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116 Cards in this Set

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What makes up the anterior arch of the pelvis
the ischium and pubic bone
What makes up the posterior arch of the pelvis
the sacrum and pubic bone
What is an anterior arch fracture of the pelvis
any fracture of the ischium or pubic bone (think of them together forming one ring and dont be confused because they form a ring themselves)
What percent of pelvic fractures are considered stable
What is considered a stable fracture
a single break in ring or a peripheral fx
What are unstable fractures
fractures of both the anterior and posterior arches (33%)
What are the stable pelvic fractures
solitary ischial ramus fracture
unilateral fracture of both rami (superior pubic ramus and ishiopubic ramus)
iliac wing fractures
isolated sacral fractures
What is another name for a iliac wing fracture
Duverny fracture
What is a major point of confusion when discussing ramus of the pelvis
When they say pubic ramus it is implied to means superior pubic ramus (the of the ring around the obturator foramen)

Even though technically a pubic ramus fracture can be on the bottom of the ring of the obturator (the inferior pubic ramus portion located medially)
What is the mc pelvic fracture
solitary fracture of the ischial ramus or inferior pubic ramus

(this can happen in both areas and so I think a better name would be a solitary fracture of the ischiopubic ramus)
Is a solitary fracture of the ischial ramus stable
What population commonly get ischial ramus fractures
osteoporotic females (insufficiency fracture)
Another point of confusion: 'a solitary fracture of both rami' really means a fracture of the top of the ring of the obturator foramen and the bottom of the ring of the obturator foramen. What would be a better name
a solitary fracture of both the superior pubic ramus and the ischiopubic ramus


a solitary fracture of the superior pubic ramus AND the inferior pubic ramus OR the ischial ramus
Is a solitary fracture of both rami a stable fracture
What is the cause of an iliac wing fracture (duverny) fracture
direct lateral compression
What is a potential complication of an iliac wing fracture
fracture can perforate bowel
What is the orientation of a isolated sacral fracture
transversly oriented
What view is best to detect an isolated fracture of the sacrum
lateral which may show angulation of sacrum or coxcy
What is the direction of fractures associated with other sacral fractures
What are the 4 unstable fractures of the pelvis
malgaigne (Mal-gain-e)
pelvic dislocation
bucket handle fracture
What is the mc unstable pelvic fracture
malgaigne (mal-gain-e)
What percent of all pelvic fractures are malgaine
What is the mechanism by which a malgaigne fracture occurs
vertical shearing
What happens to the hip in a malgaigne fracture
it is commonly displace upward
Where is the MC fracture line of the pelvis in a malgagne fracture
the pubic rami (superior and ishiopubic ramus) and the sacroiliac joint
What makes up the 3 sacral lines seen on AP frontal view of the pelvis
the roof the the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sacral foramina
What should always be checked in a AP of the pelvis
symmetry and continuity of the sacral lines from one side to the other
Are straddle fractures stable
What is a straddle fracture
a fractue of the superior pubic ramus and the ischiopubic ramus on both sides
What happens to the fracture fragments in a straddle injury
the central portion fracture is elevated
What are straddle injuries associated with
urethral injuries (20%)
What is another name for a pelvic dislocation
a sprung pelvis
What 2 unstable fractures are associated with GU injury
pelvic dislocation and straddle fracture
What is the normal measurement of the SI joint
What is the normal measurement of the symphysis pubis
What happens to the size of the symphysis pubis and SI joints in a sprung pelvis
they increase in size
What is a bucket handle fracture
fracture of the anterior arch and the contralateral posterior arch
Is a bucket handle fracture common
no, it is rare
What is the posterior urethra
the membranous or prostatic urethra
Where do GU injuries tend to occur from pelvic fractures
the posterior urethra
If someone has a straddle injury or a sprung pelvis what should be done prior to insertion of a foley to prevent further injury
a retrograde urethrogram
What is a an open book fracture
a straddle injury in the front and Bilateral SI joint disocciation in the posterior arch
Besides posterior urethral injuries what other GU injury may occur with a sprung pelvis or a straddle fracture
a ruptured bladder
What is more common an extraperitoneal or intraperitoneal rupture of the pelvis
extraperitoneal (80%)
Where does the contrast remain in an extraperitoneal rupture of the bladder
adjacent to the bladder
What happens to the contrast in an intraperitoneal rupture
the dome is damaged and the contrast flows freely
Where is the posterior rim of the acetabulum, roof of the acetabulum, ilioischial line, iliopectineal line, teardrop
What are the 2 columns of the acetabulum
the anterior and posterior column
What makes up the anterior column of the acetabulum
Anterior column includes
1- anterior aspect of the iliac Roof of acetabulum
2- pelvic brim
3- superior pubic ramus
4- anterior wall of acetabulum
5- teardrop.
What is another name of the iliopectineal line
the ileal pubic line
What represents an injury to the anterior column

Is a tear fracture anterior or posterior
injury to the iliopubic (iliopectineal line)

tear fractures are anterior column fractures

anterior acetabular wall
What represents the posterior column on a radiograph

What makes up the medial line of the acetabular tear drop
the ilioischial line
Posterior acetabular wall

The ilioischial line
What is the most common mechanism for a posterior column injury
anterior force on femoral head
What is the most common mechanism for a anterior column injury
Posterior force on femoral head
What makes up the posterior column
posterior ilium, posteriorwall of acetabulum, ischium, medial acetabular wall
Where is the iliopubic (iliopectineal) line of the anterior column
Where is the anterior rim of the acetabulum
Where is the ilioischial line and what forms this
L3 (, formed by the posterior portion of the quadrilateral plate (surface) of the iliac bone)
Where is the posterior rim of the acetabulum
Where is the tear drop and what forms it
L5 (formed by the medial acetabular wall, the acetabular notch, and the anterior portion of the quadrilateral plate)
What does the iliopectineal line look like on plain film
What does the iliopectineal line look like on plain film
What does the a fracture of the anterior lip and teardrop look line on plain film and what does it indicate
Discontinuity of the anterior lip suggests an anterior wall fracture
What does the posterior lip of the acetabulum look like on plain film
If there is discontinuity there is a fx of the posterior wall of the acetabulum
What does the dome of the acetabulum look like on plain film
What is the quadrilateral plate of the hip
Quadrilateral plate is the junction where 3 parts of innominate bone, the Ilium, the Ischeum and the Pubis meet.
What is the ilioischial line
the posterior aspect of the acetabulum and runs from the ilium to the ischium
What percent of pelvic fractures involve the acetabulum
What additional views besides AP are used to look at acetabular fractures
judget views (45 degree oblique views)
What view is good for looking at acetabular postererior displacements and symphysis diastasis
inlet view (AP view with the x-ray beam angled 20 degrees caudal)
What view is good to look at vertical shifts of bones of the pelivis and the sacrum
outlet views (AP pelvis with beam tilted 35 degrees cephalad)
What 4 types of acetabular fxs
posterior rim fractures
transverse acetabular fractures
anterior column fractures
posterior column fractures
What percent of acetabular fractures are posterior rim fxs
What is a common cause of a posterior rim fx
posterior disloacation of the hip (MVA)
What is another name for the hip bone
inominate bone
Is the hip bone a group of bones
What is the definition of the hip bone (innominate bone)
either of the two bones (2 halfs of the pelvis) that form the sides of the pelvis, consisting of three fused components, the ilium, ischium, and pubis
What is an transverse acetabular fracture
a transverse fracture through the acetabulum that seperates the hip into 2 halves (4% of acetabular fractures)
What lines will be disrupted in a transverse acetabular fracture
the iliopubic and ilioischial lines
What can happen to the femoral head in a severe case of a transverse acetabular fracture
central dislocation (femoral head is in the middle of the pelvis)
What percent of acetabular fractures are anterior column fxs
What line is disrupted in a anterior acetabular fracture
the iliopubic
Can an acetabular fracture lead to central dislocation of the femoral head
What is more common; fx of both columns or isolated column fractures
fracture of both columns
What does an anterior column fx look like on CT
Visualize how the anterior column fracture on the previous slide disrupts the iliopubi (iliopectineal line)
Now look at this lateral and visualize the fracture through the pubic bone
What is more common anterior or posterior column fractures
anterior column (4%)
posterior column (2%)
What are posterior colum fractures associated with
posterior dislocation of the femoral head
What are 4 most common avulsion fractures of the pelvis
Ischial tuberosity
What are the common demographic of people with avulsion fractures
athletic males in puberty
What are apophyses
natural protuberance from a bone for the attachment of muscles.
What is the most common apiphyse to be avulsed
the ischial tuberosity
What muscle causes an avulsion fracture of the ischial tuberosity
the hamstrings
What do avulsed ischial tuberosity fractures look like upon healing
lots of callous formation leading to marked enlargement of the ischial tuberiosity
Where is the ischial tuberosity on AP plain film
Where is the ASIS on plain film
Where is the AIIS on plain film
What muscle inserts into the AIIS
rectus femoris
What is the second most common avulsion fracture of the pelvis
AIIS and ASIS are tied
What muscle inserts to the ASIS
Where is the lesser and greater trochanters of the femur
What muscle inserts into the lesser trochanter
What muscle inserts into the greater trochanter
gluteal muscles
What muscles insert into the iliac creast
abdominal muscles
What muscles attach to symphysis
the abductor group of muscles
What is the most common artery to be lacerated from pelvic trauma
the hypogastric artery
What is a clue that there may be a pelvic hematoma
displacement of the bladder
What is the Dennis Classification of sacral fractures
a system to determine likely hood of neuroligic injury based on the location of a vertical fracture in relation to the neural formain
What are the 3 zones of Dennis classification of fracture
What is a zone 1 dennis classification fracture of the sacrum
I- injuries are entirely lateral to the neuroforamina: 6% neurological problem
What is a zone 2 dennis classification fracture of the sacrum
II- injuries involve the neuroforamina but not the spinal canal; 28% of neurological problem
What is a zone 3 dennis classification fracture of the sacrum
III- injuries extend into the spinal canal with primary or associated fracture lines: 57% neurological problems
What are the most common dennis classification of vertical sacral fractures