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39 Cards in this Set

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What is the cell membrane?
a thin, protective covering that separates the inside of a cell from its external environment and controls the flow of materials in and out of the cell
What is the cell wall?
a tough, rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane of plant cells
What are chloroplasts?
organelles in plant cells that trap the energy from the Sun and make glucose as an energy source for the plant
What is chromatin?
a substance within the nucleus that contains DNA and proteins
What is a chromosome?
a threadlike structure in a cell nucleus that carries genes
What is cytoplasm?
a jelly-like substance within a cell containing organelles, water, and other life-supporting materials
What is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?
a biological molecule found in the cell nucleus that carries genetic information; composed of sugar, phosphate, and four different bases passed on from generation to generation during reproduction
What are the four bases found in DNA molecules?
guanine, cytosine, adenine and thymine
What is the endoplasmic reticulum?
a network of membrane-covered channels within a cell that transport materials
What are enzymes?
proteins that help speed chemical reactions within cells
What is a gene?
segment of DNA located at a specific place on a chromosome, each contain information to produce proteins
What is a gene mutation?
a change in the specific order of the A, G, C, and T bases that make up a particular gene
What is gene therapy?
techniques developed to alter mutated genes in order to make them function normally
What is the golgi body?
an organelle that sorts and packages proteins for transport
What are hormones?
substances, such as proteins, released from specific glands to control particular cellular activities such as growth
What are mutagens?
substances or factors that can cause mutations in DNA
What is a negative mutation?
a mutation that harms an organism or reduces the probability that organisms with the mutation can produce offspring or survive in their environment
What is a neutral mutation?
a mutation that does not affect the organism or does not increase or decrease the survival rate of the organism
What is a nuclear membrane?
the thin outer membrane that surrounds the cell nucleus; separates the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm
What are nuclear pores?
openings in the nuclear membrane that allow only certain materials into and out of the nucleus
What is the nucleolus?
a membrane-free organelle that floats in the interior of the nucleus and makes ribosomes
What is the nucleus?
(in biology) an organelle that controls all the activities within a cell
What is an organelle?
a specialized cell part in which specific functions are carried out to ensure a cell's survival
What is a positive mutation?
a mutation that benefits an organism
What are proteins?
essential materials required for the cell to carry out the activities necessary for its survival
What is a ribosome?
an organelle without a membrane that produces proteins
What are vacuoles?
membrane-covered storage containers within cells
What are vesicles?
membrane-covered sacs that form off the ends of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi body and that transport proteins, nutrients, and water into, and out of and around the inside of the cell
What is the base pair rule?
How many chromosomes do humans have?
46 (23 pairs)
23rd Chromosome Female
23rd Chromosome Male
Name three specialized proteins
enzymes, hormones, transport proteins
What is the production of protein in an animal cell?
1. nucleus receives message to make a protein
2. DNA message for specific protein to be copied out onto RNA
3) RNA leaves nucleus through nuclear pore
4) RNA message delivered to ribosome, which makes protein
5) Protein enters ER
6) Vesicles forms off of ER and transports protein to Golgi
7) Golgi repackages protein
8) Vesicle forms off of Golgi to carry protein to cell membrane
9) Vesicle attaches to cell membrane for transport
What are some types of gene mutation?
deletion, addition, substitution or change of chromosome level
What is sickle cell anemia?
-a genetic disorder of the blood
-substitution of the A for T in one position on the gene for protein hemoglobin
In sickle cell anemia, why are the cell curved?
-hemoglobin takes on a different shape
-prevents effective transport of oxygen
-blocks blood flow in blood vessels
-sickle cells have a shorter life span
What is cystic fibrosis?
- a mutation in the gene that codes for ion transport
- results in thick mucus in lungs
- respiratory problems
What are some ways of treating mutations?
drugs, surgery, gene therapy