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45 Cards in this Set

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pain stiff joints, fatigue, malaise, weight loss
pain better over course of day: RA or OA
4 of what criteria required for RA diagnosis
morning stiffness > 1 hr > 6 w, swelling in 3 jts, symmetric, joint erosions on xray, rheumatoid nodules
RA spares which joint?
DIP. (does involve PIP, MCP and wrists)
endotracheal intubation is dangerous in RA why?
effect on cervical vertebrae
heberden's nodes
DIP [not in RA]
bouchard's nodes
PIP [these nodes not in RA, it's an osteophyte]
Hand abnormalities in RA
Swan neck deformity & ulnar deviation
Iron study findings in RA
Classic Anemia of Chronic Disease [normal MCV, normal Pllt, low iron, high ferritin low TIBC]
Low MCV normal iron studies
high iron in what type of anemia
sideroblastic anemia usu caused by alcohol
most specific test for dx of RA
anti CCP
RA patient already on NSAIDs, wrist splints, & physical therapy. What should you add?
DMARDs are used when??
1) can't tolerate metothrexate 2) don't repsond to MTX
Perform what screen before administering hydroxychloroquine?
check eyes. It causes retinal lesions
RA patient already on NSAIDs, wrist splints, & physical therapy AND methotrexate & DMARDs. What should you add?
Adalimumab [Humera] (or etancercept, or infliximab ) TNF alpha inhibitors!!!
check what before giving TNF alpha inhibitor
PPD test don’t reactivate TB
Acute vs chronic LBP
<4 weeks, subacute 4-12, chronic >12 weeks
When do you MRI a complaint of LBP
Severe pain, objective weakness, progressive neurologic deficits, osteoporosis or prolonged steroid use, constitutional symptoms, history of malignancy, recent trauma, IV drug use. Failed conservative treatment for at least 3 months
Leg pain on back extension, pain worsens with standing or walking, neurogenic claudication
spinal stenosis
bladder dysfunction, saddle anesthesia,
cauda equina syndrome. Surgical emergency
tx of spinal stenosis
epidural steroid injections. Surgery if this fails
Shoulder impingement syndrome vs cervical radiculopathy of C5
inject subacromial space with cortisone to see if symptoms resolve (radiculopathy)
cervical myelopathy 1) define 2) sx 3) tx
1) neuro dysfxn secondary to spinal cord compression 2) gait disturbance, loss of hand dexterity, bowel and bladder late findings 3) surgery to decompress.
anterior knee pain
osteoarthritis, ptaellofemoral pain,
plica syndrome
diagnosis of exclusion, seen in athletes or overuse, MEDIAL PATELLA pain, feel of snapping with walking
McMurray and Apley test
valgus & varus stress tests.
Ottawa Ankle Rules state xray is unnecessary if:
1) patient can walk four steps at time of injury and at time of evaluation 2) no BONY tenderness over the distal 6 cm of either malleolus
Shoulder impingement syndrome 1) caused by 2) sx 3) tx
1) impingement of greater tuberosity on acromion leading to supraspinatus tendinitis 2) pain with overhead activity/abduction: lateral deltoid, lateral shoulder, subacromially 3) acromioplasty
Grading ankle sprain
1) partial rupture of ATFL 2) complete rupture ATFL & partial CFL 3) complete rupture of ATFL & CFL
Managing ankle sprain
PRICE: Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
For dequervain's tenosenovitis (clench thumb under fingers, deviate wrist ulnarly)
Osteoarthritis of hip vs tronchanteric bursitis
primarily groin pain with osteoarthritis. Lateral hip pain over the greater trochanter or in buttock region is NOT osteoarthritis.
Differential dx for hand numbness
carpal tunnel, cervical radiculopathy peripheral neuropathy or median nerve compression in forearm
Tinel's sign
tap over median nerve at wrist crease, paresthesias in nerve distribution
Phalen's test
palmar flexion of wrist for 1 minute
Definitive diagnosis of carpal tunnel
electromyography and nerve conduction velocity studies
Findings in osteoarthritis
joint space narrowing, osteophytes, sclerosis of subchondral bony end plates adjacent to diseased cartilage, subchondral cysts.
Tx of osteoarthritis
avoid activities weight loss, PT, swimming. Pharmacologic: acetaminophen is FIRST LINE AGENT. Steroid injections, viscosupplementation, total joint replacement if needed.
DEXA scan 1) start what age 2) repeat how often if normal
1) women 65 plus (or postmenopause less than 65 with a RF) 2) every 3-5 yrs if normal
T score 1) Normal 2) osteopenia 3) osteoporosis
1) 1.0 or greater 2) Between -1.0 and -2.5 3) less than or equal to -2.5
Tx of osteoporosis 1) nonpharm 2) pharm
1) diet (calories, calcium, vit D), Wt bearing exercise 30 min 3x/w, no smoking 2) Bisphosphonates (alendronate, risedronate), PTCH, Calcitonin short term
Primary vs secondary osteoporosis
secondary due to an obvious cause such as excess steroids/cushings, immobilization, hyperthyroidism, long term heparin use, hypogonadism in men, vit d deficiency
PROOF trial showed what regarding calcitonin
no effect at hip, decreases vert fracture risk by 40%, slight lumbar vert bone density increase
RFs for osteoporosis
estrogen depletion, female, calcium vit d def, decreased peak bone mass, genetics, immobility, endocrine, smoking, meds