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1337 Cards in this Set

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voir dire
a questioning of prospective jurors by the attorneys, and, on application of any party, by the judge, to see if any of them should be disqualified or removed by challenge or examination
Voir Dire
The preliminary examination of a witness or a potential juror when there is a question concerning the individual's competence, interest or some other matter.
permanent harm to real property
Writ of Habeas Corpus
abandono, desamparo,deserción, cesión,dejación (de bienes)
civil/ family
abandonment of children
abandono o desamparo de hijos o niños
civil/ family
abandonment of domicile
abandono de hogar
civil/ family
ability to engage in gainful employment
capacidad de desempeñar una ocupación lucrativa o retribuída, o un emleo provechoso
civil/ family
abondonment of action
desistimiento de la demanda, abandono de la acción o de la instancia
civil/ family
acción, actividad, movimiento, operación, (Law) demanda, proceso, litigio
civil/ family
action for partition
acción pidiendo la partición o división de una comunidad, sociedad o herencia, juicio de partición
civil/ family
action for the exclusive custody of a child
acción pidiendo la tuición exclusiva de un hijo (a)
civil/ family
action in default
juicio en rebeldía
civil/ family
action in personam
acción personal o contra la persona
civil/ family
action in rem
acción real o contra la cosa
civil/ family
action which does not lie
acción sin lugar (acción) que el demandante pierde)
civil/ family
action which lies
acción sostensible o a que se da lugar (acció que el demandante gana)
civil/ family
administer oaths
tomar, recibir o administrar juramentos
civil/ family
civil/ family
age, of
mayor de edad
civil/ family
age, under
menor de edad
civil/ family
convenio, acuerdo, pacto, tratado, conformidad, concordancia
civil/ family
agreement withh, in
de acuerdo con
civil/ family
agreement, by mutual
de común acuerdo
civil/ family
agreement, to reach an
llegar a un acuerdo
civil/ family
alimentos, pensión, alimenticia, (in the USA) suma de dinero que se paga para la mantención de la cónyuge o del cónyuge en caso de separación o divorcio o disolución del matrimonio
civil/ family
alimony pendente lite
alimentos que se pagan durante el litigio o juicio
civil/ family
asignación (especialmente de un matrimonio), rescisión, derogación, cancelación, revocación
civil/ family
answer to interrogatories
absolución de posiciones (o absolver posiciones) o interrogatorios
civil/ family
antenuptial agreements (or prenuptial agreements,or marriage contracts, or articles of marriage
capitulaciones matrimoniales
civil/ family
appointment of a receiver
nombramiento de un receptor
civil/ family
embargo, secuestro, comisto, incautación, retención
civil/ family
attachment of wages
retención o embargo de sueldos o slarios
civil/ family
birth certificate
partida o certificado de nacimiento (Mex) acta de nacimiento
civil/ family
birth control
control del la natalidad, esterilidad voluntaria
civil/ family
birth record
inscripción de nacimiento
civil/ family
causa, proceso, pleito, acción
civil/ family
case dismissed
"no ha lugar" causa desechada o desestimada
civil/ family
case law
jurisprudencia, precedentes
civil/ family
cash value
valor efectivo
civil/ family
civil status
estado civil
civil/ family
demandante, actor, reclamante
civil/ family
cortesía, principio de derecho norteamericano por el cual los tribunales de un estado respetan las leyes y decisiones de otro estado - wikipedia In law, COMITY specifically refers to legal reciprocity—the principle that one jurisdiction will extend certain courtesies to other nations (or other jurisdictions within the same nation), particularly by recognizing the validity and effect of their executive, legislative, and judicial acts
civil/ family
comity of nations
cortesía entre naciones (al reconocer en sus propios territorios las decisiones y los actos legislativos, administrativos o juridiciales de otros estatos
civil/ family
mezclar, unir los patrimonios o bienes de los cónyuges o los bienes separados de cualquiera de ellos o de ambos con los bienes de la sociedad conyugal (o conmmunidad)
civil/ family
common law
derecho consuetudinario, no escrito (dícese del derecho inglés y norteamericano, o sea, del derecho angloamericano)
civil/ family
common-law marriage
casamiento por mero acuerdo y cohabitación, matrimonio consensual, matrimonio sin observar formalidades
civil/ family
community property
comunidad de bienes, sociedad conyugal
civil/ family
concealed assets
bienes ocultos, activo oculto
civil/ family
concluyente, conclusivo, decisivo
civil/ family
conclusive evidence
prueba concluyente o indisputable o decisiva
civil/ family
condonación (perdón
civil/ family
(commercial) precio, (Law) causa, prestación, compensacion, (Mex.) contra-prestación
civil/ family
(Law) desacato
civil/ family
contempt of court
desacato al tribunal, contumacia, rebeldía
civil/ family
contingent fee
honorario condicional, dependiente del resultado
civil/ family
convey (property)
transferir (la propiedad)
civil/ family
título traslaticio de dominio, cesión, traspaso
civil/ family
county recorder
registrador (o archiver) del condado
civil/ family
court of competent jurisdiction
tribunal competente
civil/ family
custodians of children
tutores (guardadores, guardianes) de niños
civil/ family
custody of children
tuición, curatela, custodia de niños
civil/ family
custody, divided
régimen (o arreglo) de tuición o custodia dividida
civil/ family
custody, joint
régimen (o arreglo) de tuición o custodia conjunta
civil/ family
custody, split
régimen (o arreglo) en que la custo de uno o más hijos se da a la madre y la del otro o de los otros hijos se da al padre
civil/ family
omisión, descuido, incumplimiento (p.ej., de contrato, de pago), falta, ausencia, (Law) rebeldía, contumacia, falta de comparecencia
civil/ family
default judgment
fallo por falta de comparecencia, juicio en rebeldía
civil/ family
default of, in
por falta de, por faltar a
civil/ family
default whereof, in
en cuyo defecto
civil/ family
default, by
(Law) en rebeldía, en contumacia
civil/ family
default, in
(Commerce) en mora, morosa, atrasado en un pago
civil/ family
default, to (intr. v.)
faltar, dejar de cumplir (un contrato, una obligación), (Law) caer en rebeldía o contumacia
civil/ family
default, to (tr. v.)
(Law) declarar (a alguien) en rebeldía o contumacia
civil/ family
(Law) desechar, declarar sin lugar
civil/ family
dismiss an action
declarar sin lugar una acción (un juicio, una demanda), denegar
civil/ family
dismiss on the merits
desechar por falta de mérito (en cuanto al fondo)
civil/ family
dismiss with prejudice
denegar sin dar derecho a nuevo juicio
civil/ family
dismiss without prejudice
denegar sin hacer perder el derecho a nuevo juicio
civil/ family
dissolution decree
decreto de disolución (de matrimonio)
civil/ family
dissolution of marriage
disolución de matrimonio
civil/ family
domestic relations
relaciones familiares
civil/ family
domestic relations court
(USA) en algunos estados, tribunal con jurisdicción sobre relaciones familiares
civil/ family
final judgment
sentencia definitiva
civil/ family
finding of fact (s)
decisión sobre cuestión de hecho, determinación de hecho (s)
civil/ family
foreign marriage
matrimonio celebrado (contraido) en el extranjero
civil/ family
full faith and credit
plena fe (hecho de dar pleno valor a)
civil/ family
tutor, guardián (guardador), curador
civil/ family
guardian ad litem
curador ad litem (curador para juicio)
civil/ family
curatela, curaduría, tutela, tutoría
civil/ family
happening of the contingency
acontecimiento de la contingencia, de la eventualidad, de la condición
civil/ family
opresión, penuria, privación
civil/ family
inocente, sencillo, inofensivo, inocuo
civil/ family
harmless error
error excusable o sin perjuicio
civil/ family
harmless, to hold
liberar de (una obligación, un pago, una responsabilidad), amparar, dejar a salvo de
civil/ family
hearing of the cause on the merits
audiencia sobre el fondo de la causa
civil/ family
hogar de la familia, hogar seguro
civil/ family
homestead law
ley sobre la inembargabilidad de hogares, (USA) leyes que no autorizan la venta forzada de las tierras de colonización
civil/ family
mandato o requerimiento judicial, embargo o prohibición judicial, orden imperativa o prohibitiva dictada por un tribunal
civil/ family
interlocutorio, provisorio o temporal, no definitivo
civil/ family
interlocutory decree
auto interlocutorio, decreto provisorio
civil/ family
interlocutory judgment
sentencia interlocutoria o fallo interlocutorio (que no pone fin a la instancia)
civil/ family
interrogatorio escrito, preguntas, posiciones
civil/ family
marriage by force
matrimonio contraído a la fuerza
civil/ family
marriage by proxy
matrimonio por poder
civil/ family
marriage in force
matrimonio vigente
civil/ family
marriage settlement
traspaso de bienes, ya sea a causa de un matrimonio propuesto o, con más frecuencia, devisión de los bienes al terminarse un matrimonio
civil/ family
falta de cumplimiento, incumplimiento
civil/ family
nun pro tunc (Latin)
con efecto retroactivo
civil/ family
order for assignment of wages
orden (judicial) para retener sueldos o salarios y pagar al demandante la parte que el tribunal ordene
civil/ family
order for support pendente lite
orden de pagar alimentos ó mantención durante el juicio, mientras esté pendiente el litigio
civil/ family
order, restraining
inhibitoria,interdicto, prohibición de ejecutar actos o contratos sobre ciertos bienes, prohibición de ejecutar ciertos actos personales
civil/ family
padre (o madre)
civil/ family
civil/ family
perform the ceremony
celebrar la ceremonia
civil/ family
petition (in Family Law)
civil/ family
civil/ family
postmarital agreements
convenios posteriores a la celebración del matrimonio, convenios sobre bienes durante el matrimonio
civil/ family
premarital examination or test
examen físico anterior al matrimonio, examen prenupcial
civil/ family
bienes, patrimonio, fortuna
civil/ family
property rights
derechos patrimoniales, derechos sobre bienes
civil/ family
property settlement agreements
convenios sobre división de los bienes sobre la liquidación o partición de los bienes en caso de disolución especialmente
civil/ family
property, common tenancy
condominio (cada uno es dueño de su cuota o parte en el dominio del bien)
civil/ family
property, community
bienes comunes, sociedad conyugal
civil/ family
property, joint tenancy with right of survivorship
tenancia o dominio en común, con derecho del sobreviviente al dominio del bien (sin que entre a formar parte de la herencia del que fallezca)
civil/ family
property, quasi-community
bienes a los que se lesaplican las leyes y reglasde los bienes comunes o de la sociedad conyugal, aunque no se adquirieron durante el matrimonio o se adquierieron fuera de California
civil/ family
R.E.S.L. (Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Laws)
cumplimiento recíproco de las leyes sobre mantención (de hijos)
civil/ family
civil/ family
refund of overpayments
reembolso (devolución, restitución) de excesos de pago
civil/ family
residence requirements
exigencias de residencia o domicilio
civil/ family
restore the parties to the status of unmarried persons
reponer a las partes al estado civil de personas no casadas
civil/ family
restrict removal of children from state or county
restringir (prohibir) sacar a los hijos fuera del estado o del condado
civil/ family
service of process
notificación del juicio
civil/ family
solemnization of marriage
celebración del matrimonio
civil/ family
State Department of Public Health
Ministerio Estatal de Salud Pública, Departamento de Sanidad Pública
civil/ family
support of children
alimentos para los hijos, mantención de los hijos
civil/ family
temporary custody of minor children of the marriage
custodia (tuición) temporal o provisoria de los hijos menores de edad del matrimonio
civil/ family
trace, to
seguir la pista, investigar, descubrir
civil/ family
unfit or unable to furnish a suitable home
incompetente o incapaz de proporcionar un hogar adecuado
civil/ family
unrecorded marriage
matrimonio no inscrito, no registrado
civil/ family
usual course of business
marcha (o curso) habitual de los negocios
civil/ family
visitation rights under court order (enforceable by contempt procedure)
derechos de visita por orden judicial (que se pueden hacer cumplir por procedimiento de desacato o contumacia)
civil/ family
void marriage
matrimonio nulo
civil/ family
voidable marriage
matrimonio anulable
civil/ family
welfare and best interests of the child
bienestar y mejor interés del niño (del hijo)
civil/ family
Welfare and Institutions Code
Código de Asistencia Social y de Previsión
civil/ family
welfare recipient
recibidor de asistencia social, de beneficencia
civil/ family
willful failure to provide
falla o falta intencional de proporcionar la mantención (de pagar los alimentos)
civil/ family
abduct, to
raptar, secuestrar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rapto, secuestro
common legal terms used in the courtroom
abet, to
instigar, inducir, incitar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
instigador, incitador; fautor, cómplice
common legal terms used in the courtroom
susodicho, antedicho, supradicho, ya mencionado, antes citado, prenombrado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
abscond, to
fugarse, evadirse, alzarse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
prófugo, alzado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
absolute obligation
obligación incondicional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
absolute presumption
presunción absoluta, indicio indubitable (claro)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
absolute rights
derechos singulares
common legal terms used in the courtroom
absolve, to
absolver; justificar, dispensar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
absuelto;justificado, dispensado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cómplice, fautor; encubridor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fortuito, casual; accidental
common legal terms used in the courtroom
accidental cause
causa inevitable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
accidental death
muerte por accidente o accidental
common legal terms used in the courtroom
accidental ignorance
ignorancia no esencial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
accidental means
instrumento o medio inusitado (exceptional)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cómplice; correo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
according to law
conforme a la ley, conforme a derecho, proceder del derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
accumulative judgment
sentencia acumulativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
accumulative sentence
condena acumulativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acusación, denuncia; delación; cargo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acusatorio, acusador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
accuse, to
acusar, denunciar; delatar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
accused (n. & adj.)
acusado, procesado; sindicado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acusador, denunciante; delatante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acknowledge, to
aamitir; reconocer; atestar, certificar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
atestación, reconocimiento; confirmación; acta o escritura notarial de reconocimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
con conocimiento de primera mano
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acquiescee, to
consentir, asentir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acquit, to
absolver, exonerar, exculpar, descargar; relevar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
absolución, descargoo, sentencia absolutoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exonerado; descargado, absuelto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
act (n.& v.)
acto, hecho; auto, sentencia, decreto (de ley) actuar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
act of commission
acto de comisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acting (adj.)
interino, suplente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acción judicial; proceso; acto; gestión, gencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
action at law
acción judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
action in damages
acción judicial en daños y perjuicios
common legal terms used in the courtroom
action in default
juicio en rebeldía o en contumacia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
action which does not lie
acción sin lugar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
action which lies
acción con lugar o sostenible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
action which may lie
acción a que hubiere lugar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
procesable, justiiciable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
actionable (wrong tort)
agravio prosesable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
actionable fraud
fraude justiciable (procesable)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
actionable misreprensentation
falsedad justiciable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
actionable negligence
negligencia procesable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
actionable nuisance
perjuicio procesable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
actionable words
palabras infamatorias (difamantes, calumnio)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
address (n.& v.)
dirección, señas, sobrescrito dirigir; dirigir la palabra
common legal terms used in the courtroom
address the court
dirigirse al tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
address to the jury
dirigirse al jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adequate care
cuidado razonable (adecuado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adequate cause
motivo suficiente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adequate compensation
remuneración equitativa (justa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adequate provocation
provocación justificante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adequate remedy
recurso pleno, remedio adecuado en ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adjourn, to
aplazar, posponer; levantar (aplazar) la sesión; sis[emder. Doferir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adjourned cases
causas aplazadas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adjourned session
sesión aplazada (pospuesta)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adjourned summons
emplazamiento por disputar ante el tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adjournment day
día para renovación del juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adjudge, to
decidir; adjudicar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aceptable, admisible, fundado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
admisibilidad, (Méx. Fundabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
admisión, reconocimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
admission of evidence
recibimiento de prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
admission of guilt
reconocimiento de culpabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
admit to bail
libertar bajo fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
admit, to
admitir, reconocer, comceder; dar entrada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
admonish, to
amonestar, prevenir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
consejo, consulta, asesoramiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
advice and consent
consejo (consulta) y consentimiento (aprobación, [P.R.] concurso y consentimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
advice of counsel
consejo legal del abogado, asesoramiento del abogado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
advise defendant
asesorar (aconsejar) al acusado (procesado ) [penal], …al demandado [civil]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
advise, to
aconsejar, asesorar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
intencionalmente, deliberadamente; prudentemente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
consideración, deliberación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
deponente, delarante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
declaración jurada (juramentada), atestiguación jurada, testimonio jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affidavit for attachment
declaración jurada para providencia de secuestro
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affidavit of defense, affidavit of merits
declaración jurada de los méritos de la defensa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affidavit of good faith
declaración de buena fe
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affidavit of service
declaración jurada de la citación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affir, to
afirmar, aseverar, alegar, asegurar; convalidar, confirmar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affirmative defense
defensa afirmativa, defensa de fondo (activa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affirmative plea
defensa afirmativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affirmative proof
prueba positiva
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affix the seal
adherir (poner) el sello
common legal terms used in the courtroom
affront, to
insultar, agraviar, ultrajar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
susodicho, antes mencionado, ya mencionado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
susodicho, antedicho supradicho, ya dicho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
con premeditación, deliberada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aforethought and malice
con premeditación y alevosía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
against the evidence
contra la preponderancia de la prueba, [Col.] contraevidente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
against the peace
contra el orden publico
common legal terms used in the courtroom
against the will
sin el consentimiento, contra la voluntad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
age, of
mayor de edad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
orden del día, agenda
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aggravated assault
asalto grave, acometimiento grave
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aggravated assault & battery
acometimiento y agresión grave, asalto y agresión grave
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aggravated larceny
hurto con circunstancias agravantes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aggravated sexual assault
asalto (acometimiento) grave (agravadoo) con violencia carnal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aggravating circumstances
circuntancias agravantes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acometedor, agresor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aggrieved party
parte deñada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perturbador, alborotador, incitador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
agree, to
acordar, concertar, convenir, avenirse, conformarse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
convenido; concertado; de acuerdo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
agreed case
acción poor acuerdo de las partes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acuerdo, concierto, convenio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aider and abettor
incitador, auxiliador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aider by verdict
remisión por el veredicto del jurado de errores en los alegatos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
all told
en conjunto, por todo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
allege, to
alegar; afirmar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alegado; supuesto, pretendido
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alleged perpetrator
supuesto perpetrador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
escritura por otro individuo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alternate (n.&adj.)
suplente, subrogante suplente, reemplazante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alternate juror
jurado subrogante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alternative sentence
common legal terms used in the courtroom
amend, to
enmendar, modificar, reformar, corregir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
enmienda, reforma, modificación, [Col., Méx.] enmiendatura
common legal terms used in the courtroom
amicable sentence
sentencia convenida
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acotación, anotación, apuntamiento, apostilla
common legal terms used in the courtroom
annul, to
anular, invalidar, abrogar, derogar, nulificar, dirimir, dejar sin efecto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contestación a la demanda, defensa; refutación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
responsible; refutable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
antiwaiver clause
claúsula que prohíbe la renuncia, claúsula antirrenuncia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
evidente, manifiesto; aparente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
apparent danger
peligro evidente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
apparent defect
vicio manifiesto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appeal (n. & v.)
apelación, recurso (de apelación), alzada apelar, alzarse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appeal for reconsideration
recurso de suplicación (revisión)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appeal for reversal
recurso de reposición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
sujeto a recurso, apelable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appear, to (In Court)
comparecer, apersonarse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appearance (In Court)
comparecencia, apersonamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appearance bail
fianza de comparecencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appearance by attorney (counsel)
comparecencia por medio de abogado (apoderado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appearance day
día de comparecencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
apelante, recurrente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appellate court
tribunal de apelaciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appellate division
sala de apelació
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appellate review
revisión o examen por un tribunal de apelaciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appllate brief
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appoint, to
nombrar, designar; elegir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
apprehend, to
arrestar, prender, detener, aprehender; comprender, entender
common legal terms used in the courtroom
captura, detención, arresto; aprehensión; comprensión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
appropriate (adj. & v.)
apto, adecuado; asignar, consignar; incautarse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aprobación, visto bueno, conformidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
approve, to
aprobar; sancionar; ratificar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
argue, to
disputar, argumentar, argúir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
argumento; alegato y defensa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
arraign, to
instruir de cargos, acusar formalmente, (P.R.) leer la acusación;acusar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
instrucción de cargos, acusación formal. (P.R.) lectura de la acusación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
arrest (n.&v.)
detención, arresto, aprehensión; detener, arrestar, aprehender
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incendio intencional (malicioso, doloso)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incendiario, pirómano
common legal terms used in the courtroom
as is
tal cual
common legal terms used in the courtroom
as of
con fecha de, de fecha de, de fecha retrotraída de
common legal terms used in the courtroom
as soon as may be
prontamente y con debida diligencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
asaltante, acometedor, agresor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assault & battery
asalto y agresión, acometimiento y agresión, asalto con lesión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assault (n. & v.)
asalto, acometimiento, agresión, acometida, ataque asaltar, acometer, atacar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assault with a deadly weapon
asalto (acometimiento) con arma mortifera
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assault with intent to murder
asalto con intento homicida (con intención de matar)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assault with intent to rape
asalto con intento de violar (violencia carnal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assent (n. & v.)
asentimiento, consentimiento, aquiescencia asentir, consentir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assert, to
afirmar, aseverar; hacer valer
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assess costs, to
avaluar las costas (judiciales)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assess damages, to
fijar daños y perjuicios
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assess, to
avaluar, tasar; gravar, imponer; amillarar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assign, to
ceder, hacer cesión; traspasar; afectar; aplicar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ayudante, auxiliar, asistente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assistant attorney general
subprocurador general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assistant distric attorney
fiscal auxiliar, subprocurador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
assistant secretary
subsecretario, secretario adjunto, vice secretario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presunción, suposición, supuesto; asunción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
at bar
en pleno tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
at issue
en disputa, en controversia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
at law
de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
atrocidad, enormidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
attempt (a crime) (n. & v.)
conato, atentado, tentativa intentar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
attest (n. & v.)
atestiguación, deposición atestiguar, deponer, dar fe, autenticar, certificar, testimoniar, testificar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
attesting witness
testigo instrumental o certificador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
abogado, letrado, (Méx. & Centroamérica) licenciado; apaderado, mandatario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
attorney general
procurador general, (P.R.) fiscal general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
attorney general's office
procuraduría general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
attorney in fact
procurador, apoderado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
attorney of record
abogado patrocinante, abogado que consta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
authenticate, to
autenticar, autentificar, legalizar, refrendar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
authentication of signature
reconocimiento de la firma
common legal terms used in the courtroom
authorize, to
autorizar, facultar, apoderar, sancionar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
auxiliatoria [legal]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
procedente, válido [legal]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aver, to
afirmar, aseverar, asegurar; declarar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
promedio, término medio [adj.] medio, de término medio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
aseveración; declaración, verificación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
avoid, to
evitar; invalidar, anular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reconocimiento; admisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
award (n.& v.)
fallo, juicio; adjudicación [contrato]; laudo [árbitro] adjudicar; laudar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bad faith, (in)
(de) mala fe
common legal terms used in the courtroom
badge of fraud
indicio de fraude
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bail (n. & v.)
fianza, caución, arraigo dar fianza, caucionar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bail above, bail to the action
fianza de arraigo (o especial)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bail absolute
caución absoluta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bail below
fianza ordinaria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bail bond
caución, fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bail in error
fianza por auto de casación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bail jumping
quebranto del arraigo (de la fianza, caución
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bail setting
imposición de la fianza, fijación de fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
caucionable, que puede prestar fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
depositario, locatario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
alguacil, [P.R.] márshal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bailor (bailer)
fiador; locador, depositante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
banc; en
pleno del tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bandolero, bandido
common legal terms used in the courtroom
conjunto de abogados de una región o país; abogacía; tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bar association
colegio o asociación de abogados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
be it enacted
common legal terms used in the courtroom
be it resolved
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bear arms
portar armas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bear in mind
tener en cuenta, tener presente, recordar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bear the date of
llevar fecha de
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bear witness
atestiguar, testimoniar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
before mi
ante mí
common legal terms used in the courtroom
being duly sworn
habiendo prestado juramento, haviendo sido juramentado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
tribunal, magistratura; banco
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bench trial
juicio ante juez
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bench warrant
orden (auto) de juez para detención (arresto) de un individuo, orden de detención (arresto)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
provechoso, beneficioso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
provecho; beneficio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
benefit of counsel
derecho de representación legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
benefit of doubt
beneficio de la duda
common legal terms used in the courtroom
benevolent association
sociedad de beneficencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
best evidence
prueba primaria (o original), la mejor prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
betray, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
betrayal of confidence
abuso de confianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
beyond reasonable doubt
más allá (fuera) de duda razonable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
parcialidad, predisposición, prejuicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
proyecto de ley; reclamo, pedimento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill for a new trial
petición de nuevo juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill for fraud
reclamo por fraude
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill of appeal
escrito (demanda) de apelación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill of attainder
escrito de proscripción y confiscación; ley que condena a individuo por traición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill of costs
pliego de costas judiciales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill of discovery
petición para producción de documentos o declara de hechos por el demandado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill of evidence
acta taquigráfica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill of exceptions
escrito de recusaciones, nota de excepciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill of indictment
escrito de acusación del gran jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill of particulars
escrito detallado de la materia de la demanda o contrademanda
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bill of rights
garantías individuales, declaración de derechos sobre garantías individuales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bind over, to
poner bajo fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
binding instructions
instrucción al jurado para veredicto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
blackmail (n. & v.)
chantaje, extorsión, exigencia de dinero con intimidación -extorsionar, chantajear
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extorsionista, chantajista
common legal terms used in the courtroom
blue-ribbon jury
jurado selecto para juicio de gran importancia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
junta, directiva
common legal terms used in the courtroom
board of pardons
junta de amnistías
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bodily injury
daños y perjuicios, lesiones corporales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
body execution
auto de prisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
body of a law
disposiciones substantivas de la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
body of the crime
corpus delicti, cuerpo del delito, objecto que prueba la existencia del delito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
book, to
fichar, registrar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
reyerta, disputa, alboroto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
breach (n. & v.)
infracción, contravención; incomplimiento; rompimien infringir, contravenir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
breach of condition
incumplimiento de condición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
breach of official duty
common legal terms used in the courtroom
breach of prison
fuga de la cárcel (prisión)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
breach of the peace
alteración (o perturbación del orden público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
breach of trust
abuso de confianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
rotura, ruptura
common legal terms used in the courtroom
break the law
common legal terms used in the courtroom
breaking and entering
escalamiento, allanamiento de morada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
breaking jail
fuga de la cárcel (prisión)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bribe (n. & v.)
soborno, cohecho sobornar, cohechar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
soborno, cohecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
bring to trial, to
procesar, enjuiciar, llevar a juicio, seguir juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
burden of proof
onus probandi, carga o peso de la prueba, el deber (la obligación) de probar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ladrón, escalador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hurto, escalo, escalamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
burglary in the first debree
escalo con intención dolosa y nocturnidad, escalamiento en primer grado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
burglary in the second degree
escalamiento en segundo grado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
by default
en contumacia, en rebeldía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
by laws
estatutos, reglamento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
by standers
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cancellation clause
claúsula resolutiva
common legal terms used in the courtroom
capacidad legal, aptitud legar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
capital crime
crimen con pena de muerte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
capital offense
crimen castigable con pena de muerte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
capital punishment
pena de muerte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
epígrafe, título
common legal terms used in the courtroom
capture and seizure
captura y aprehensión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negligencia, descuido
common legal terms used in the courtroom
carry a motion, to
aprobar (adoptar) una moción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
causa, proceso, acción judicial, pleito,
common legal terms used in the courtroom
case agreed on
acuerdo sobre los hechos por las partes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
case at bar
causa actual, presente causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
case dismissed
causa desechada (desestimada), causa declarada sin lugar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
case heard and concluded
proceso visto y resuelto, causa conocida y terminada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
case law
precedentes, derecho común
common legal terms used in the courtroom
case made (reserved)
acuerdo entre abogados sobre hechos para presentación al tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
revocación, casación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
casual evidence
prueba fortuita (casual)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cause (n. & v.)
causa, litigio causar, irrogar, acarrear
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cause celebre
causa de gran interés, causa célebre
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cause damages
acarrear (irrogar) perjuicios
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cause of action
causa (derecho) de acción (de la demanda), [Méx.] causa de pedir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cause suit to be brought
entablar pleito, iniciar la acción judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
certain day
fecha fija, día fijo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
certificate of reasonable doubt
certificado (acta) de duda razonable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
certified copy
copia certificada (autenticada), [Arg.] copia autorizada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
certify, to
certificar, dar fe, hacer fe
common legal terms used in the courtroom
challenge (n. & v.)
recusación; objeción recusar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
challenge for cause
recusación con causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
challenge to the panel of jurors (to the array)
objeción a todo el jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cámara; sala
common legal terms used in the courtroom
change of venue
traslado de jurisdicción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
chantaje, extorsión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
charge (n. & v.)
cargo, acusación; admonición acusar; instruir; imputar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
charges to the jury
instrucciones al jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cheat (n. & v.)
[mentiras] embustero, embaucador [trampas] trampista defraudar, engañar; estafar, defraudar, timar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
check, to
comprobar, verificar, revisar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
chief justice
presidente del tribunal supremo, juez (magistrado) presidente, [Pan.] juez primero, [Méx.] justicia mayor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
chief magistrate
primer magistado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
chief of police
jefe (intendente) de policía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
chose in action
derecho de acción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
chose in possession
cosa en posesión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
circuit court
tribunal de circuito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
circuit court of appeals
[EE.UU.] tribunal federal de apelaciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
circuit judge
juez de circuito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
circumduct, to
anular, abrogar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
circumstantial evidence
prueba circunstancial, indicios vehementes, [Méx.] conjetura
common legal terms used in the courtroom
circumstantial evidence
prueba por indicios o indicidiaria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
citizen's arrest
arresto (detención) por particular
common legal terms used in the courtroom
city court
juzgado (tribunal) municipal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
city hall
casa de ayuntamiento, municipio, cabildo, intendencia municipal, [Esp.] casa consistorial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
civil rights
derechos civiles, [Méx.] derechos subjetivos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cláusula, inciso, acápite; disposición, estipulación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
clear and convincing proof
prueba clara y convincente, prueba fuera de duda razonable, prueba irrefutable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
clear evidence
prueba positiva; preponderancia de la prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
clear the court
despejar la sala
common legal terms used in the courtroom
clemencia, indulgencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
clerical error
error de pluma
common legal terms used in the courtroom
close interpretation
interpretación declarativa (o restringida)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
closed session
sesión a puerta cerrada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
closing argument (summation) by the defense
alegato de la defensa (abogado defensor, defensor público o de oficio)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
closing argument (summation) by the people
alegato de la fiscalía (fiscal, abogado acusador, acusador público, procurador en procesos penales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
code of criminal procedure
código de procedimiento penal, código de enjuiciamiento criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
code of professional ethics
código de ética profesional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
coercible, coaccionable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
coerción, coacción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
coercitivo, coactivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
conocimiento; competencia, jurisdicción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
collateral fraud
fraude extrínseco
common legal terms used in the courtroom
collect, to
cobrar, recaudar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
plausible, especioso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
colorable pleading
alegatos especiosos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
[legal] comisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commission of a crime
comisión de un delito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commission of appeals
tribunal provisional de apelaciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commission of lunacy
comisión para decidir sobre locura supuesta de un individuo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commission to examine witnesses
comisión para examen de testigos fuera de la jurisdicción de un tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commit a crime
perpetrar un delito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commit adultery
incurrir en adulterio, adulterar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commit murder
cometer asesinato
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commit suicide
suicidarse, cometer suicidio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commit to prison
encarcelar, mandar a prisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commit, to
cometer, perpetrar; encarcelar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
auto de prisión (encarcelamiento)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
encarcelado (aprisionado) por auto de prisión (encarcelamiento)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common bail
fianza ordinaria (simple)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common drunkard
ebrio habitual
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common error
error común
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common intent
intención concertada de dos o más individuos para perpetrar un delito; sentido usual
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common jury
jurado ordinario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common law
derecho angloamericano o consuetudinario o no escrito,[Méx.] derecho inglés; derecho de precedentes judiciales (derecho comú), [Méx.] derecho jurisprudenucial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common lawyer
abogado versado en el derecho consueltudinario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common nuisance
estorbo público, molestia pública
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common right
derecho consuetudinario (comú)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common thief
ladrón habitual
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common-law crime
delito bajo derecho consuetudinario (sin disposición estatutaria)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
commutation of sentence
conmutación de sentencia (condena)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
comparison of handwriting
cotejo de la letra
common legal terms used in the courtroom
competent authority
autoridad competente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
competent evidence
prueba admisible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
competente witness
testigo competente (capacitado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
compound larceny
hurto con circunstancias agravantes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
comulative penalty
pena cumulativa, [Arg.] pena accesoria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
conclusive evidence
prueba concluyente (indisputable, decisiva)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
conclusive presumption
presunción absoluta, indicio indubitable (grave,claro)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
concur, to
convenir, hallarse acuerdo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
concurrent sentences
condenas simúltaneas, sentencias simúltaneas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
condone, to
condonar, perdonar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
confess, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ratificación, convaliación, confirmación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
decomisable, confiscable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
decomisar, comisar, confiscar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
conflicting evidence
testimonio contradictorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
avenencia, concordancia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
confront, to
carear, confrontar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
presunción, conjetura
common legal terms used in the courtroom
consent (n. & v.)
aquiescencia, consentimiento acceder
common legal terms used in the courtroom
compatible; conveniente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
consolidated actions
juicios acumulados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
confabulación, conjuración, conjura, conspiración
common legal terms used in the courtroom
conjurador, confabulador, complotado, conspirador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
conspire, to
confabularse, conjurar, conplotarse, conspirar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
construction (explain.)
interpretación; sentido
common legal terms used in the courtroom
constructive contempt
contumacia indirecta, desacato indirecto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
constructive crime
crimen presunto de la circunstancias
common legal terms used in the courtroom
constructive fraud
fraude presuntivo (implícito)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
constructive malice
malicia implícita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
constructive possession
posesión simbólica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
individuo que comete desacato
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contempt of court
desacato al tribunal, contumacia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contrabandista, matutero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contract, under
contratado, bajo contrato
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contributory negligence
negligencia contribuyente, imprudencia concurrente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contrivance (scheme)
estratagema, plan
common legal terms used in the courtroom
convict (n. & v.)
reo, presidiario, penado, convicto condenar; probar la culpabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fallo de culpabilidad, condena
common legal terms used in the courtroom
coroner's inquest
indagatoria de pesquisador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
coroner's jury
jurado de pesquisador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
corporal punishment
castigo corporal, pena corporal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
corroborating evidence
prueba corroborativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
costs, legal
costas judiciales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
counsel (n. & v.)
consejo; asesor lega, abogado, letrado aconsejar; asesorar (desde el punto de vista legal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
counsel fees
honorarios del abogado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
counsel for the defense
defensor, abogado defensor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
counsel for the prosecution
acusador, abogado acusador, fiscal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
counterfeit (n. & v.)
falsificación, moneda falsificada (falsafalsificar)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falsificador de moneda, [Ecuador] baluquero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
county court
tribunal del condado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
county jail
cárcel (prisión) de condado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
county superior (supreme) court
tribunal superior (supremo ) del condado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court clerk
secretario judicial, secretario del tribunal,[Río de la Plata] escribano
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court costs
costas procesales, costas judiciales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court in bank (en banc)
tribunal en pleno, pleno del tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court interpreter
intérprete judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court of appeal
tribunal de apelación (o de alzadas)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court of oyer and terminer
tribunal de la penal [England]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court of sessions
[EE.UU.] tribunal de lo penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court officer
ministril; funcionario de un tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court order
orden o providencia del tribunal, orden judicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court reporter
relator del tribunal, [P.R.] repórter
common legal terms used in the courtroom
court stenographer
taquígrafo judicial, [P.R.] taquígrafo repórter
common legal terms used in the courtroom
edificio de los tribunales, palacio de justicia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
sala del tribunal, estrados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
digno de crédito, creíble, fidedigno
common legal terms used in the courtroom
credible witness
testigo competente; testigo fidedigno
common legal terms used in the courtroom
crimen, delito (generalmente de mayor cuantía)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal (n.& adj.)
criminal penal, delictivo, criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal action
acción criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal charge
acusación criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal code
código penal (criminal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal contempt
desacato criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal court
tribunal penal, [Méx.] corte penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal information
acusación formal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal intent
propósito criminal, intención criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal law
derecho penal; ley penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal lawyer
abogado penalista (criminalista), letrado criminalista, penalista
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal liability
responsabilidad criminal (penal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal libel
dífamación criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal negligence
negligencia criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal offense
delito penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal operation
operación para aborto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal procedure
procedimiento (tramitación) del tribunal penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal proceeding
procedimiento (trámite) penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal prosecution
enjuiciamiento penal (criminal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal record
antecedentes penales, antecedentes criminales, [P.R.] record criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminal statute
ley penal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
criminalista, penalista
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acusar, acriminar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
[mentiras] embustero, fullero [fraude] estafador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
tramposo, deshonesto, [Méx.] trampero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cross appeal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cross motion
common legal terms used in the courtroom
contrainterrogatorio, repregunta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cross-examine, to
contrainterrogar, repreguntar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cruel and usual punishment
castigo cruel e inusitado (desacostrumbrado), pena cruel y desusada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
crueldad, inhumanidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cue (Hint)
indicación, señal, idea, sugerencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
culpable homicide
homicidio voluntario (o por culpa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
culpable ignorance
ignorancia culpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
culpable negligence
negligencia culpable (inexcusable)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
culpable wantonness
imprudencia temeraria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
delincuente, reo, criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cumulative evidence
prueba cumulativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cumulative remedy
recurso adicional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
cumulative sentence
condena (sentencia) acumulada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
custodial interrogation
interrogatorio de un detenido
common legal terms used in the courtroom
damage (n. & v. )
daño; agravio (legal), injuria dañar, perjudicar; injuriar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
daños y perjuicios, [Arg.] daños y menoscabos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
perjudicial, dañoso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
date (n. & v.)
fecha, plazo fechar, adatar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
date back
retrotraer, antedatar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
date of record
fecha de registro
common legal terms used in the courtroom
day calendar
lista de causas preparadas para el día
common legal terms used in the courtroom
término, plazo final
common legal terms used in the courtroom
deadly weapon
arma mortífera
common legal terms used in the courtroom
muerte, fallecimiento, defunción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
death certificate
acta (certificado) de defunción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
death chamber
cámara letal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
death penalty
pena de muerte, pena capital
common legal terms used in the courtroom
death sentence
condena (sentencia) de muerte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
death warrant
order de ejecución
common legal terms used in the courtroom
discutible, disputable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
debate (n & v.)
discusión, disputa disputar, discutir; controvertir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
difunto, finado, nuerto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
decide, to
decidir, resolver, proveer, determinar; juzgar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
decisión; resp;icoón, fallo, sentencia, providencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
demanda, exposición
common legal terms used in the courtroom
declare a recess
declarar un receso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
declare, to
declarar, afirmar; deponer
common legal terms used in the courtroom
decree (n. & v.)
decreto, edicto; acuerdo decretar; mandar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
defalcate, to
desfalcar, malversar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
desfalco, malversación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
desfalcador, malversador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
difamación, calumnia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
difamatorio, calumnioso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
default (n. & v.)
incumplimiento, mora, falto (defecto) de pago; rebeldía, contumacia, falta de comparencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
default judgment
fallo por falta de comparecencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
defense attorney
abogado defensor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
defense counsel
abogado defensor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
defense on the merits
defensa a base de los méritos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acusador, delatante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
delegate authority, to
delegar autoridad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
deliberate (v. & adj.)
deliberar, consultar premeditado, pensado, deliberado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
con premeditación, deliberadamente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
delinquent (n. & adj.)
deincuente delictivo, delictuoso; moroso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
deliver a judgment
dictar una sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
deliver, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
negligencia; desamparo, abandono
common legal terms used in the courtroom
detective, [P.R.] detectivo, [Col.] tira
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fallo; directa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
direct admission
admisión directa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
direct contempt
contumacia directa (penal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
direct evidence
prueba directa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
direct evidence
prueba directa o inmediata
common legal terms used in the courtroom
direct examination
interrogatorio directo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
direct examination
interrogatorio directo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
direct, to
disponer, ordenar, dictar; dirigir, administrar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
disentir, no estar de acuerdo, desavenirse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
discharge (n. & v.)
descargo, liberación absolver, exonerar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
disclaim, to
renunciar; reliadoar, desconocer
common legal terms used in the courtroom
disclose, to
divulgar, revelar, dar a conocer
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exhibición [legal]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
deshonroso, improbo, deshonesto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
improbidad, deshonestidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dismiss upon the merits
desechar por falta de mérito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dismiss, to
declarar sin lugar, desechar, desestimar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
declaración sin lugar,
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dismissal with prejudice
denegación con pérdida de derecho a nuevo juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dismissal without prejudice
desestimación a base de los méritos de la causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
disorderly conduct
conducta contra la moral pública, desorden público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dispose of,to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
refutación, confutación, prueba contraria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
disprove, to
confutar, refutar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
disputable, refutable, contestable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
disputable pressumption
presunción didosa, indicio oscuro
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dispute (n. & v.)
disputa, controversia, [Col.]contrapunto disputar, impugnar, contrapuntear
common legal terms used in the courtroom
disregard, to
hacer caso omiso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dissent (n. & v.)
disidencia, disconformidad, discordia, disenso, disentir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dissenting opinion
opinión disidente (disconforme)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
distress (n. & v.)
embargo; secuestro; detención secuestrar; embargar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
distress warrant
orden (auto, providencia) que ordena un embargo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
district attorney
fiscal, procurador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
district attorney
fiscal, acusador público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
district court
tribunal de distrito;[EE.UU.] tribunal federal de primera instancia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
district judge
juez de tribunal de distrito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
distrust (n. & v.)
desconfianza desconfiar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
disturbance of the peace
alteración (perturbación del orden público
common legal terms used in the courtroom
divert, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
divisible offense
deito múltiple, delito que incluye uno o más delitos de menor cuantía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
actas, orden del día
common legal terms used in the courtroom
docket number
causa número; acta número
common legal terms used in the courtroom
documentary evidence
prueba documental (literal, escrita)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
domestic judgment
sentencia de un tribunal del mismo estado o del mismo país
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dorman execution
ejecución provisional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falsedad, engaño, estafa, fraude, falsía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
duda, incertidumbre
common legal terms used in the courtroom
draw inferences, to
sacar (deducir) conclusiones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
draw up, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
drug addict
individuo adicto a los estupefacientes, drogadicto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ebrio, borracho, borrachín [despectivo]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
embriaguez, ebriedad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
due course of law
debido procedimiento legal, debido curso de ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
due process of law
debido procedimiento (proceso) legal (de ley)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
due proof
prueba razonable, debida prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
duly sworn
debidamente juramentado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
coacción, compulsión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
duress of imprisonment
detención ilegal de un individuo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
el que emplea la coacción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
during the trial
durante el proceso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
testigo auricular (de oídos)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
eavesdrop, to
escuchar secretamente por medio de dispositivos electrónicos; ponerse a escuchar furtivamente (disimuladamente)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
escuchador furtivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
edicto, decreto, auto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
effect, in
vigente, en vigor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
effective date
fecha de vigencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
desfalcar, [Méx.] escalfar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
desfalco, malversación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
desfalcador, malversador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
soborno, cohecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
eminent domain
dominio eminente, [Col.]dominio supremo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
empower, to
apoderar, dar poder, facultar, capacitar, conferir poderes, diputar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
enable, to
habilitar, capacitar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
enabling act
ley de autorización
common legal terms used in the courtroom
enact, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
encroach, to
usurpar, invadir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
usurpación, intrusión, invasión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
enforce, to
hacer cumplir; hacer valer, ejecutar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
enjoin, to
proohibir, interdecir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
enter an appearance, to
registrar comparecencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
enter judgment
registrar una sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
entitled, to be
tener derecho a
common legal terms used in the courtroom
entrust, to
encomendar, confiar, cometer
common legal terms used in the courtroom
equal protection of the law
derecho a un igual trato bajo la ley, igual protección de ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
equality before the law
igualdad ante (frente) a la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
equitable fraud
fraude implícito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
equitable right
derechos equitativos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
auto de casación; error
common legal terms used in the courtroom
error in fact
error de hecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
error of (in) law
error de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
error of fact
error de hecho ( o sobre la cosa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
establish, to
establecer, plantear, instituir, constituir; probar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
evidence (n. & v.)
prueba; constancia, disposición probar, hacer fe, evidenciar; constar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
evidence by inspection
prueba real
common legal terms used in the courtroom
evidence for the defense
prueba de descargo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
evidence for the prosecution
prueba de cargo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
evidence sufficiente in law
prueba real o material
common legal terms used in the courtroom
evidenciary facts
hechos justificativos, [Méx.] hechos evidenciales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
examinador, indagador, escrutador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
interrogatorio;registro, reconocimiento;examen
common legal terms used in the courtroom
examination before trial
examen antes del juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
examine, to
interrogar; registrar, reconocer; examinar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
except, to
exceptuar; recusar; deducir excepción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
salvedad; recusación,excepción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exception of compact
excepción de compromiso previo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exception of lack of capacity
excepción de incapacidad de la parte (o de falta de personalidad)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impugnable, recusable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
excessive bail
fianza desmedida (excesiva, demasiada)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
excessive damages
daños inmoderados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
excludable delay
atraso justificado, demora justificada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
justificativo, eximente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
dispensable, disculpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
excusable homicide
homicidio inculpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
excusable neglect
inobservancia justificable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
execute, to
ajusticiar ( a un reo); firmar, celebrar, otorgar, legalizar, formalizar (un contrato, etc.) llevar a cabo, ejecutar, cuplir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
execution of judgment
ejecución (liquidación) dde la sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
executive pardon
indulto (amnistía, absolución) por poder ejecutivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
executory consideration
causa por realizarse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
executory process
juicio ejecutivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exemplary damages
daños punitivos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exhibit (n. & v.)
documento de prueba exhibir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
crítico, apremiante, urgente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exigent circumstances
circunstancias apremiantes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exonerate, to
exonerar, descargar; disculpar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exoneración, descargo; liberación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
expert (n. & adj.)
perito, experto pericial, perital, experto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
expert opinion
dictamen (juicio) pericial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
expert testimony
peritaje, testimonio pericial, [Ven.] experticia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
expert witness
testigo perital, perito como testigo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
expire, to
cumplirse el plazo, vencer; caducar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
expiry date
fecha de vencimiento, plazo de vencimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
explícito, inequívoco
common legal terms used in the courtroom
express admission
admisión directa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
express malice
malicia expresa (de hecho)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
express waiver
renuncia voluntario (expresa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
express, to
decir, manifestar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extenuating circumstances
circunstancias atenuantes (modificantes), [Arg.] causas de justificación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
atenuación, mitigación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
con intento de extorsionar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
exigir sin derecho, extersionar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extorsión, consución, exacción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
de precio excesivo, grovoso, exorbitante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extrajudicial opinion
dictamen interpolado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extraneous evidence
prueba de otra fuente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extraneous offise
delito fuera del juicio actual
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extraordinary danger
peligro inusitado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extraordinary grand jury
gran jurado especial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extreme cruelty
crueldad severa (o extrema)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
extrinsic evidence
prueba de otra fuente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
testigo presencial (ocular)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fabricated evidence
testimonio falsificado (fabricado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fabricated fact
hecho fabricado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
failure of evidence
falta de prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
failure of justice
injusticia, perjuicio de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
failure to perform
common legal terms used in the courtroom
faint pleading
alegación falsificada (colusoria)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fair hearing
vista (audiencia) imparcial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fair trial
juicio imparcial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fair warning
aviso opoor tuno (de antemano)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false arrest
arresto ilegal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false claim
reclamación fraudulenta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false fact
hecho fabricado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false impersonation
fingimiento con fines ilícitos de la personalidad de otro
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false imprisonment
encarcelación (prisión) ilegal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false instrument
documento falso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false oath
perjurio, juramento falso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false plea
alegación falsa (ficticia)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false pretenses
falsas apariencias (representaciones), impostura, medio fraudulentos, falsos pretextos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false swearing
common legal terms used in the courtroom
false witness
testigo falso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mentira, falsedad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falsify, to
falsificar, bastardear
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fast bill of exceptions
excepciones para revisar sin demora
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fatal injury
lesión mortal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
culpa, negligencia; falta; defecto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
facible, viable, practicable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
federal bureau of investigation
Negociado Federal de Investigaciones, Negociado de Investigación Federal, [Col.] Buró de Investigaciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
federal court
tribunal federal (nacional)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
federal prison
prisión nacional, presidio federal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fee (Lawyer's)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fee splitting
división del honorario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
feigned action
acción sin derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
felonious assault
asalto (acometimiento) con propósito criminal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
felonious homicide
homicidio culpable (o por culpa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
delito, felonía, delito mayor, delito grave
common legal terms used in the courtroom
felony murder
homicidio perpetrado con ocasión de la ejecución de un crimen o durante su comisión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
comercio de objetos robados, [Méx.] comprador de chueco
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ficticio, falso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
field warehouse
almacén para mercancías incautadas (pignoradas)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
file (n. & v.)
[legal] autos; actas, expediente registrar, presentar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
file a judgment
registrar una sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
file a motion
elevar un recurso, [P.R.] radicar una moción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
file a protest
entablar o evacuar una protesta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
file an appeal
alzarse, plantear una apelación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
file an objection
formular un reparo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
file suit
seguir(entablar) pleito, demandar, incoar un juicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
final decision
auto definitivo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
final determination
resolución final
common legal terms used in the courtroom
final injuction
interdict definitivo, mandamiento final
common legal terms used in the courtroom
final judgment
sentencia definitiva
common legal terms used in the courtroom
final pleadings
escritos de conclusión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
financially responsible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
find against
decidir contra
common legal terms used in the courtroom
find for
decidir en favor de
common legal terms used in the courtroom
find guilty
hallar (encontrar) culpable, condenar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
find, to
[legal] decidir, fallar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
resultados de una investigación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fine (n. & v.)
multa, castigo multar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hacer impresiones digitales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fingerprint card
tarjeta dactiloscópica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fingerprint expert
perito en huellas digitales, [Col.] dactiloscopista
common legal terms used in the courtroom
huellas (impresiones) digitales (dactillares), dactilograma
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fingerprints - composites
huellas compuestas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fingerprints - loops
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fingerprints - whorls
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
flagrante, fragante, notorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
for cause
por motivo fundado, por motivo justificado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
force, in
vigente, en vigencia, en vigor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forcible detainer
detención violenta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forcible entry
toma de posesión violenta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forcible trespass
translimitación con violencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
foredate, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
foreman of the jury
presidente del jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forensic laboratory
laboratorio forense
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forensic medicine
medicina legal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forensic stamp
[P.R.] sello forense
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forewoman of the jury
presidenta del jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forfeit (n. & v.)
decomiso, comiso decomisar, comisar; perder
common legal terms used in the courtroom
decomisable, caducable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forfeiture of a bond
caducidad de la fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
forge, to
falsificar, falsear, contrahacer
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falsificador, falsario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
a prueba de falsificación, infalsificable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
formal defect
defecto de forma
common legal terms used in the courtroom
formal issue
cuestión ajustada a las reglas de procedimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fornicación, fornicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inmediatamente, en seguida
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fortuito, eventual; accidental
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
framed evidence
testimonio fraudulento, prueva falsificada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
framed in fact
fraude positivo ( o de hecho)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
framed in law
fraude implícito (legal)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fratricida [reo]; fratricidio [crimen]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fraude, engaño
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fraudulento, doloso, engañoso, [Méx.] intérlopoe
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fraudulent concealment
encubrimiento engañoso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
fraudulent misrepresentation
falsedad fraudulenta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
libre; gratuito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
free and clear
libre de gravamen
common legal terms used in the courtroom
free will
libre albedrío, voluntad libre
common legal terms used in the courtroom
libertad; inmunidad, exención; licencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
freedom of assembly
libertad de reunión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
freedom of enterprise
libertad de empresa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
freedom of religion
libertad religiosa, libertad de culto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
freedom of speech
libertad de palabra
common legal terms used in the courtroom
freedom of the press
libertad de prensa (o de imprenta)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
freedom on bail
libertad bajo fianza, [Méx.] libertad causional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
freedom without bail
libertad sin fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
freedom without bail
libertad sin fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
gainful employment
empleo lucrativo (provechoso, retribuído)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
gamble, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
gang (criminal in nature)
pandilla, cuadrilla, [P.R.] ganga, grupo de hampones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pandillero, hampón, pistolero, raquetero [Méx.] gánster [anglicism]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
canalla (pandilla) organizada, [Méx.] raqueterismo, [Col.] gan(g)sterismo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
garnish, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
embargo de bienes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general appearance
comparencia general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general calendar
lista general de causas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general challenge
recusación general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general charge
instrucciones al jurado sobre la causa pendiente en general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general damages
daños direstos (generales)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general denial
denegación general (completa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general finding
decisión completa (general)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general guaranty
garantía sin restricción de persona
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general issue
cuestión litigiosa general [especie de denegación general]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general orders
reglamento del tribunal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general power of attorney
poder general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general replication
réplica general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general traverse
negación completa (general)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general usage
costumbres generales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
general verdict
veredicto general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
gentlemen of the jury
señores del jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
gentlemen's agreement
acuerdo (pacto) dde caballeros (entre caballeros), [Col.] acuerdo armónico
common legal terms used in the courtroom
legítimo, idóneo, auténtico, genuino
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lo substancial (lo esencial) de una decisión ( o de una cuestión litigiosa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
give bail, to
dar (prestar ) fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
give bond, to
dar (prestar) fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
give judgment, to
dictar sentencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
give notice, to
avisar, dar aviso, notificar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
give testimony, to
dar (prestar) testimonio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
give warning, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
go bail, to
dar (prestar) fianza
common legal terms used in the courtroom
good behavior
buen comportamiento, buena conducta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
good cause
motivo suficiente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
good consideration
causa válida
common legal terms used in the courtroom
good faith
buena fe
common legal terms used in the courtroom
good name
buena fama
common legal terms used in the courtroom
government attorney
fiscal, procurador general
common legal terms used in the courtroom
government attorney's office
common legal terms used in the courtroom
governmental agency
negociado (oficina, agencia) fiscal o del estado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
grace period
common legal terms used in the courtroom
graft (n. & v.)
chanchullo, peculado, chivo, mangoneo, soborno político, [R.D.] mojadera, [Méx., Col.] mangoneada, [Chile, Arg.] coima, [Méx..] [Arg.] coimear, [Méx., Col., P.R.] mangonear
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peculador, [Méx., Col., P.R.] mangoneador, [Arg.] coime, [Chile] colmero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
grand juror
miembro del jurado de acusación (del gran jurado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
grand jury
jurado de acusación, gran jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
grand larceny
hurto mayor (o de mayor cuantía)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
grant a delay, to
acordar una prórroga (una dilación)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
grant a stay, to
decretar (conceder ) una suspensión de una orden ( o sentencia)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
agravio, injuria, ofensa; injusticia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
gross fualt (negligence)
negligencia grave, imprudencia temeraria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
gross inadequacy
insuficiencia evidente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ground of action
bases de la acción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
culpabilidad, culpa, [Col.] responsabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
culpable, [Col.] responsible; convicto, reo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
pistolero, bandido
common legal terms used in the courtroom
habitual criminal
delincuente (criminal) habitual (recidivista)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
habitual drunkard
ebrio (borracho) habitual (consumado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
habitual offender
delincuente habitual
common legal terms used in the courtroom
half proof
prueba semiplena
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hand and seal
firma y sello
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hand down a decision
anunciar un fallo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hand in a report, to
elevar (presentar) un informe
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hand out information, to
facilitar noticias
common legal terms used in the courtroom
handwriting expert
perito calígrafo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hang, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hard labor
trabajo forzado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
harmfull error
error inexcusable (perjuiciable)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
harmless error
error excusable (sin perjuicio)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
have and to hold, to
tener y pooseer
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hazardous negligence
imprudencia temeraria
common legal terms used in the courtroom
head of a family
padre (jefe) de familia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
health authorities
autoridades de sanidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hear a case, to
ver una causa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
vista, audiencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
por la presente, por esto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incluso; en este
common legal terms used in the courtroom
máa abajo, más adelante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hereinafter called
a quien se denomínará
common legal terms used in the courtroom
anteriormente, antes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
en virtud de este, por la presente, bajo esto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hereunto set his hand and seal
firmó y selló el presente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
adjunto, con el presente, con esto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hidden defect
vicio oculto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
high crime
delito grave (o de mayor cuantía)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
higher court
tribunal mayor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
highway robbery
salteo, atraco, salteamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hold an interview, to
celebrar una entrevista
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hold court, to
celebrar sesión, hallarse en sesión, sesionar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hold for trial, to
detener para proceso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hold harmless, to
dejar a salvo amparar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hold over, to
retener posesión; aplazar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hold pleas, to
conocer causas; tomar jurisdicción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hold responsible, to
tener o hacer responsible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hold up, to
atracar, saltear;parar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hold without bail, to
detener sin fianza, encarcelar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
salteo, atraco
common legal terms used in the courtroom
holdup man(woman)
salteador(a), atracador (a)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
homicidal attempt
tentativa de homicidio, [Col.] homicidio imperfecto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
homicide by misadventure
homicidio involuntario (accidental)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
homicide by necessity
homicidio inculpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hostile fire
incendio (fuego) perjuidicial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hostile witness
testigo desfavorable (hostil)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
house of correction
reformatorio, correctional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
house of prostitution
burdel, prostíbulo, mancebía
common legal terms used in the courtroom
escalador, ladrón
common legal terms used in the courtroom
escalo, escalamiento, allanamiento de morada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
housing authority
negociado de viviendas, [P.R.] autoridad sobre hogares
common legal terms used in the courtroom
hypothetical question
pregunta hipotética
common legal terms used in the courtroom
identity of causes of action
identidad de los litigios
common legal terms used in the courtroom
identity of parties
identidad de las partes interesadas
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ignorance of the law is no excuse
la ignorancia de las leyes no excusa su cumplimíento, la ignorancia no excusa el cumplimíento de la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ilegal, ilícito, ilegítimo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
illegal consideration
causa ilícita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
illegal interest (rate)
usura, tipo ilegal de interés
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ilegalidad, ilegitimidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
illegitimate child
hijo natural (o bastardo o espurio)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
illegitimate child
hijo natural, hijo ilegitimo (o espurio)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ilícito, ilegal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
imaginary damages
daños punitivos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
sin importancia, impertinente, [P.R.] inmaterial, irrelevante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
immaterial averment
aseveración impertinente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falta de importancia, inmemorial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
immediate cause
causa inmediata
common legal terms used in the courtroom
excesivo, inmoderado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inmoral; vícioso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inmunidad, exención
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
demora, aplazamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impeach, to
impugnar; residdenciar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acusación; residencia, tacha
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impeachment proceedings
proceso (juicio) de acusación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impertinent averment
aseveración impertinente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implead, to
entablar pleito, demandar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implicate, to
implicar; involucrar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
deducción, inferencia; complicidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implied acknowledgment
reconocimiento tácito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implied admission
admisión implícita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implied assumpsit
compromiso implícito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implied authority
autorización sobrentenida (o implícita)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implied consent
consentimiento tácito (o implícito)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implied consideration
causa tácita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implied license
privilegio implícito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implied malice
malicia (alevosía) implícita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
implied waiver
renuncia implícita (tácita)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impose a fine
imponer una multa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impossibility of performance
imposibilidad de cumplimiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impossible condition
condición imposible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impossible consideration
causa impracticable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impotencia, agenesia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impound, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impress, to
confiscar, expropiar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
imprison, to
encarcelar, recluir, aprisionar; apresar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impugn, to
impugnar, redargü
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
imputed knowledge
conocimiento implícito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
imputed negligence
negligencia derivada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
in chambers
en la cámara (despacho) del juez
common legal terms used in the courtroom
in dispute
contencioso; disputado; en litigio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
in escrow
en plica
common legal terms used in the courtroom
in fact
de hecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
in law and equity
en derecho y equidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
in open court
en pleno tribunal, en audiencia pública, ante la sala
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
insuficiente, inadecuado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inadequate consideration
causa insuficiente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inadequate damages
daños no equitativos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inadequate remedy
recurso no justo (no pleno)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inadmisible, no admisible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inenajenable, inajenable, inalienable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inapelable, no sujeto a recurso de apelación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incapacitado, inhabilitado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incendio malicioso (o doloso o intencional o premeditado)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incendiary (n. & adj.)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inception (at the)
(al) principio, comienzo, inicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
comenzado pero no terminado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inchoate right
derecho en expectativa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incidental admission
admisión concomitante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incite, to
instigar, incitar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incompetencia, inhabilidad, incapacidad; ineptitud
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inconcluso, inconcluyente, inconsecuente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inconclusive evidence
prueba inconcluyente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inconclusive presumption
indicio dudoso (remoto), presunción no concluyente (relativa)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incompatible, contradictorio, inconsecuente
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incontestabilidad, inatacabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incontestable, inatacable, indisputable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inconcuso, incontrovertivle
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incriminate, to
incriminar, acriminar, inculpar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incriminating circumstances
circunstancias que inculpan
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incriminatory statement
declaración inculpatoria (acriminadora)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inculpate, to
inculpar, incriminar, acriminar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
que inculpa, acriminador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
término de cargo oficial
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incur in a penalty, to
incurrir en una multa
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
irrevocable, inexpugnable, inabrogable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
insostenible, indefensible, indefensable, indefendible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
indeterminate sentence
sentencia (condena) indeterminada
common legal terms used in the courtroom
indicio, indicación
common legal terms used in the courtroom
indict, to
procesar, encausar, acusar por gran jurado, residenciar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
procesable, encausable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
procedado, acusado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
procesamiento, acusación por el gran jurado, sumario
common legal terms used in the courtroom
indignidad, ultraje
common legal terms used in the courtroom
indirect confession
confesión implícita
common legal terms used in the courtroom
indirect evidence
prueba indirecta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
imprescindible, indispensable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incentivo;introducción explicative de los alegatos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
induction of a judge
instalación de un juez
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ineficaz, inoficioso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ineficacia, falta de habilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inequitativo, injusto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
falta de equidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inevitable accident
caso fortuito
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infame, infamante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infamous crime
delito (crimen) infame (infamante)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infamous punishment
pena infamante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infanticidio [como crimen]; infanticida
common legal terms used in the courtroom
deducción, inferencia
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infirmative consideration
suposición (hipótesis) infirmante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infirmative fact
hecho infirmante
common legal terms used in the courtroom
information and belief
saber y entender
common legal terms used in the courtroom
delator, denunciate, informador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infracción, contravención, transgresión
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infringe, to
infringir, contravenir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infracción, contravención, uso indebido, contrafuero
common legal terms used in the courtroom
infractor, contraventor
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inherent vice (defect)
vicio (defecto) inherente (o intrínseco o propio)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inhibición, auto inhibitorio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
siglas, iniciales
common legal terms used in the courtroom
initiate, to
entablar (una demanda), iniciar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
mandato (requerimiento) judicial, entredicho, interdicto, prohibición judicial, [Méx.] juicio de amparo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
injure, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
lesionado, lastimado, [Uru.] siniestrado; dañado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
[corporal] lesión, herida, lastimadura; [legal] daño, perjuicio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inocencia, inculpabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
innocente; no culpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
innocent misrepresentation
falsedad inculpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
innocent party
parte inculpable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
indagatorio, examen, encuesta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
investigación, indagació, encuesta, estudio
common legal terms used in the courtroom
demente, insano, loco
common legal terms used in the courtroom
demencia, insania, locura
common legal terms used in the courtroom
insensible condition
condición incompatible
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inspect, to
revisar, fiscalizar, registrar, reconocer, examinar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
instant case
causa actual (presente)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
instigate, to
instigar, provocar, incitar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
instigador, fautor, provocador
common legal terms used in the courtroom
instruct, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
instructions to the jury
instrucción al jurado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
documento, escritura, instrumento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
instrument of evidence
medio de prueba
common legal terms used in the courtroom
insure, to
asegurar; asegurarse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
intend, to
tener el propósito (la intención)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
a propósito, intencional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
intendment of law
intento de la ley
common legal terms used in the courtroom
propósito, intención
common legal terms used in the courtroom
interdict (n. & v. )
interdicto interdecir, prohibir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
interdicción, interdicto, entredicho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
interested party
parte interesada, interesado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
interim order
apremio provisional
common legal terms used in the courtroom
internal revenue
rentas internas (interiores, terrestres), ingresos interiores
common legal terms used in the courtroom
interpret, to
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
ebrio, borracho [coloquial]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
embriaguez, borrachez [coloquial]
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inure, to
entrar en vígencia, tener efecto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inválido, nulo, ineficaz
common legal terms used in the courtroom
invalidate, to
anular, invalidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
invest, to
invertir; investir
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
invited error
decisión errónea del tribynal a solicitud de parte
common legal terms used in the courtroom
invocación, mandamiento
common legal terms used in the courtroom
involuntary bailment
depósito accidental
common legal terms used in the courtroom
involuntary confession
confesión provocada (o involunataria)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
involuntary manslaughter
homicidio accidental (o involuntario)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
irrebuttable presumption
indicio indubitable (claro), presunción absoluta
common legal terms used in the courtroom
incobrable, irrecuperable, irreivindicable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
irrefragable, irrefutable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
irregular process
proceso anormal
common legal terms used in the courtroom
impertinencia, inaplicabilidad
common legal terms used in the courtroom
inaplicable, impertinente, [P.R.] irrelevante, inconexo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
irremisible, imperdonable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
irreparable, irremediable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
no reivindicable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
common legal terms used in the courtroom
issuable defense
defensa a base de los méritos
common legal terms used in the courtroom
issuable plea
defensa negable
common legal terms used in the courtroom
issue (n. & v.)
cuestión (punto, problema) en discusión (controvertido, en disputa, disputable, a debatir) prole, sucesión, progenie, descendencia emitir, librar; publicar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
issue a writ
dictar (expedir) un auto
common legal terms used in the courtroom
issue in fact
cuestión de hecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
issue in law
cuestión de derecho
common legal terms used in the courtroom
itemize, to
detallar, particularizar, pormenorizar, puntualizar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jail (n. & v.)
cárcel, prisión, calabozos judiciales encarcelar, apresar, aprisionar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
jeopardize, to
poner en peligro (en riesgo)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
peligro, riesgo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
john doe
nombre inexistente en acción contra persona todavía desconocida
common legal terms used in the courtroom
acumulación de acciones, proceso acumulativo
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joinder in issue
acuerdo sobre un hecho por probar
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joinder in pleading
aceptación de la cuestión y del método de instrucción
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joinder of actions
unión de acciones
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joinder of error
negación de errores alegados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joinder of offenses
unión de varias acusaciones de delito en un proceso
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joinder of parties
unión de las partes
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joined issue
cuestión por debatir fijada por los alegatos, controversia a juzgarse
common legal terms used in the courtroom
colectivo, conjunto, copartícipe; mancomunado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joint action
acción conjunta (mancomunada)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joint and several
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joint creditors
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joint debtors
codeudores; deudores mancomunados
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joint defendant
coencausado, coacusado
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joint indictment
procesamiento conjunto (colectivo)
common legal terms used in the courtroom
joint interest
interés común de dos o más personas
common legal terms used in the courtroom