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99 Cards in this Set

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Milliken v. Bradley

Short Answer
1974- Milliken v. Bradley
-limited Swann v. Mecklenburg (1971) which started interdistrict busing.
-Not constitutional to use interdistrict busing unless there is evidence of racially motivated segregation policies.
-Negatively impacted black education
-Later Oklahoma vs. Dowell (1991) further limits the impact of busing by saying can be stopped once all practical steps were taken to stop the legacy of segregation
Interest Convergence

Short Essay
Bell says 2 Rules of Interest Convergence:
1) Minority progress when while interests align, not for justice but for alternative motive
2) When interest changes or threatens while societal power structure, progress stops.

Bell Says:
-Brown v. Board was during Clod War to improve America's image (rule 1) but stopped when cost whites money (rule 2)
- Justice O'Connors supports Affirmative Action because it benefits whites with diversity in the classroom (rule 1) but thinks it should be limited due to cost (rule 2)
- Obama, we look good bc of black president (rule 1) but if he messes up we can blame it on him being black (rule 2)
What is the METCO program in Boston?
inter-district busing. It shipped diversity to the suburbs.
What was the main characteristic of Brown v. Board of Education II decision in 1955? What was its impact, according to Bell?
Brown v. Board II decided that the findings of Brown v Board I need to be carried out as quickly and practically as possible.

This addition to the original decision slowed progress down. It created arbitrary guidelines that lacked specific legal requirements. Judges that did more than the bare minimum were looked down upon by the vocal opposition.
Conditions of education for Latino children which Bell calls 'even more dreary than black children":
1. segregated by race and poverty
2. also have linguistic segregation
1. Ejection: the act of forcing out someone or something

2. Population transfer; To move a population together
Arguments on reparations made by opponents:
1. None of those who were slaves or slave masters are still alive
2. Legal difficulties facing reparations litigation say it is highly unlikely that blacks living today will obtain direct payments
Melting Pot
Better described as Salad Bowl because of pockets of race
Also known as Multiculturalism
economic and political incorporation of minority but culture is still unique
All things are separate. This is wanted by the minority
5 Arguments on reparations made by proponents:
1. slaves were not paid for their labor over 200 years ago, depriving their descendants of their inheritance
2. descendants of slave owners wrongfully inherited the profits derived from slave labor
3. the U.S government made and then broke its promise to provide former slaves with 40 acres and a mule
4. systematic and government-sanctioned economic and political racial oppression since the abolition of slavery impeded and interfered with the self-determination of African Americans, excluded them from sharing in the nations growth and prosperity
5. the reparations that Germany gave to Jews and U.S to Native Americans and Japanese americans are precedents for the payment of reparations to the African Americans
Cultural Assimilation
Learn english and customs
What was the recent trend from the video from march 30th (blacks in atlanta)1
Race matters less as socioeconomic class increases. Cosmopolitanism
Primary Structural Assimilation
personal inclusion
What is the structure of the educational funding in the US? What is its racial implication
Based on local property tax. Because of this property value is lower in the city and there is not as much tax money going to the school. Furthers inequality because suburban have more $ and thats mostly white.
Secondary Structural Assimilation
incorporate official matters
Three major negative effects of Residential Segregation
1) Maintains unequal distribution of resources and opportunities
2) Preserves poverty/affluence
3) reduces intergroup interaction and reinforces prejudice
Plessy v. Furgeson
1896- Separate but Equal
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (Kansas)
1954- separate is inherently unequal
Three major negative effects of Residential Segregation
1) Maintains unequal distribution of resources and opportunities
2) Preserves poverty/affluence
3) reduces intergroup interaction and reinforces prejudice
Serrano v. Priest

Fill in the Blank Question
1971, California Supreme Court, Funding based on property taxes is unconstitutional
What were the two types of white voters who voted for Obama?
Post-Racial Type: voted because he is the best candidate

Race Conscious Type: voted but see him as an exception and not a typical black
San Antonio v. Rodriguez
1973- did not prove education was a fundamental right thus current financing of education system was constitutional
Three features of urban black ghettos compared to ethnic enclaves (know Chicago)
1) more homogeneous
2) more isolated
3) more permanent
In Chicago, all back and all polish neighborhoods make certain areas homogenous. Isolated because 93.1% of blacks in Chicago live in black neighborhoods.
Milton Gordon's Dimensions of Assimilation
First comes Cultural Assimilation- learn english and customs.
Then Structural Assimilation:
secondary- incorporate in official manner
primary- personal inclusion
Last is Amalgamation (marital assimilation)
Swann v. Charlotte- Mecklenburg
1971- allowed busing students to promote integration
Oklahoma Board of Education v. Dowell

Multiple Choice
1991- Desegregation attempts can stop once all practical steps were taken. Led to re-segregation.

School systems must show that they took all the practicable steps to desegregate schools
Restrictive Covenants
Contractual agreements that property wouldn't be rented, leased, or sold to undesirable people
Racial Steering
Practice by real-estate agents showing clients only certain houses in certain neighborhoods based on their race
scaring people into selling their homes with the threat of minorities moving in. Then selling the houses to minorities for a profit

Fill in the Blank
Banks deliberately denied loans to people to buy homes in lower-income minority neighborhoods
Shelley v. Kraemer

Fill in the Blank
1948- Supreme court ruled that restrictive covenants were unconstitutional
Affirmative Action

Multiple Choice
Designed to ensure equal opportunities
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

Multiple Choice
1978- Race can be used as a criterion for admission as long as it is not a decisive factor
Hopwood v. Texas
1996- Race cannot be used as a factor in college admissions
Proposition 209

Multiple Choice
Eliminated Affirmative Action programs in California
Grutter v. Bollinger

Fill in the Blank
2003- Court ruled that Univ. of Michagan's law school admission process that takes race into consideration was constitutional
Gratz v. Bollinger
2003- No quotas or automatic points given to racial minorities
Transitional Bilingual Education

Fill in the Blank
Educational program, learn subjects in native language while they study english as a second language
Learn subjects in simplified english
just get thrown in english classroom
Maintenance Bilingual Education
Learn subjects in native language AND learn in english
Lau v. Nichols

Fill in the Blank
1974- submersion (throwing people into english only classes) is unconstitutional; doesn't say what should be offered
Proposition 227

Multiple Choice
Bilingual education is eliminated- California

Fill in the Blank
Racial/ Ethnic identity is a matter of individual choice and thus no racial of ethnic boundary is maintained
Combining two races. For example A white man marrying a black woman
Capital Flight
Sending manufacturing business elsewhere. Manufacturing jobs for less educated disappeared & service jobs tend to have less wages/benefits
Transition from manufacturing economy to service economy
Hispanic Crusade
Because Hispanics are the fastest growing category, both parties (esp rep) are trying to lure Hispanic votes
Reverse Discrimination
Discrimination against members of the majority/dominant party
What is the point of Wilson's deindustrialization thesis. How does it relate to race?
He thought every class was decreasing due to deindustrialization. He claimed the conditions of black lower classes worsened because of the shift in the economic structure and was race neutral.
Voting pattern in the 2008 Presidential Election
For Obama

What is the structure of the educational funding in the US? What is its racial implication
Based on local property tax. Because of this property value is lower in the city and there is not as much tax money going to the school. Furthers inequality because suburban have more $ and thats mostly white.
A great many white as well as Negro children have been harmed by segregation." How? are the harmful effects on these groups compareable? Why do plaintiffs need to emphasize this point to rectify racial injustice?
Racial segregation is harmful to Negro children, but the unhappy fact is that as the nations racial history makes clear, racial division there has been much undeserved benefit to whites and a great deal of misery to Negros. Oppression is harmful not only to the oppressor but also to those being oppressed. Pressure by this litigation has caused school boards to assure Courts they will take steps to equalize segregation. In the case of Delaware ordered plaintiffs because of the inadequacy of Negro schools to be admitted into White schools. The case of Plessy v. Ferguson deals with the disestablishment of the dual school system provides children in racially segregated districts with:
1. Equalization: help provide the same academic standing of each school district, same financial, resource, physical, teacher experience
2.Representation:same representation of the same percent of black and white teachers
3.Judicial oversight: officials creating necessary lesson plans and making sure the school is compliance with the first two
Consequences of desegregation by busing in Portland, Oregon as reported by Ray Rist:
1. black children experience difficulty
2. problems with peer relations
3. teachers physically seperate black students
4. presence and contributions of black people were discounted so black children were either rejected or ignored
5. goal was to render the black children invisible
6. black and hispanic children's educational experience being undermined by uncaring teachers whose approach is geared to racial stereotypes
Gramsci's notion of hegemony means what?
"The most effective kind of domination takes place when dominant and dominated classes believe that the existing order is satisfactory beacuse things have to be the way they are"
Example of hegemony:
Working classes recognize they are ill-treated and poorly paid but toil on in silence because they think nothing can be done and think that making waves about the condition will make things worse.
When bell states" Today, black people and many Hispanics are trapped in a racial time warp" he meant:
People look at race and say that in the future it will all be equal. Forget to acknowledge racism does exist today and conquer the problem now.
What is Bell's view on the idea of "color-blindness"?
Color-blindness , now as a century ago, is adopted as the easy resolution of issues of race with which the nation would rather not wrestle, much less try seriously resolve. It obscures flaws in the society that are not corrected by being hidden from view.
What was Dred Scott v. Sanford decision (1857)?
Scott married a black woman and then it was nullified in another state.
Segregation/ Discrimination
What happened in Gretna at the time of Hurricane Katrina, as depicted in the video?
They didn't let anyone come in. They shut down the bridge.
deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group
Texas 10% Policy

Multiple Choice
Public universities in Texas must admit all applicants whose GPAs were in the top 10% of their high school's graduating class
Proposition 13
Property tax for school funding is illegal but reduced taxes for rich so they could send their kids to private school
Brown v. Board of Education II

Multiple Choice
1955- Desegregation needs to be achieved with all deliberate speed.

Made it ambiguous and vague
Question: According to class, which of the following is accurate about the hate groups in the 1990's?'

a) In the 1990s, the number of hate group members increased, because the 1990's was the time of economic downturn
b) In the 1990s, the number of hate group members increased, despite that the 1990's was the time of economic prosperity
c) In the 1990s, the number of hate group members decreased, because that the 1990's was the time of economic prosperity
d) In the 1990s, the number of hate group members decreased, despite that the 1990's was the time of economic downturn
b) In the 1990s, the number of hate group members increased, despite that the 1990's was the time of economic prosperity
Question: According to the Video "Beyond Brown", when school desegregation was required, how did the white powerful people respond in Prince Edward County in Virginia?

a) They implemented a new form of segregation by putting students into different schools based on their class backgrounds
b) They closed all the public schools in the county
c) They sued the U.S. Supreme Court
d) They welcomes desegregation which would promote multicultural learning
b) They closed all the public schools in the county
Question: Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of "urban black ghettos" identified by Douglas Massey?

a) Urban black ghettos are more homogeneous than European ethnic enclaves
b) Urban black ghettos are more isolated than European ethnic enclaves
c) Urban black ghettos are more unstable than European ethnic enclaves
c) Urban black ghettos are more unstable than European ethnic enclaves
Question: In the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke case, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered which of the following decisions?

a) Affirmative action is unconstitutional and needs to be discontinued.
b) Race can be used a criterion for admission, as long as it is not a decisive factor.
c) Affirmative action program need to be expanded, so that not only racial minorities, but also women and people with disabilities will have more opportunities to attend universities.
d) Bakke's claim that he was denied admission to the medical school because of his race is not supported by evidence, therefore he should not be admitted to the medical school at Univ. of California.
b) Race can be used a criterion for admission, as long as it is not a decisive factor.
Question: Affirmative action, by definition, contains which of the following characteristics?

a) It endorses the use of quotas.
b) It is designed to ensure equal opportunities.
c) It gives preferential treatment to minorities and women regardless of qualifications.
d) Both b and c
e) All of the above
b) It is designed to ensure equal opportunities.
Question: Which of the following propositions eliminated affirmative action programs in California?

a) Proposition 13
b) Proposition 209
c) Proposition 43
d) Proposition 203
b) Proposition 209
Question: What is the Texas 10% policy?

a) Public universities in Texas must admit all applicants whose GPAs were in the top 10% of their high school's graduating class.
b) Public universities in Texas must admit all applicants whose SAT scores were in the top 10% of their high school's graduating class.
c) 10% of admissions in public schools in Texas will be reserved for applicants from low-income families.
d) 10% of admissions in public schools in Texas will be reserved for applicants with racial minority backgrounds.
a) Public universities in Texas must admit all applicants whose GPAs were in the top 10% of their high school's graduating class.
Question: Which of the following was the decision in the case of Oklahoma Board of Education v. Dowell?

a) School districts may use busing to achieve desegregation.
b) School districts must show that they took all the practical steps to desegregate schools.
c) School funding is a state issue, and thus no federal intervention is needed.
d) School curriculum is a sate issue, and thus no national curriculum is needed.
b) School districts must show that they took all the practical steps to desegregate schools.
Question: What was the decision made in the case of Brown v. the Board of Education II in 1955?

a) Desegregation needs to be achieved through busing children.
b) Desegregation needs to be achieved with all deliberate speed.
c) Desegregation needs to be achieved by redrawing the school district lines.
d) Desegregation needs to be achieved because separate cannot be made equal.
b) Desegregation needs to be achieved with all deliberate speed.
Question: Which of the following describes proposition 227 in California?

a) Bilingual education is eliminated.
b) Children of illegal immigrants cannot attend public schools.
c) Affirmative action programs are eliminated.
a) Bilingual education is eliminated.
Question: Which of the following is NOT accurate about the voting patterns in the 2008 presidential election?

a) The numerical majority (more than 50%) of whites voted for Obama.
b) The numerical majority (more than 50%) of blacks voted for Obama.
c) The numerical majority (more than 50%) of Hispanics voted for Obama.
d) The numerical majority (more than 50%) of Asians voted for Obama.
a) The numerical majority (more than 50%) of whites voted for Obama.
Question: What is the main point of Derrick Bell's alternative Brown?

a) In 1954, the court should have ordered the quick enforcement of desegregation through the federal intervention.
b) In 1954, the court should have ordered the full enforcement of separate but equal.
c) In 1954, the court should have ordered the inter-district busing of children to achieve racial balance.
d) In 1954, the court should have ordered the implementation of a national curriculum to equalize public schools in America.
b) In 1954, the court should have ordered the full enforcement of separate but equal.
Question: In the 1948 case of _________, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that restrictive covenants were unconstitutional.
Shelley v. Kraemer
Question: In the 1972 case of _________, the California Supreme Court ruled that educational funding system that relied on local property taxes, resulting in the funding disparity, is unconstitutional.
Serrano v. Priest
Question: The banks' deliberate decision to refuse loans to people to buy homes in lower-income minority neighborhoods is called _____.
Question: In the 2003 case of ______, the court ruled that Univ. of Michigan's law school admission process that takes race into consideration was not unconstitutional.
Grutter v. Bollinger
Question: An educational program, in which students learn subjects in their native languages while they study English as a second language, is called _________: ["Bilingual education" is not acceptable for this blank. Name a specific type of bilingual education!]
Transitional Bilingual Education
Question: In the 1974 case of ________, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that submersion is unconstitutional.
Lau v. Nichols
Question: According to the lecture, postethnic America is a condition in which America attains _______, where racial/ethnic identity is a matter of individual choice an thus no racial or ethnic boundary is maintained.
Question: "An African American becomes the mayor of New York City." This illustrates the sociological concept of:

a) behavioral assimilation
b) primary structural assimilation
c) secondary structural assimilation
d) cultural assimilation
c) secondary structural assimilation
Question: The melting pot signifies that:

a) The institutions and social lives of subordinate groups are separate from those of the dominant group.
b) each ethnic/racial group blends with the dominant group to produce a new culture.
c) members of all ethnic groups should maintain their own culture and society
d) Ethnic groups should participate in the society's institutions while simultaneously retaining their own ethnic culture
b) each ethnic/racial group blends with the dominant group to produce a new culture.
Question: The internment camp of Japanese Americans during WWII is an example of:

a) genocide
b) expulsion
c) structural assimilation
d) cultural assimilation
b) expulsion
Question: Which of the following was the decision in the case of San Antonio v. Rodriguez?

a) school districts may use busing to achieve desegregation
b) School districts must show that they took all the practical steps to desegregate schools.
c) School funding is a state issue, and thus no federal intervention is needed.
d) School curriculum is a state issue, and thus no national curriculum is needed.
e) School districts must admit the children of illegal immigrants.
c) School funding is a state issue, and thus no federal intervention is needed.
Question: Which of the following propositions in California is commonly known as "tax revolt"?

a) Proposition 13
b) Proposition 227
c) Proposition 54
d) Proposition 209
a) Proposition 13
Question: According to Massey, urban black ghettos were more isolated from the rest of society than ethnic enclaves.

True or False?
Question: Milton Gordon's stages of assimilation indicate that structural assimilation occurs before cultural assimilation.

True or False?
Question: According to Wilson, the underclass conditions of African Americans in urban areas are the result of deindustrialization which eliminated manufacturing jobs for less-skilled urban residents.

True or False?
Question: According to the video "Hate Network", the number of people belonging to hate groups has decreased in the 1990s because it was the time of economic prosperity.

True or False?
Question: Affirmative action, by definition, gives preferential treatment to minorities and women regardless of qualifications.

True or False?
Question: Contractual agreements among property owners stating that they would not permit an undesirable group member to own, occupy, or lease their property were called ________.
Restrictive Covenants
Question: In the 1971 case of _______, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the busing of children was necessary to achieve desegregation in each school district.
Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg
Question: Bell argues that "policy makers act to remedy racial injustices when the perceive that such action will benefit the nation's interests without significantly diminishing whites' sense of entitlement." This view is conceptualized as _______.
Interest Convergence