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65 Cards in this Set

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2 people
3 people
resolve conflict between other 2 members of triad
tertius gaudens
member of triad that profits from the other 2's disagreement
divide et impera
member of triad that drives a wedge between the 2 others
asch test
experiment that shows how much people are influenced by norms of the group
primary group
limited in number of members, face to face interaction
secondary group
impersonal group
6 degrees of separation
we connect to another person by a system of contacts
social network
set of relations held together by ties between individuals
strength of weak ties
acquaitances can help you out
social network bound by a common purpose separated from the rest of the world
social deviance
any transgression of established social norms
social cohesion
way people form social bonds
mechanical solidarity
members are very similar
organic solidarity
members are all individual
gay immigrants were allowed to enter the US in...
egoistic suicide
one is not well integrated into a social group, feels alone
altruistic suicide
one experiences too much social integration, feels they dont have meaning aside from the group
anomic suicide
too little social regulation, life is no longer predictable
fatalistic suicide
too much social regulation, same thing day after day
punitive justice
make violator suffer and therefore define boundaries of acceptable behavior
labeling theory
individuals subconsciously notice how others see them and forms the basis of their identity
lucifer effect
zimbardo's prison experiment, good people can do terrible things
primary deviance
after labeled a deviant, one behaves like one
secondary deviance
deviant acts that occur after primary deviance has taken place
negative social label that alters a person's identity
deterrence theory
putting criminals in jail to try to get them not to do it again
new york's project so people aren't on surveillance cameras
white collar crime
professional against a corporation (money laundering), most financial impact in US
corporate crime
type of white collar crime committed by officers of a corporation
street crime
crime committed in public
reversion of an individual back to criminal behavior
total institution
all aspects of life are conducted in the same place under a single authority
criminal stops doing crimes after getting in trouble
modern punishment targets soul of the prisoner to reform them to make them eligable for parole
systematic differences between people
rousseau's 2 forms of inequality
physical (difference of age, gender) and social (being rich or powerful)
scottish enlightenment
private property creates inequality
ferguson malthus and millar
inequality was good, economic determinism (all social regulations are determined by the economic organization of society)
human populations grow geometrically while our ablility to produce food increases arithmetically (more slowly)
two directional relationship
ontological equality
everyone is created equal in God's eyes
equality of opportunity
inequality is acceptable as long as everyone has the same opportunity for advancement
equality of condition
everyone should have the same starting point from which to pursue their goals
bourgeois society
maximization of profit is the primary business incentive
equality of outcome
everyone must end up with the same amount regardless of the fairness of how they got there
marx's 2 classes
proletariat (working class) and bourgeoisie (employing class)
concept of contradictory class locations
class is based on grouping people according to value of property or job
socioeconomic status
individual's place in social order
mills' 3 major institutions that have power to make decisions for the masses
economic institutions, political order, military order
upper class
rich, get their money generally from investments
governement's definition of poverty for a family of 4
22050/ year
structural social mobility
inevitable from changes in the economy
exchange social mobility
if you move up, i move down
opponents of estate tax portray who as undeserving victims?
farmers and upper class
sexual orientations, behaviors
male or female
carol gilligan
playgroud, girls focus on nurturing, boys like rules
parson's sex role theory
dad should work and mom should take care of kids
structural functionalism
every society has structures needed to fulfill certain functions
hegemonic masculinity
man is dominant
conflict theory
gender was the driving force of history, hartmann and mackinon
glass escalator
promotional ride men take to the top