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6 Cards in this Set

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What is conflict?

An expressed struggle between at least 2 interdependent parties who percieve incompatible goals, scarce resources and interference from the other party in achieving their goals.

What are the conflict styles?

Avoiding (lose-lose), accommodating (lose-win), competing (win-lose), compromising (lose-lose), collaborating (win-win).

Complimentary conflict styles

In relationships with complimentary conflict styles the partners use different but mutually reinforcing behaviors. Fight-flight and common in unhappy marriages.

Symmetrical conflict styles

Both parties use the same behaviors. Can be good or bad. Good when they both communicate assertively; bad when they both ignore a problem.

Parallel conflict style

Both parties shift between complementary and symmetrical.

Constructive conflict skills include:

Identifying your problem and unmet needs, making a date to address the problem and solve it, describing your problems and needs ( why youre upset), considering your partners POV, negotiating a solution and following up the solution (talk over the solutions progress).