.
What is the most severe le fort fracture
The most severe of the classic LeFort fracture complexes is the LeFort III
Are pure le fort injuries common
What are some variants of le fort fractures
Lefort I/ lefot II
Lefort II/ tripod
a mixed LeFort II/LeFort III complex
LeFort III/LeFort II/tripod complex.
What do all three lefort fractures look like from the front
What does a le fort 3 look like
If the orbital rim is involved; what type of lefort fracture is it
What is fractured in a le fort 1 fracture
nasal septum to the lateral pyriform aperature rims, travels horizontally above the teeth apices, crosses below the zygomaticomaxillary junction( and therefore the zygoma is not involve), continues across the inferior lateral wall of the maxillary sinus, and traverses the pterygomaxillary junction to interrupt the pterygoid plates.
What is fractured in a le fort 2 fracture
Le Fort II fracture crosses the nasal bones on the ascending process of the maxilla to the medial orbital rib and then the medial orbital wall (lacrimal bone) to the medial orbital floor and crosses the inferior orbital rim. It then goes towards the maxilla just above the teeth and moves along the inferior lateral maxillary sinus like a le fort 1 fracture
What is fractured in a le fort 3 fracture
craniofacial disjunction
fracture line passes through nasofrontal suture, maxillo-frontal suture , orbital wall and zygomatic arch.
What does a fracture throught the anterior maxillary sinus look like
What does a fracture through the nasofrontal suture area look like (lefort 2)
If the pterygoid plate is not broken can it still be a le fort fracture
What does a lefort 1 fracture to the lateral nose look like on coronal CT
What part of the maxilla does a le fort 1 involve
Fracture line: Piriform aperture, inferior lateral maxillary wall, pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone
What is the path of le fort 2 fracture
Le Fort II fracture crosses the nasal bones on the ascending process of the maxilla to the medial orbital rib and then the medial orbital wall (lacrimal bone) to the medial orbital floor and crosses the inferior orbital rim. It then goes towards the maxilla just above the teeth and moves along the inferior lateral maxillary sinus like a le fort 1 fracture
What does the word antral refer to
What is the piriform appeture
the anterior end of the bony nasal opening, connecting the external nose with the skull.
Where is the piriform aperature
Where is the Zygomaticofacial canal Zygomaticomaxillary suture, and Frontozygomatic suture
Yellow arrow: Frontozygomatic suture
Orange arrows: Zygomaticofacial canal
Red arrows: Zygomaticomaxillary suture
What is this image pointing to
the ethmoidal grooves for the external nasal branches of the anterior ethmoidal nerves.
Comment: These grooves can be mistaken for fractures. They lie anterior to and are distinct from the nasomaxillary sutures. The nasomaxillary sutures are often fused and not visible on CT scans as in these images.
What is the orange arrow pointing to
In the coronal image to the left from the posterior nasal cavities, the orange arrows point to the point posterior ends of the inferior nasal conchae
What do the yellow arrows point to
In the coronal image to the right from the anterior nasal cavities, the gap between the yellow arrows is the right hiatus semilunaris.
there is a bony gap in the medial wall of each maxillary sinus/lateral wall of each nasal cavity between the green arrows. What is the name of this bony gap?
maxillary hiatus (seen posteriorly)
What does the maxillary hiatus look like more anteriorly
What are the fractures of a tripod fracture
separation of all three major attachments of the zygoma to the rest of the face. (think of it as removing the zygoma and therefore fractures move along the zygomaticofrontal, zygomaticomaxillary and zygomaticotemporal sutures)
What is the shape of the zygoma
note that this forms 3 sutures
What bone makes up the nasal septum
vomer inferiorly
perpendicular plate superior
What is the fracture line of a le fort 3
the fracture line passes to the fronto-nasal and fronto-maxillary suture (medial to the frontonasal suture) then to the lacrimal bone (the medial orbital wall) the orbital floor up to the inferior orbital fissure. From there, it extends caudally through the pterygopalatine fossa to the base of the pterygoid processes as well as from the anterior end of the inferior orbital fissure along the lateral orbital wall to the frontozygomatic fissure. The fracture of the midface is completed by the fracture of the zygomatic arch and the cranial bony part of the nasal septum.
What are the 7 fractures of the ramus
body, angle, condyle, symphsis, ramus, alveolar, coronoid process
What is the mc fracture of the mandible
body (30-40%)
name these fractures
1- symphsis
2- body
7-coronoid process (not shown but opposite the condyle)
What percent of pts have multiple mandibular fracture
80% of the time (prezetel bone)
Where do double fractures typically occur
When double fractures occur, they are usually on contralateral sides of the symphysis.