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60 Cards in this Set

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1. _______ observed that, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary”?

e. James Madison

2. In a representative democracy, it is _____ what government decides to do

e. congress which controls

3. One of humanity's oldest and most universal institutions for dividing resources and making decisions is _____.

a. government

4. Disagreements among people over what society’s priorities should be is the definition of _____.

b. social conflict

5. _____ can best be defined as the individuals and institutions that make society’s rules and also possess the power andauthority to enforce those rules.

b. Government

6. Generally, government serves at least three essential purposes: it resolves conflict, it provides public services, and it

c. it defends the nation and its culture against other nations, resolves conflict, and it provides pubilc services.

7. Power has all of the following attributes EXCEPT

b. it requires confusion to be effective

8. Authority refers to

a. the ability to use power that is collectively recognized by society as legally and morally correct.

9. Which of the following is NOT considered a public service?

a. Manufacturing goods

10. The constitution of the United States gives _____ the exclusive power over relations with foreign nations

c. the national government

11. In a plutocracy,

c. the government is disproportionately influenced by the most wealthy

12. In most modern monarchies, the monarch shares governmental power with

b. elected lawmakers.

13. The main idea of democracy is that government exists only by _____ and reflects the will of_____.

d. consent; the majority

14. Undemocratic systems that are not supported by tradition are called _____.

b. dictatorships

15. A government system in which a leader or group of leaders seeks to control almost all aspects of social and economiclife is a/an ____ dictatorship.

b. totalitarian

16. The word democracy comes from the Greek demos, meaning “_____,” and kratia, meaning “_____.”

c. the people; rule

17. The founders of the United States

e. thought that large groups of people meeting together to make decisions would ignore the rights and opinionsof the minority

18. The founders of the United States believed that direct democracy

c. would deteriorate into mob rule.

19. In a representative democracy

d. the will of the majority is expressed through groups of individuals elected by the people to act on their behalf

20. A republic is essentially a(n)

a. representative democracy in which the people are sovereign.

21. In a presidential democracy,

e. the lawmaking and law-enforcing branches of government are separate but equal.

22. The term theocracy is best defined as

c. a government in which the government rules according to religious precepts.

23. The term aristocracy is best defined as

a. a government run by members of old, noble families

24. In writing the U.S. Constitution, the framers incorporated two basic principles of government that had evolved inEngland: ______.

a. representative government and limited government

25. The Magna Carta (1215) clearly established the principle of _____.

d. limited government

26. Nearly all of the major concepts in _____ became part of the American system of government

b. the English Bill of Rights (1689)

27. The Magna Carta (1215)

c. signaled the end of the monarch’s absolute power

28. Which of the following best describes a social contract?

c. A voluntary agreement among individuals to create a government and to give that government adequate powerto secure the mutual protection and welfare of all individuals

29. The philosopher John Locke argued that people are born with natural rights to life, liberty and _____.

d. property

30. The philosopher John Locke theorized that the purpose of government was to protect _____.

a. natural rights

31. Which of the following is a fundamental principle on which American democracy is based?

a. Equality in voting

32. Capitalism is a(n)

d. economic system based on the private ownership of wealth-producing property, free markets, and freedom ofcontract.

33. One of the outgrowths of the civil rights movement of the 1960s was an emphasis on _____, the belief that the manycultures that make up American society should remain distinct and be protected—and even encouraged—by our laws.

e. multiculturalism

34. By 2040, Americans aged 65 and above are expected to reach _____ of the population

b. 20 percent

35. In the year 2050, non-Hispanic whites will comprise about _____ of the U.S. population.

d. 46 percent

36. In 2010, Hispanics constituted _____ of the U.S. population

d. about 16 percent

37. When it comes to ideology, Americans are often placed in two broad political camps:

d. liberals and conservatives.

38. _____ is best defined as a set of beliefs that include a limited role for the national government in helping individualsand in the economic affairs of the nation, and support for traditional values and lifestyles.

b. Conservatism

39. The _____ movement emerged as a major force in American politics when Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater won theRepublican presidential nomination.

d. conservative

40. In 1980, Republican _____ became the first “movement conservative” to win the White House

d. Ronald Reagan

41. Modern American liberalism can trace its roots to the New Deal programs of _____.

c. Franklin D. Roosevelt

42. The ideology of American liberalism did not take its fully modern form until the

c. 1960s, during the administration of Lyndon Johnson.

43. Many politicians who have called themselves _____ in the past have labeled their philosophy progressivism instead.

b. liberals

44. On the traditional political spectrum, _____ and _____ are on the left

e. liberals; socialists

45. On the traditional political spectrum, _____ and _____ are on the right

a. libertarians; conservatives

46. People whose views fall in the middle of the traditional political spectrum are generally called _____.

a. moderates

47. In much of the world, the main left-of-center party describes itself as _____.

b. progressive

48. _____ is the belief that government should do as little as possible, not only in the economic sphere, but also inregulating morality and personal behavior

c. Libertarianism

49. This group has a stronger commitment to egalitarianism than do U.S. liberals and a greater tolerance for stronggovernment.

c. Socialists

60. A ballot proposal resembles direct democracy, in that it

c. allows voters to decide specific questions rather than letting their elected representatives to resolve the issue.

61. The U.S. government became involved in the American economy to an extent previously unknown

b. during the Great Depression

62. Defending the nation and its culture became more of a priority of our government

c. since the attacks on the World Trade Center.

63. Which of the following favors government involvement in issues of private morality, while opposing governmentinvolvement in government regulation of the economy?

d. The Tea Party movement

64. Each of the following is a public service provided by the government which applies equally to all citizens, except

e. Laws enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act

65. Many American states use the _____, in which the legislature sends a ballot proposal to the voters.

a. referendum

66. Which leader once said "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

c. Mao Zedong

67. Conservatism has always included those who

d. want the government to reflect traditional Christian religious values.

68. Following the Civil War, African Americans identified with ____ until the Civil Rights movement.

a. the Republican Party

69. The political values outlined in the Declaration of Independence include all of the following EXCEPT

c. economic equality

70. During the 2014 elections, public opinion polls reported that increasing numbers of Republicans and Democratsconsidered the other party to be

d. a threat to the very nature of the country.