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1060 Cards in this Set

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joint session
reunión conjunta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jointly and severally
mancomunada y solidariamente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judge (n. & v.)
juez, magistrado juzgar, fallar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judge advocate
auditor, auditor de guerra, [P.R.] abogado mediador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judge having jurisdiction
juez competente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judge of a civil court
juez de lo civil
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judge of a criminal court
juez de lo penal (de lo criminal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judge of court of appeals
juez de alzadas, juez del tribunal de apelaciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judge-made law
derecho a base de decisiones judiciales, legislación judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicatura, justiciazgo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fallo, sentencia, decisión, ejecutoria; dictamen
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment by consent
sentencia acordada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment by default
sentencia en contumacia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment docket
registro de sentencias
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment filed
sentencia registrada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment in error
decisión del tribunal de apelaciones por error
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment of conviction
fallo de condena, sentencia condenatoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment of dismissal
declaración sin lugar, sentencia desistimatoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment on the merits
sentencia en los méritos del caso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment on the verdict
sentencia conforme al veredicto del jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment roll
legajo de sentencia, expediente del juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgment satisfied
sentencia satisfecha (liquidada)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judgments on the pleadings
sentencia sobre las alegaciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicatura; tríbunal, jurisdicción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial action
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial admission
admisión procesal (judicial)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial circuit
circuito judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial cognizance
conocimiento del juez
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial confession
confesión en juicio ( o en pleno tribunal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial day
día de una sesión del tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial decision
sentencia, decisión del tribunal, resolución judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial discretion
autoridad del poder judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial district
partido (distrito o cículo) judicial, círculo) judicial, circunscripción judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial documents
documentos del juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial estoppel
impedimento judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial notice
aviso judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial oath
juramento judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial proceeding
diligencia (gestión) judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial process
proceso jurídico (específicamente todo auto o providencia judicial para compeler la comparecencia judicial para compeler la comparecencia o informar al demandado o acusado de la intitución de la acción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial question
cuestión para los tribunales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial records
constancias (registros) judiciales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicial sequestration
secuestro judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
podel judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judiciary police
policía judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jump bail, to
quebrantar el arraigo, fugarse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
juridical day
día hábil
common legal terms used in the courtroom
juridical person
persona jurídica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jurisconsulto, legista
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jurisdiction of subject matter
competencia material
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jurado, miembro del jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jurado, tribunal de jurados, [Arg.] jueces de hecho, [P.R.] tribunal del pueble, [Col.] jueces del pueblo o populares, jueces de conciencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jury box
jurado, miembro del jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jury calendar
lista de causas para vista con jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jury fixing
soborno de jurados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jury panel
lista de personas para el jurado, [P.R.] panel de jurados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jury process
citación de jurados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jury service
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jury trial
juicio por jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jury wheel
dispositivo para sorteo de jurados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
juryman, jurywoman
jurado, jurada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
just cause
causa justificada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
just compensation
remuneración razonable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
justice of the peace
juez de paz
common legal terms used in the courtroom
judicatura, justiciazgo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
justifiable homicide
homicidio inculpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
justify, to
justificar, vindicar; absolver
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
juvenile court
tribunal de menores
common legal terms used in the courtroom
juvenile delinquency
delincuencia de menores
common legal terms used in the courtroom
juvenile delinquent
delincuente juvenil
common legal terms used in the courtroom
keep the peace, to
mantener el orden público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
kidnap, to
secuestrar, raptar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
secuestro, rapto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
kill by misadventure, to
matar por contratiempo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
kind, in
en especie
common legal terms used in the courtroom
parentela, pariente; parentesco
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cleptómano, cleptomaníaco
common legal terms used in the courtroom
know all men by these presents
conste por el presente documento, séparse por la presente, comuníquese
common legal terms used in the courtroom
a sabiendas, con conocimiento (de causa), intencionalmente; hábilmente, inteligentemente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
knowledge and belief
saber y entender, conocimiento (información y creencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lack of evidence
falta de prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prescriptible, caducable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lapse (n. & v.)
caducidad, caducar, extinguirse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lapsing of action
perención (caducidad) de la instancia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ladrón, ratero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hurto, latrocinio, ladronicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
last resort
última instancia, último recurso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
latent defect
vicio (defecto) oculto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ley; derecho; jurisprudencia; abogacía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law day
día de vencimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law decree
decreto ley, ley decreto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law enforcement
ejecución de la ley, observancia forzosa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law journal
revista jurídica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law of evidence
código de pruebas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law of nature
ley natural
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law of procedure
derecho o ley procesal, leyes de enjuiciamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law of retaliation
ley del talión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law of the case
ley establecida durante el juicio por el tribunal de apelación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law of the land
debido procedimiento legal; derecho común
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law office
bufete, estudio de abogado, procuraduría
common legal terms used in the courtroom
law reports
compilación de decisiones judiciales, registros publicados de los tribunales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
quebrantador, infractor de la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infracción de la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lícito, legítimo, legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lawful age
mayoría legal, edad legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lawful condition
condición legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lawful day
día hábil
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ilícito, ilegítimo, ilegal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pleito, litigio, acción, causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
abogado, letrado, licenciado, jurisconsulto,procurador [S.A.]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lay on the table, to
encarpetar, dar capetazo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lay over, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lego, profano
common legal terms used in the courtroom
leading case
causa determinante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
leading counsel
abogado principal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
leading question
pregunta sugestiva, pregunta que insinúa la respuesta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
leave of absence
permiso para ausencia, licencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
leave of court
venia del tribunal, permiso del juez o tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lícito, legal; jurídico; forense, [Arg.} jurisprudencial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal address
domicilio legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal advice
consejo jurídico o legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal adviser
abogado consultor, consultor jurídico, asesor legal, [Arg., uru.] asesor letrado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal age
mayor de edad, mayoría (de eded)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal capability
capacidad legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal capacity
personería, personalidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal capacity to sue
capacidad procesal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal cause
causa inmediata
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal conclusion
conclusión de derecho; inferencia legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal consideration
causa lícita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal consultant
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal costs incurred
costas judiciales acarreadas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal damages
perjuicios compensables
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal defense
defensa legítima, defensa de hecho; defensa en derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal dependent
persona con derecho de alimentos, dependiente por ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal duty
obligación legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal estoppel
impedimento técnico
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal evidence
prueba legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal expenses
gastos jurídicos (legales); gastos causídicos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal fees
honoraríos de abogado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal holiday
día feriado legal, día de fiesta legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal injury
infraccióde derechos legales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal insanity
insania legal ( o de jure)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal instrument
documento legal, instrumento legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal irregularity
irregularidad de forma
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal jeopardy
peligro de fallo condenatorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal liability
responsabilidad legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal malice
malicia implícita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal name
nombre (denominación) legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal negligence
negligencia evidente, negligencia según criterio común
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal notice
notificación legal; notificación implícita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal opinion
consulta, opinión jurídica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal owner
propietario en derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal principle
precepto de ley, máxima, principio de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal proceeding
acto jurídico
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal process
cualquier mandamiento de un tribunal de justicia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal relevancy
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal remedies
recursos legales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal residence
domicilio legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal rights
derechos en derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal services
servicio de abogado, asistencia jurídica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal status
capacidad legal, estado legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legal year
año civil
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legalidad, legítimidad, [Uru.] juridicidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legalize, to
legalizar, refrendar, formalizar, legitimar, instrumentar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legally competent
de capacidad jurídica (legal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legally constituted
establecido conforme a la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legally determined
decidido por procedimiento jurídico
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legally interested
con interés legítimo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legally liable
legalmente responsible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legally proved
establecido conforme a prueba admisible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legally sufficient evidence
prueba admisible y suficiente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legitimidad; autenticidad, legalidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lesión; daño
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
letter of attorney
common legal terms used in the courtroom
letter of authority
carta de autorización
common legal terms used in the courtroom
letter of credence
carta credencial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
letter of the law
letra de la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
letters rogatory
suplicatoria, comisión rogatoria, carta rogatoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exigible; imponible, gravable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
liable to become
comprometerse, incurrir responsabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
liable to penalty
sujeto a multa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
libel (n. & v.)
difamación escrita, libelo difamar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
difamante, difamatorio, injurioso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
liberal interpretation
interpretación extensiva, sentido lato
common legal terms used in the courtroom
permisible, que se puede licenciar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
license (n. & v.)
licencia, matrícula, patente; título, permiso licenciar, matricular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
license fees
derechos de licencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
Lie (n. & v.)
mentira mentir; tener lugar, estar sostenible (eje. Cutable)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lie detector
detector de mentiras
common legal terms used in the courtroom
gravamen, derecho de retención (o prendario), embargo preventivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
life imprisonment
cadena perpetua, reclusión perpetua, presidio prepetuo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
life sentence
cadena perpetua, sentencia de prisión vitalicia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
light presumption
indicio leve
common legal terms used in the courtroom
light sentence
condena leve, sentencia moderada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
limitation in law
domínio de duración limitada [por una condición]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
limitation of action
prescripción de acción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
limitation over
dominio subsecuente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
limited appeal
apelación parcial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
limited interpretation
interpretación restrictiva
common legal terms used in the courtroom
limited jurisdiction
jurisdicción especial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
limited liability
responsabilidad limitada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
literal proof
prueba escrita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
litigante, pleiteador, [Am. Central] litigador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
litigate, to
litigar, pleitear
common legal terms used in the courtroom
litigated motions
peticiones contenciosas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
litigio, pleito, litigación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lobby (n. & v.)
organización para cabildeo, camarilla cabildear, capitulear
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cabildeo, capituleo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cabildero, capitulero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
local prejudice
prejuicio de la región
common legal terms used in the courtroom
manuscrito, escrítura carrída, letra manuscrita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
low bidder
mejor postor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lucrative bailment
common legal terms used in the courtroom
precio (cantidad) global
common legal terms used in the courtroom
insanía, locura
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
maginal note
apostilla, nota marginal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
make a commitment
obligarse a
common legal terms used in the courtroom
make an offer, to
ofrecer, proponer
common legal terms used in the courtroom
make default, to
no comparecer
common legal terms used in the courtroom
make known, to
dar a conocer, hacer saber
common legal terms used in the courtroom
make over, to
traspasar, ceder
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perjuicio, agravio, daño legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fechoría; malversación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malice aforethought
malicia premeditada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malice in fact
malicia expresa (de hecho)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malice in law
malicia implícita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malice prepense
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malicious accusation
acusación maliciosa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malicious arrest
detención maliciosa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malicious mischief
agravio malicioso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malicious prosecution
enjuiciamiento malicioso, demanda de mala fe
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malicious trespass
transgresión (translimitación) maliciosa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malign, to
difamar, calumniar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
conducta ilegal (inmoral) en el ejercicio profesional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
manage, to
administrar, dirigir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dirección, administración; gestión, gerencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mandato, [Méx.] procuración; mandamiento; encargo, comisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mandatory (n. & adj.)
mandatorio obligatorio, preceptivo, forzoso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mandatory injunction
mandamiento afirmativo (preceptive), requerimiento imperativo, interdicto mandatorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mandatory statute
estatuto esencial al procedimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
manía, locura, insania
common legal terms used in the courtroom
homicidio sin premeditación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
manslaughter in the first degree
homicidio en primer grado sin premeditación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
marital law
ley marcial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mark off the calendar, to
remover de la lista de causas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
graduación, ordenamiento, prelación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
marshall (n. & v.)
alguacil, ministril, actuario, [P.R.] márshal, [Méx.] ministro ejecutor clasificar, ordenar, graduar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
material (n. & adj.)
material material; importante, substancial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
material allegation
alegación esencial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
material evidence
prueba substancial (esencial), prueba pertinente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
material facts
hechos pertinentes, [Méx.] hechos influyentes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
material misrepresentation
falsedad importante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
material witness
testigo de causa, testigo esencial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matricidio (crimen); matricida (criminal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
asunto, materia, cosa, negocio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter in controversy
cuestión en disputa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter in deed
cuestión de hecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter in issue
cuestion en disputa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter in pais
cuestión de hecho que no consta por escrito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter of course
cosa natural
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter of fact
cuestión de hecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter of form
punto de forma
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter of law
cuestión de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter of record
materia de autos (de registro)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
matter of substance
cuestión substancial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
maximum penalty
pena máxima, condena máxima
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mutilación criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
means of evidence
medios de prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mediate (v. & adj.)
mediar, intervenir mediato
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mediación, tercería
common legal terms used in the courtroom
medical evidence
testimonio pericial de médicos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reunión, sesión, conferencia, junta, tenida
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
melancolía, lipemanía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mental alienation
insania, enajenación mental
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mental anguish
angustias mentales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mental cruelty
crueldad mental
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mental derangement
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mental incapacity mental incompetency
incapacidad mental
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mental reservation
reserva mental; reserva tácita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
clemencia, gracia, indulto, perdón
common legal terms used in the courtroom
benemérito, meritorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
meritorious consideration
causa valiosa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
meritorious defense
defensa sobre los méritos (una buena defensa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
merits of the case
méritos de la causa, fondo de la cuestión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
military law
código militar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
minor (n. & adj.)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
minority (n. & adj.)
minoría; minoridad ( de edad) minoritario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
minute book
libro de actas (de minutas), minutario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
desgracia, contratiempo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
misallege, to
alegar falsamente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
misappropriate, to
distraer, malversar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malversación, distracción de fondos, [Arg., Uru.] apropiación indebida
common legal terms used in the courtroom
misbrand, to
rotular ocn indicaciones falsas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aborto natural
common legal terms used in the courtroom
miscarriage of justice
injusticia, perjuicio de derechos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
instrucciones erróneas al jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mala conducta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mala interpretación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aplazamiento indebido
common legal terms used in the courtroom
misdate (n. & v.)
fecha equivocada fechar erroneamente, pomer fecha errónea
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malhecho, fechoría
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reo de delito menor (o de menor cuantía)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acto legal hecho de manera ilegal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nombre erróneo (falso)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alegatos erróneos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ocultación de un crimen; delito menor; rebeldía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
misprision of felony
ocultación de un crimen
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falsedad, relación falsa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
error, yerro, equivocación, falencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mistake of fact
error de hecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mistake of law
error de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
juicio nulo o pleito viciado (ambos con derecho a nuevo juicio)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
malentendido, equivocación, mala inteligencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
abuso, matratamiento, uso indebido
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mitigatin circumstances
circunstancias mitigantes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mixed larceny (compound larceny)
hurto con circunstancias agravantes, hurto complicado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mixed nuisance
perjuicio público y particular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mixed presumption
presunción de hecho y de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
moot case
acción constitutiva, causa determinante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
moot court
tribunal ficticio de los estudiantes de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
moot question
cuestión de derecho discutible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
moral certainty
evidencia moral
common legal terms used in the courtroom
moral consideration
causa equitativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
moral obligation
obligación natural; obligación moral
common legal terms used in the courtroom
moral turpitude
torpeza moral
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pedimento, petición, recurso, solicitud accesoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion calendar
lista de causas para elevación de un recurso; lista de peticiones contenciosas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion day
día para discusión de peticiones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion for appointment of experts
moción para nombramiento de peritos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion for change of venue
moción para cambio de jurisdicción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion for continuance
moción para aplazamiento (postergación)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion for directed verdict
petición para veredicto mandado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion for discovery
moción para revelación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion for new trial
petición de nuevo juicio, [P.R.] moción de nuevo juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion for severance of parties
petición para la separación de las defensas de varios acusados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion granted
petición admitida
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion in arrest of judgment
petición para impedir registración de la sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion papers
documentos de la petición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion to adjourn
moción para levantar la sesión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion to consolidate
moción para cumular las causas (o los autos)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion to dismiss
pedimento para declarar sin lugar, moción para desechar (o negar lugar)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion to preclude
petición para prevenir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion to return property or to suppress evidence
moción para devolver cosas o para eliminar pruebas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion to set aside indictment or indictment or information
recurso de reposición, moción para dejar sin efecto o anular la acusación del gran jurado o de la fiscalía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
motion to vacate
recurso de casación, demanda de nulidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
móvil, motivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
move, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
moving cause
causa eficiente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
moving papers
documentos de la petición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
multiple defendants
pluralidad de acusados, acusados múltiples, multiplicidad de acusados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
multiplicity of actions
multiplicidad de acciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
municipal court
juzgado municipal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
municipal domicile
domicilio municipal (local)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
municipal law
ley doméstica, ley municipal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
municipal ordinance
estatuto municipal, [P.R.] ordenanza municipal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
municipal warrant
autorización de pago de un funcionario municipal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
municipio, municipalidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
murder (n. & v.)
asesinato, hoomicidio, cometer homicidio, asesinar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
murder in the first degree
homicidio premeditato, asesinato en primer grado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
murder in the second degree
homicidio impremeditado, asesinato en segundo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
murder with malice afore-thought
homicidio con malici apremeditada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
interfecto, occiso, asesinado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
homicida, asesino
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mutilate, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mutual consent
muto consentimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mutual consideration
causa recíproca
common legal terms used in the courtroom
naked authority
autorización unilateral
common legal terms used in the courtroom
naked confession
confesión sin confirmación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
naked deposit
depósito gratuito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
naked possibility
escasa posibilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
naked power
poder sin interés del apoderado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
naked promise
promesa unilateral (sin causa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
a saber, es decir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural, nacional, nativo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
native citizen
ciudadano por nacimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natual rights
derechos naturales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural; nativo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural allegiance
lealtad por nacimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural child
hijo no adoptivo, hijo habido durante el matrimonio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural death
muerte natural
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural domicile
domicilio de origen
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural infancy
minoridad hasta los siete años
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural law
derecho natural, ley natural
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural obligation
obligación ética (natural)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural person
persona física (natural)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural presumption
presunción razonable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
natural-born citizen
ciudadano por nacimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
naturalization papers
carta de ciudadanía (de naturalización, de naturaleza)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
naturalized citizen
ciudadano nacionalizado (naturalizado, por naturalización)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
voto negativo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
necesidad; indigencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negative misprision
ocultación de un delito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negative proof
prueba indirecta (negativa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negative testimony
testimonio indirecto (por inferencia, negativo)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
neglect (n. & v.)
negligencia, descuido, descuidar, desatender
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negligencia, descuido, imprudencia, culpa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negligence in law
negligencia procesable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negligente, descuidado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negligent homicide
homicidio por negligencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negligent misprepresentation
falsedad negligente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negligent offense
delito por negligencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negligent violation
infracción con negligencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
new assignment
relación nueva de los alegatos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
new cause of action
nuevo derecho de acción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
new trial
nuevo juicio, nueva audiencia (vista)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
newly discovered evidence
prueba descubierta después de la sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
next of kin
parientes más próximos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falta de aceptación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rehuso de admisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incomparecencia, contumacia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
no caucionable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falta de cumplimiento, incumplimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
no concurrente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
no contencioso, voluntario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incontestable, indisputable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falta de debida instrucción por el juez
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falta de revelación de hechos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nonfatal injury
lesión no mortal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
omisión, negligencia, incumplimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incumplimiento, falta de cumplimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nonissuable pleas
defensa sin efecto sobre los méritos de la causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nonjudicial day
día inhábil
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nonjury calendar
lista de cuasas para vista sin jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nonjury cause
litigio sin jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
no jurídico, fuera de la incumbencia de la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
no responsible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
sin notificar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inobservancia, incumplimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falta (defecto) de pago
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nonprofit organization
empresa no lucrativa (no ganancial, sin fines lucrativos), sociedad no especulativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
sin recurso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nonschedule disability
incapacidad no especificada en la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nonsuit (n. & v.)
sobreimiento, fallo contra el demandante por caducidad, caducidad de la instancia desechar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incontestable, no negable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
not guilty
no culpable, no es responsible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
not otherwise herein provided
no provisto en otra forma en éste
common legal terms used in the courtroom
not otherwise indexed by name
no específicamente incluído en otra parte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
not otherwise specified
no especificado en otra parte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notarial certificate
acta (testimonio) notarial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notarial seal
sello notarial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
atestación por notario público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notarize, to
otorgar ante notario, escriturar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notary, notary public
notario (público), escribano, corredor público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notary's clerk
escribiente notarial, amanuence
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notary's office
notaría, [Arg.] escribanía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notice of appeal
notificación de la apelación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notice of appearance
aviso de comparecencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notice of judgment
notificación de sentencia registrada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notice of trial
notificación del juicio (del proceso)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notice to plead
notificación para presentar defensa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notice to produce
notificación a una parte para prooducción (pre-sentación) de un documento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notificación, citación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
notorio, público, conspicuo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reconocer, declarar; confesar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perjuicio, daño, acto perjuicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
null and void
nulo y valor, sin efecto ni valor, nulo, írrito, nulo y de ningún efecto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nullify of judgment
nulidad de la sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nullify of substance
nulidad substancia (de fondo)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nullify to form
nulidad de forma
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nullify, to
anular, invalidar, nulificar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
oath of a witness
juramento de decir verdad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
oath of office
juramento de cargo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
object (n. & v.)
objeto, objectivo, objetar, impugnar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
object of an action
objeto de una acción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
oposición, disconformidad; reparo, objeción, recusación, [Méx.] excepción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
supresión de una ley por otra nueva
common legal terms used in the courtroom
obsceno, indecente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
obscenidad, indecencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
obstruct justice, to
impedir el debido procedimiento legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
obstructing an officer
resistencia a la autoridad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
tenencia, ocupación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
relativo a oficio o a profesión, [P.R.] ocupacional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
occupational accident
accidente de trabajo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
occupational disease
enfermedad profesional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
occupational hazard
riesgo profesional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
occupational injury
lesión de trabajo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
of counsel
asociado con el abogado principal de una causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
of record
registrado, protocolado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
of right (of course)
natural, sin intervención del juez, de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
off calendar
removido de la lista de causas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
delincuente; ofensor, agraviador, injuriador, ofendedor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
delito; ofensa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ofensivo, gravoso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
offer a motion, to
plantear (proponer)una moción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
offer in evidence, to
presentar como prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
funcionario (de una empresa, gerencial, etc.); oficial (de la policía, de la sfuerzas armadas)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
official misconduct
mala conducta o malversación de un funcionario público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
official oath
juramento de cargo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
old-age pension
jubilación por vejez (por ancianidad)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
on or about
de fecha…aproximadamente, allá para…
common legal terms used in the courtroom
on or before
no más tarde de…, a más tardar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
oneroso, a título oneroso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
on-law contempt
desacato criminal, contumacia en derecho consuetudinario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
open a case, to
abrir el juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
open a default, to
anular sentencia en rebeldía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
open a judgment, to
volver a considerar la sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
open entry
toma de posesión franca
common legal terms used in the courtroom
open question
cuestión pendiente de decidirse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
open the pleadings
hacer sumario de los alegatos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
open verdict
veredicto inconcluso del jurado de pesquisidor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
opening statement of counsel
exposición inicial de caso, declaraciónn inagural de la defensa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
operative words
palabras valederas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
opinion of counsel
opinón de abogado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
opinion of evidence
prueba pericial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
optional appearance
comparecencia facultativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
optional condition
condición potestativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
oral degamation
calumnia, difamación oral
common legal terms used in the courtroom
oral evidence
prueba testimonial (verbal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
order of business
orden del día, temario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
order of the day
orden del día, agenda
common legal terms used in the courtroom
order to proceed
auto de proceder, [Col.] auto de sustanciación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ordinary hazards
riesgo profesional sin negligencia, riesgos normales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ordinary jurisdiction
jurisdicción de primera instancia (común)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ordinary negligence
negligencia comparativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ordinary proceeding
procedimiento ordinario, acción plenaria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
original evidence
prueba original
common legal terms used in the courtroom
original jurisdiction
jurisdiccióde primera instancia (original)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
original process
proceso inicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ought to be viewed
debe considerarse (mirarse)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
out of court
fuera de litigio, extrajudicialmente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
out of term
fuera del período de sesiones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
outlaw, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prescrito; caducado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
over act
acto manifiesto realizado para lograr el propósito de una conspiración
common legal terms used in the courtroom
over act
principio de ejecución
common legal terms used in the courtroom
overrule, to
desestimar, denegar, declarar sin lugar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
patente, evidente, manifiesto, abierto, público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
overt proposition
proposición evidente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
voz del oficial del tribunal para imponer silencio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lista de personas para el jurado, [P.R.] panel
common legal terms used in the courtroom
párrafo, apartado, [Ecuador] parrágrafo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
paranoia, monomanía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bienes parafernales; [estupefacientes] implemento para uso de estupefacientes, [coloq.] parafernalia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pardon (n. & v.)
indulto, amnistía, absolución indultar, amnistiar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ascendencia; padres
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
parol agreement
acuerdo verbal (no sellado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
parol arrest
detención por orden verbal del juez
common legal terms used in the courtroom
parol evidence
testimonio verbal, prueva oral (vocal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
libertad vigilada (provisional) bajo palabra, libertad condicional bajo palabra
common legal terms used in the courtroom
parole board
junta de libertad bajo palabra
common legal terms used in the courtroom
la persona que tiene libertad vigilada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
parolled, to be
ser puesto (estar) en libertad bajo palabra
common legal terms used in the courtroom
parricide (patricide)
parricidio [crimen]; parricida [criminal]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
part performance
cumplimiento parcial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
partial verdict
sentencia parcial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
partícipe, participante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
particular malice
malicia particular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
datos, detalles, explicación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
parties to the suit
partes titulares de la acción, litigantes, [Méx.] sujetos de la acción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
party in interest
parte interesada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
party of the first part
primera parte, de una parte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
party of the second part
segunda parte, de la otra parte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
party to be charged
parte responsible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pass a law, to
legislar (votar) una ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pass a resolution, to
acordar una resolución
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pass a sentence, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pass a test, to
cumplir una prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pass counterfeit money, to
circular moneda falsa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pass judgment, to
pronunciar sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pass the case, to
diferir la causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pass upon, to
decidir sobre
common legal terms used in the courtroom
patricide (parricide)
parricidio [crimen]; parricida [criminal]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
patrol wagon
camión de policía, [P.R] carro celular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pauta, norma
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peace officer
oficial del orden público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pellagrous insanity
insania pelagrosa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal action
acción penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal bond
obligación penal; fianza para multa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal clause
claúsula penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal code
código penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal interest
interés penal (punitorio, moratorio)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal laws
código penal, leyes penales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal obligation
obligación penal, obligación con claúdula penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal servitude
prisión con trabajo forzado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal statute
ley penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal suit
juicio penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penal sum
importe de la multa, penalidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penalize, to
multar; castigar, penar, penalizar, sancionar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
multa; castigo; pena, condena, penalidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
penalty bond
fianza para multa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pending appeal
en trámite (pendiente) hasta la apelación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presidio, penitenciaría, cárcel, prisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pension fund
caja (fondo) de jubilaciones (de previsión), [Esp.] caja dotal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pension rights
derechos jubilatorios
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peremptory challenge
recusación ssin causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peremptory defense
defensa perentoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peremptory exception
excepción perentoria, [Ecuador] excepción de nulidad, [Méx.] artículo inhibitorio, excepción perpetua
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peremptory nonsuit
sobreseimiento perentorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peremptory plea
instancia perentoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peremptory rule
fallo definitivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peremptory writ
auto perentorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perfect obligation
obligación legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perfect right
derecho completo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perform an autopsy, to
practicar una autopsia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
period of grace
plazo (período) de gracia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perjure, to
perjurar (se)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perjurio, falso testimonio, juramento falso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
permanent partial disability
incapacidad parcial permanente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
permanent total disability
incapacidad absoluta permanente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
permit (n. & v.)
licencia, permiso, pase; patente permitir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perpetrador, autor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perpetuating testimony
perpetuación de una prueba testimonial, registro de testimonio antes del juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
emolumentos, obvenciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal action
acción personal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal bond
fianza personal (particular)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal defense
excepción personal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal disability
incapacidad particular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal injury
lesión (daño) corporal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal judgment
sentencia contra la persona
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal knowledge
conocimiento de primera mano (original, propio)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal liberty
libertad personal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal obligation
obligación personal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal security
garantía personal; seguridad personal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal service
entrega a la persona, notificación personal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal tort
agravio a la persona
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal warranty
garantía personal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personal-injury liability
responsabilidad por daños corporales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
personate, to
hacerse pasar por
common legal terms used in the courtroom
a propósito, pertinente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
petit jury (petty jury)
jurado de juicio, jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
petition (n. & v.)
instancia, recurso, petición, pedimento, súplica, [Col.] pedida, [Méx.] ocurso; demanda pedir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
petition for hearing
petición por nueva audiencia (vista)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
petition in error
recurso de queja
common legal terms used in the courtroom
petitory action
acción petitoria, juicio petitorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
petty juror
jurado de juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
petty larceny
hurto de menor cuantía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
physical disability
incapacidad física, invalidez, [Arg., Cuba] inultilidad física
common legal terms used in the courtroom
physical fact
hecho tangible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
physical impossibility
imposibilidad material
common legal terms used in the courtroom
physical injury
lesión corporal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
carterista, ratero, cortabolsas, caco, [C.R.] puñalista
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pignorate, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pilfer, to
ratear, hurtar, sisar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ratería, sisa, [Esp.] hurto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ratero, [Méx., Chile] gallero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
saqueo, pillaje, merodeo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plain-clothes man
policía sin uniforme, policía encubierto, policía vestido de paisano, detective
common legal terms used in the courtroom
demandante, actor, parte actora, querellante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plaintiff in error
demandante por auto de casación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alegato, alegación, instancia; defensa, excepción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
defensa, contestación a la demanda
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea in abatement
instancia de nulidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea in bar
excepción perentoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea in discharge
defensa de descargo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea in reconvention
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea of confession and avoidance
defensa de descargo, alegación que si bien admite los hechos alega materia que excusa al que alega
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea of estoppel
excepción de impedimento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea of guilty
declaración (alegación) de culpabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea of nolo contendere
alegato de admisión de culpabilidad para proceso actual
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea of reconvention
reconvención, contrademanda
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea of release
excepción de desobligación, alegación que admite los hechos pero alega que se ha satisfecho la obligación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea side
sala de lo civil
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plea to the jurisdiction
excepción declinatoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plead a statute, to
citar una ley como base de la defensa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plead guilty, to
declararse culpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plead innocent, to
declararse inocente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plead not guilty, to
declararse no culpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plead over, to
contestar alegatos defectuosos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plead to the merits, to
presentar defensa sobre los méritos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plead, to
abogar; alegar; defender
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alegable, abogable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alegación; informe
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alegatos, alegaciones; escritos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plenary admission
admisión completa, confesión concluyente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
conspiración, complot
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plunder (n. & v.)
saqueo, pillaje despojar, pillar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
point of order
cuestión de procedimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
point reserved
cuestión de derecho decidida provisionalmente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
point to, to
señalar, inclinar(se) hacer, tender
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cuestiones, proposiciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
points and authorities
jurisprudencia judicial (interpretativa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
poison (n. & v.)
veneno envenenar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police (n. & v.)
cuerpo de policía ;[agente] el (la) policía vigilar el orden público; mantener bajo vigilancia plicial; mantener servicio de policía; vigilar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police authorities
autoridades policiales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police commissioner
comisario (comisionado) de policía, corregidor de policía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police court
juzgado correccional (municipal, dde guardia, de policía)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police force
cuerpo policíaco (de policía)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police headquarters
jefatura (intendencia, prefectura) de policía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police power
fuerza pública; facultad policial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police precinct
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police record
antecedentes penales (de delicuencia)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police regulations
código de policía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
police station
estación (cuartel) de policía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
policeman (policewoman)
el (la mujer) policía, guardia, guardiáa, polizonte, [Am. Central] policial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
political liberty
derechos civiles
common legal terms used in the courtroom
political offense
delito (crimen) público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
political rights
derechos del cíudadano
common legal terms used in the courtroom
poll (n. & v.)
votación; escrutinio escrutar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
poll the jury
preguntar a los jurados individualmente su conformidad con el veredicto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
polyneuritic insanity
insania polineurítica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
poor laws
legislación sobre socorro de los indigentes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
positive defense
defensa afirmativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
positive evidence
prueba directa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
positive fraud
fraude flagrante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
positive misprision
delito de menor cuantía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
positive proof
prueba directa (afirmativa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
más abajo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
post mortem
después de la muerte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
post-mortem examination
autopsia, necropsia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aplazable, prorrogable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
postpone, to
aplazar, diferir, dilatar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aplazamiento, prórroga
common legal terms used in the courtroom
postulate, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
autoridad, facultad; poder, apoderamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
power of appointment
facultad de nombrar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
factible, ejecutable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
practice a profession, to
ejercer una profesión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
practice law, to
ejercer la abogacía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pray for a judgment, to
pedir una sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
solicitación, petición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
precedent condition
condición suspensiva (precedente)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
precepto; orden
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preconceived malice
malicia premeditada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
derecho de prioridad; prioridad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prefer, to
dar prioridad (preferencia)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preferred causes
causas con prioridad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prejudge, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prejudice (n. & v.)
prejuicio, parcialidad, prejudicio; prejuicio, daño predisponer; prejuiciar; perjudicar, dañar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
con predisposición; perjudicado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perjudicial, dañoso, lesivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prejudicial error
error perjudicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preliminary examination
interrogatorio preliminar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preliminary hearing
vista (audiencia) preliminar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preliminary injunction
mandamiento (requerimiento) provisional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prelude, to
impedir, prevenir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
premeditated murder
homicidio premeditado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
premeditación, intencionalidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
premisas; local, establecimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preponderance of evidence
preponderancia de prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presence of, in the
ante, a vista de, en presencia de
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presente; actual, corriente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
present a report, to
elevar una memoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
present consideration
causa actual
common legal terms used in the courtroom
present, to
presentar; dar; entablar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presentation, on
a la vista, a presentación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acusación, denuncia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presents, these
la presente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presiding judge
juez presidente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presunción, conjetura, indicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presumption of death
presunción de fallecimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presumption of fact
presunción de hecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presumption of innocence
presunción de inculpabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presumption of law
presunción de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presunto, presuntivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presumptive death
muerte presunta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presumptive evidence
prueba por indicios (presunta), [Arg.] prueba conjetural
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pretrial calendar
lista de causas para composición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pretrial conference
conferencia del juez con las partes antes de iniciarse el juicio, [P.R.] conferencia con antelación a juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pretrial hearing
conferencia antes del juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prevaricate, to
mentir; prevaricar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preventivo, cautelar, precautorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preventive action
proceso cautelar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preventive arrest
detención preventiva
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preventive justice
medios para prevención de actos criminales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preventive measures
medidas preventivas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preventive rights
derechos precautorios
common legal terms used in the courtroom
primary evidence
prueba primaria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
principal (n. & adj.)
[legal] principal, poderante, cedente, mandate, causante, delegante, constituyente, comitente; autor principal de un delito mayor, principal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
principal and agent
poderdante y apoderado, mandante y mandatario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
principal challenge
recusación por causa principal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
principal fact
hecho fundamental (principal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
principal in the first degree
criminal en primer grado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
anterior; precedente, superior
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prior claim
derecho superior
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prior negligence
negligencia indirecta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prisión, cáacel, penitenciaría, penal, presidio, reclusorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prison term
período de encarcelamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
preso, reo, recluso, penado, prisionero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prisoner at the bar
el acusado en pleno tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
private attorney
abogado particular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
private detective
agente de policía privado, [P.R.] detective particular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
private nuisance
perjuicio particular, molestia (estorbo) privado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
private police
cuerpo de vigilancia particular, [Cuba] guardajurados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
priveleged communication
comunicación privilegiada (preferida)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
priview to a judgment
personas con derechos afectados por la sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
privilege from arrest
inmunidad de arresto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
privileged plea
alegación privilegiada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
privileged witness
testigo exento (privilegiado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
probable cause
motivo fundado, causa razonable, [Arg.] prueba semiplena, indicios vehementes; causa presunta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
probable evidence
prueba presunta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
libertad condicional a prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
probation officer
agente de libertad condicional a prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
delincuente con libertad condicional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
procedimiento, enjuiciamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proceed, to
iniciar la causa; proceder
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proceso, procedimiento, actuación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
process of law
curso (procedimiento) legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
procurador, adquirente; tercero, alcahuete
common legal terms used in the courtroom
procuring cause
causa inmediata
common legal terms used in the courtroom
produce a loss, to
acarrear una pérdida
common legal terms used in the courtroom
produce evidence, to
producir prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
produce, to
producir; rendir, rentar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
professional ethics
ética profesional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
professional services
servicios profesionales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prohibición, interdicción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prohibitive impediments
impedimientos impedientes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pronounce judgment, to
prohibición, interdicción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
apropiado, conveniente, debeido, adecuado, justo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proper care
prudencia razonable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proper evidence
prueba admisible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proper party
parte interesada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
propuesta, oferta, proposición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prorratear, ratear
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prosecute a criminal, to
encausar (enjuiciar) el reo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prosecute a suit, to
seguir un pleito (una causa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prosecute, to
procesar, encausar, enjuiciar; proseguir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prosecuting attorney
abogado acusador, fiscal, procurador en procesos penales, abogado fiscal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prosecuting witness
testigo principal contra el reo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
enjuiciamiento, procesamiento, proceso, prosecución
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fiscal, acusador público, abogado acusador (fiscal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prostituta, ramera
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prospective damages
daños anticipados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
protect, to
dejar a salvo, amparar, proteger
common legal terms used in the courtroom
protective rights
derechos precautorios
common legal terms used in the courtroom
protest (n. & v.)
protesta protestar, llevar a protesto, practicar (verificar) el protesto, [Perú] sacar el protesto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
demostrable, susceptible a ser probado, comprobable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proved facts
hechos probados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
provided (in a law)
disponiénose, proveyendo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
interino, provisorio, provisional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
provisional court
tribunal provisorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
provisional remedy
recurso interino, proceso cautelar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proximate cause
causa inmediata (próxima)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proximate consequences
consecuencia natural
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proximate damages
daños inmediatos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proximate result
resultado natural
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proxy, by
por poder
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public act
acto registrado (inscrito)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public attorney
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public defender
abogado de oficio, defensor público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public document
escritura pública
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public good
bienestar público, interés público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public health
sanidad (higiene) pública
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public hearing
audiencia pública
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public necessity
necesidad por mejoras públicas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public official
funcionario público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public revenue
renta fiscal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public sale
subasta con aviso anticipado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public seal
sello de autoridad pública
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public utilities
empresas de servicio público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public verdict
veredicto en pleno tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
public welfare
bienestar público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
puerperal insanity
insania puerperal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
punish, to
castigar, penar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
punible, castigable, penable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
castigo, pena
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pure accident
accidente inevitable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pure interest
interés puro
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pure plea
defensa afirmativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
purport (n. & v.)
significado, substancia significar, aparentar ser
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pursuant to
de acuerdo con, según
common legal terms used in the courtroom
put over, to
prorrogar, diferir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
put to a vote, to
someter a votación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
quack doctor
persona que ejerce la medicina sin ser médico
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
condicional, limitado, con salvedades, [P.R.] calificado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
qualified interest
interés limitado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
qualified oath
juramento condicional (limitado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
qualified privilege
privilegion condicional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
quality, to
habilitar, hacer capaz, capacitar; limitar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
question (n. & v.)
cuestión; pregunta interrogar, preguntar; disputar; recusar; dudar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
question of fact
cuestión de hecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
question of law
cuestión de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cuota, cupo; contribución
common legal terms used in the courtroom
[EE.UU.] extorsión sistematizada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
[EE.UU.] extorsión sistematizada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extorsionador, raquetero [anglicism], pandillero, socaliñero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extorsionador, raquetero [anglicism], pandillero, socaliñero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extorsión por chantaje e intimidación, bandolerismo, latrocinio, [méx.] raqueterismo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extorsión por chantaje e intimidación, bandolerismo, latrocinio, [Méx.] raqueterismo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
raise a point, to
presentar una cuestión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
raise a point, to
presentar una cuestión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
raise a pressumption, to
causar presunción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
raise a pressumption, to
causar presunción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
raise an objection, to
poner una objeción, objetar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
raise an objection, to
poner una objeción, objetar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ransom (n. & v.)
rescate; dinero de rescate; redención rescatar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rape (n. & v.)
violación, estupro, ultraje violar, estuprar, ultrajar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
violador, estuprador, ultrajador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rash pressumption
indicio leve, presunción con leve justificación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ratify, to
ratificar, confirmar, convalidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reach an agreement, to
llegar a un acuerdo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
read law, to
estudiar derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ready for trial
listo para juicio, preparado para juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ready waiting list
lista de causas preparadas y en espera
common legal terms used in the courtroom
real defense
defensa legítima (legal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
real evidence
prueba material (real)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
real injury
perjuicio material
common legal terms used in the courtroom
real issue
cuestión verdadera, cuestión en disputa entre las partes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
real party in interest
parte interesada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reargue, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nuevo argumento, nuevo alegato
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rearrest (n. & v.)
arresto nuevo volver a detener
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reasonable care
prudencia razonable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reasonable doubt
duda razonable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rebut, to
refutar, rebatir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rebuttable pressumption
presunción disputable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
refutación, respuesta a la tríplica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
respuesta a la tríplica, refutación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
re-cross examination
nuevo contrainterrogatorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nuevo contrainterrogatorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
redirect examination
repregunta, nuevo interrogatorio directo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
redirect examination
segundo interrogatorio directo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reform school
reformatorio, escuela correccional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rechazable, denegable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impugnable, refutable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
refute, to
refutar, rebatir, [Col.] contraprobar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
register (n & v.)
registro, matrícula; registrador registrar, inscribir, protocolar, matricular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
register a letter, to
certificar una carta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
registrado; titulado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
registered letter
carta certificada, [Méx.] carta restrada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
registro; certificación; inscripción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
registration with receipt requested
certificación y aviso de recepción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
registro; protocolo; matriculación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
registry of vital statistics
registro demográfico
common legal terms used in the courtroom
regular process
proceso jurídico, citación legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
regular session
sesión ordinaria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
relamento, reglamentación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rehabilitación, reposición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
nueva audiencia, revisión de la causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reject, to
rehusar, rechazar, desechar, repulsar; negar, denegar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rejoin, to
hacer dúplica, hacer contrarréplica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contrarréplica, dúplica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
respuesta; réplica; contrarréplica, dúplica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
relative fact
hecho secundario (relativo)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
release (n. & v.)
descargo, liberación librar, liberar, descargar, libertar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
release on bail, to
poner en libertad bajo fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
release on own recognizance
poner en libertad bajo su propia palabra
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pertinente, relacionado con, que hace al caso, a propósito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
confiabilidad, seriedad, formalidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
confiable, serio, cumplidor, formal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reliable source of information
buena fuente, fuente confiable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
relinquish, to
renunciar, ceder, desprenderse de
common legal terms used in the courtroom
remand, to
reencarcelar; devolver
common legal terms used in the courtroom
no común, notable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
remedial action
acció de indemnización
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
remedy of appeal
recurso de apelación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
remit, to
eximir, condonar; devolver; remitir, consignar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
remote cause
motivo indirecto, causa remota e indirecta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
transferencia a otro tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
render a verdict, to
rendir veredicto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
render judgment, to
pronunciar una sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reopen a case, to
rever (reabrir, abrir de nuevo) una causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
repeal (n. & v.)
revocación, casación derogar, revocar, abrogar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
repealing clause
claúsula derogatoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
replead, to
presentar alegatos nuevos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
réplica, replicato
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reply (n. & v.)
contestación, contesta, respuesta; réplica contestar, responder; replicar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reply to interrogatories
contestaciones a interrogatorios, absolución de posiciones, confesión judicial, [Méx.] prueba confesional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
report (n. & v.)
informe, memoria, relación; denuncia, parte; dictamen; [Arg.] revelamiento informar, denunciar; presentar informe
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reporter, court
taquígrafo del tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
publicación oficial de decisiones judiciales, registros oficiales de pleitos y causas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reprieve (n. & v.)
suspensión temporal suspender la ejecución de sentencia en causa criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
repudiate, to
repudiar, rechazar, renunciar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
repugnant condition
condición incompatible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
honorable, honrado, estimable, honroso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fama pública, nombre, crédito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rescind, to
rescindir, deshacer, abrogar, disolver
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reserje calendar
lista de causas no preparadas para vista
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reserje decision
reservar el fallo, guardar (reservar) decisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
resistance to arrest
resistencia a la autoridad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
resolve, to
absolver, acordar, resolver
common legal terms used in the courtroom
medios, recursos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
suspensión de condena
common legal terms used in the courtroom
respite of appeal
aplazamiento de la apelacion
common legal terms used in the courtroom
responsible for, to be
responder por
common legal terms used in the courtroom
responsible, to hold
hacer responsible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rest the case, to
terminar la presentacióde pruebas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
restore a case, to
reponer la causa, reinstalar el caso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
restrain, to
prohibir, vedar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
restraining order
inhibitoria, interdicto, [P.R.] orden de entredicho, [Méx.] juicio de amparo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
segundo emplazamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
retain, to
guardar, retener
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contrato para servicios de abogado; pago adelantado al abogado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
simple assault
asalto (acometimiento) simple (sencillo)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contestación la refutación del demandado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
the court holds
el tribunal decide (declara, resuelve)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to bail out
salir en libertad bajo fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to be biased
estar prejuiciado (predispuesto)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to be committed to a mental institution
internar en un manicomio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to be free on bail
estar en libertad bajo fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to be in effect
tener vigencia, regir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to be intoxicated
estar en estado de embriaguez, estar ebrio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to be released on bail
ser puesto (dejado) en libertad bajo fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to charge the jury
instruir al jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to execute an order
ejecutar (servir) una orden
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to exexute a criminal
ajusticiar (justiciar, ejecutar) a un reo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to forfeit bail
hacer caducar (o perder) la fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to inure to
pasal al uso de
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to jump bail on bail
darse a la fuga (fugarse) estando bajo fianza bajo fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to open court
iniciar la sesión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to post bail
prestar fianza, dar (poner) fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to reach an agreement
llegar a un acuerdo, convenirse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to take effect
entrar en vigor (vigencia), tener efecto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
to the best of my knowledge and belief
a mi leal saber y entender
common legal terms used in the courtroom
under arrest
preso, detenido
common legal terms used in the courtroom
under oath
bajo juramento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
within reasonable time
dentro de plazo prudencial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
your day in court
su derecho de audiencia en pleno tribunal, su día ante el tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom