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54 Cards in this Set

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knowledge or processed data gathered through experiences or research


ability to recognize when information is needed

information literacy

ability to locate, evaluate and effectively communicate information in its various formats

information literacy

identify the nature and extent of information neededex: knowing the difference between a published court decision and an article about the court case


can find the information needed effectively and efficientlyex: searching public archives for information on local history

can find the information needed effectively and efficientlyex: searching public archives for information on local history


can evaluate information and its sources criticallyex: researching claims made in a political ad on television


can apply information effectively to accomplish a specific purposeex: doing a biography of a person based on hos answers to the interview conducted


can acknowledge sources of information and the issues surrounding informationex: referencing information source in the text of a research paper


use of devices like television, radio, computers etc


to provide or share information massively


any object used to relay messages source of reliable information for its contents are provided by a credible organization or went through editorial process


materials that are printed that provide information

Print Media

most popular form of print media that plays a significant role in one's daily life


newspapers published in the evening


earliest form of electronic broadcasting.

Telephone Broadcasting

allowed people to listen to live opera and theater performance over the telephonetelephone newspaper services were introduced that broadcasts news and entertainment over the telephone.

Theatre Phone

started experimentally in 1906 and commercially in 1920

Radio Broadcasting

sound signals that are transported from a transmitter through the air as radio waves, collected by an antenna and transmitted to a receiver.

Radio Broadcasting

started experimentally in 1925, commercially in 1930s.

Television Broadcasting (Telecast)

extension of radio broadcasting, including not only sound signals but visuals

Telephone Broadcasting (telecast)

originally media to transmit radio or television stations programming via coaxial cable and then escalating into wide-range universe of different cable originated channels

Cable Radio (or cable FM, creared in 1928) and Cable Television (created in 1932)

started commercially in 1994

Direct-broadcast satellite or DBS

procides a combination of television broadcasting and traditional radio that has a dedicated satellite radio programming.

Direct-Satellite Broadcasting

started commercially in 1993 commercially in 1994

Webcasting of video/televeision

streams radio and television station programming through internet

Webcasting of video/television

content that is accessed on internet that is easily accessed on any digital deviceex: websites (social media, online newspapers etc) or even video gamesexists on interactive community unlike previous technology

New Media (Internet)

provides content through discussion that allows people to share and discuss their own opinions about several topics

New Media (internet)

also known as community mediaany form of media utilizing indigenous knowledge that is made and managed by, for and about the community

Indigenous Media

created by indigenous people to scatter information usually in the language understood by the community, regarding community needs and interests.

Indigenous Media

unusual source of information that is delivered through people media or through indigenous media.knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society

Indigenous Knowledge

newspaper and online news website (nordis.net) covering three regions of Northern Luzon (Ilocos, Cordillera, and Cagayan Valley). Newspaper comes out every Sunday while the website is updates hours later

Northern Dispatch Weekly (NORDIS) Philippines

weekly newspaper and online news website created by and for the people of Baguio City.

Zigzag Weekly

weekly publication and website (northernphilippinetimes.blogspot.com) of opinion and news from the Cordillera, Ilocos Region, Cagayan Valley and Central Luzon.

Northern Philippine Times

a place wherein literary, musical, artistic or reference books are found and used by various people but are not for sale


used in looking for a great deal of information about a topic.


collections of books that are organized and stored by libraries


mostly used by students for reaearchgroup of articles reviewed by an editorial board

Academic Journals

written by experts or scholars in a professional or academic field that covers precise topics about various fields

Academic Journals

collections of carious facts usually written by different contributors who are knowledgeable about that topic


covers a large variety of topics

General Encyclopedia

covers more specific and in-depth entries of information

Subject Encyclopedia

organized collection of records of the items found in a library, usually can be searched on the library's home page.

Library Catalog

can lead you to the location of a source about a topic in the library's collection of materials

Library Catalog

reaches large audience through written, spoken or broadcast communication

Mass Media

covers large variety of articles and images of up-to-date information or opinion about a topic, event, or popular culture


collects and edit reports or articles about current events for information, or entertainment purposes that are usually published on a daily basis.


sending sound signals from a transmitter through the air as radio waves, collected by an antenna and transmitted to a receiver.Radio Networks links Radio Stations that communicates information and messages.


sends information and messages through the air, sends visual images and sounds through channels for information, education, or entertainment purposes.


composed of millions of networks that are connected by networking technologies.


World Wide Web allows one to easily and instantaneously access several types of information such as text, pictures or images, sounds and/or video.


composed of collections of articles that may also provide short summaries or complete information about these articles cited in newspapers, journals, magazines, podcasts and other media types.


a general database

Academic Search Complete

an engineering database


business database
