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96 Cards in this Set

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Goals of Progressivism
1.Protect Social Welfare
2. Promoting Moral Improvement
3. Creating economic reform
4. Fostering Efficiency
one of the magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900's
a procedure by which a legislative measure can be originated by the people rather than lawmakers.
a procedure by which a proposed legislative measure can be submitted to a vote of the people
a procedure for removing a public official from office by a vote of the people
Upton Sinclair
a muckracking journalist that began research for a novel in 1904, his focus was the human condition in the stockyards of Chicago.
The Jungle
A book written by Upton Sinclair about the sickening conditions of the meat-packing industry
Meat Inspection Act
Pushed by Roosevelt in 1906, it dictated strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created the program of federal meat inspection
the National Association for the Advancement of colored people.
USS Maine
A ship that exploded killing more than 260 men and started the Spanish-American war
Yellow Journalism
the use of sensationalized and exaggerated reporting by newspapers of magazines to attract readers
John J Pershing
a Brigadier general that was ordered by President Wilson to help capture Pancho Villa
Pancho Villa
rebel leaders that opposed Carranza's provisional government
Spanish-American-Cuban War
started with the explosion of the USS Maine and ended with the Treaty of Paris 1898
Treaty of Paris 1898
Spain freed Cuba and turned over the islands of Guam in the Pacific and Puerto Rico in the West Indies to the US. it also sold Phillipenes for 20 million
Queen Liliokalani
her reign in Hawaii had come to an end in 1893
Causes of WW1
1. Nationalism
2. Imperialism
3. Militarism
4. Alliance System
Selective Service
passed in May 1917, the act required men to register with the Goverernment in order to be randomly selected for military service
The Big Four
Wilson, Clemenceau, Lloyd George, and Orlando. worked out the treatys details among themselves
14 Points
a speech before Congress given by Wilson that explained what he thought we had to do to prevent another war
Versailles Treaty and Senate Ratification
establihed 9 new nations including Poland, Czechoslavakia, and Yugoslavia. It also shifted boundaries of other countries.
Return To Normalcy
President Hardings promise to return to the way it was before WWI
Sacco and Vanzetti
were arrested and charged with robbery and the murder of a factory paymaster and his guard. they were found guilty on circumsantial evidence because they were immigrants and anarchists.
KKK in the 20's
The KKK rose throughout the 1920's. The Klan believed in keeping blacks "in their place." The Klan also ran Roman Catholics, Jews and foreign born people out of the country.
Immigration in the 20's
The number of immigrants had grown almost 600 percent. Congress, in response to nativist pressure, decided to limit immigration from certain countries.
Union membership in the 20's
Many strikes happened due to the increase in unions and most employers didnt want them to join the union cause the union set higher wages and set strict workplace qualifications.
Urban Sprawl
cities speading in all directions
Warren Harding
described a a "good natured man who looked like a president ought to." he also came up with the Return to Normalcy program
Teapot Dome Scandal
A scandal about Albert Fall selling oil rich lands set aside for the navy to oil companies and keeping all of the money to himself
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
raised taxes on some US importds up to 60 percent
Harlem Renaissance
A literary and artistic movement celebrating African American culture
Scopes Trial
a fight over evolution and the role of science and religion in public schools and in American Society
The protest movement grounded in a literal, or nonsymbolic, interpritation of the Bible.
Double Standard
A set of priciples granting greater sexual freedom to men than to women.
Causes of the Great Depression
the stock market crash, financial collapse and high unemployment rates.
Dust Bowl
Plauged by dust storms and evictions thousands of farmers and share croppers left their land behind and moved to California.
Bonus Army
Between 10 and 20 thousand World War 1 Veterans and their families arrived in Washington D.C to get their bonus for serving the country in time of need
An involvement in risky businsess transactions in an effort to make a quick large profit
Buying on Margin
paying a small percentage of a stocks price as a down payment and borrowing the rest
Frances Perkins
Was the first female Cabinet member
Goals of the New Deal (3R's)
1. Relief for the needy
2. Economic recovery
3. Financial reform
Agricultural Adjustment Act. sought to raise crop prices by lowering production
Grapes of Wrath
A book written by John Steinbeck that described the experience of one tenant farmer and his family.
the granting of concessions to a hostile power in order to keep peace
Munich Pact
signed on September 30,1938 which turned over to Sudentenland without a single shot being fired
the president would lend or lease arms and other supplies to "any country whose defense was vital to the US."
Atlantic Charter
Churchill settled for a joint declaration of war arms
the systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe more than half of whom were Jews
Office of Price Administration. fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods.
War Production Board. Assumed responsibility of making sure the military had all supplies needed to win war.
Battle of Stalingrad
A major battle of World War I between Nazi Germany and its allies fought Soviet Union. This was thought to be a main turning point in WWI
One of the hardest battles the Allies encountered in Europe. It was fought less than 40 miles away from Rome. This battle lasted 4 months and left 25,000 Allied and 30,000 Axis casualties
3 divisions parachuted down behind enemy lines. they were followed in the early morning hours by thousands upon thousands of seaborne soldiers
Battle of the Bulge
tanks drove 60 miles into Allied territories creating a bulge in the lines that gave this desperate last ditch offensive its name
Atomic Bomb
a highly explosive bomb that killed many people
GI Bill of Rights
provided education and training for veterans paid for by the federal government
Japanese people born in the US of parents the emigrated from Japan
Truman Doctrine
a statement that gave Greece and Turkey $400 million in economic and military aid
Marshall Plan
revived European hopes in which 16 countries recieved some $13 billion in aid
Chinese Civil War
Chinese Communists were fighting against the nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek
Douglas MacArthur
was in command of Allied forces on the islands
Korean War
when North Korean forces swept across the 38th parallel in a surprise attack on South Korea
The US willingness under Eisenhower to go to the edge of all out war
prevent any extension of communist rule to other countries
the attacks on suspected Communists in the early 1950's
Fair Deal
an extension on Roosevelts New Deal that included proposals for a nationwide system of compulsory health insurance and a crop-subsidy system to provide a steady income for farmers
the Southern Democrats that protested Truman's emphasis on Civil Rights
a company that offers similar products or services in many locations
a major corporation that includes smaller unrelated industries
Baby Boom
an unprecedented population explosion from late 1940's to early 1960's
Planned Obsolescence
manufacturers purposely designing a product that would wear out or become outdated in a short period of time
the 35th president of the US on a crisp sparkling day in January 1961
1960 election
a mood of restlessness among voters as Eisenhowers second term drew to a close
Hot Line
a telephone line between the White House and the Kremlin only to be used if another crisis arise
Warren Commission
a group headed by Earl Warren that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy that concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was alone responsible for it
a federal program established in 1965 that provides hospital insurance and low cost medical insurance to Americans 65 and older
a program established in 1965 that provides health insurance for people on welfare
Immigration Act of 1965
increased number of immigrants allowed to settle in the US
Brown vs BOE
Marshalls most successful victory
Southern Christian Leadership Conference. its purpose was to carry on nonviolent crusades against the evils of second class citizenship
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee a protest group
Black Panthers
political party that fought police brutality in the ghettos
Black Muslims
lead by Elijah Muhammad and also called Nation of Islam
DeJure Segregation
segregation by law
DeFacto Segregation
segregation that exists in practice and customs
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
not a declaration of war, it granted Johnson broad military power in Vietnam
War Powers Act
stipulated that the president must inform congress within 48 hours of sending troops into a hostile area without a declaration of war
the South Vietnamese Army
Domino Theory
the idea that if one nation fell under Communist control, nearby nations will also fall under Communist control
Cesar Chavez
believed in using nonviolence to reach his goal. he formed the UFWOC
Declaratoin of Indian Purpose
stressed the determination of native americans to "choose their own way of life"
The Feminine Mystique
captured the very discontent that many women were feeling
Betty Friedan
a writer that seemed to be living the American dream but she wasnt happy because women didnt have the same rights as men. she wrote the Femine Mystique
Phyllis Schlaffly
a conservative along with conservative religious groups political organizations and many anti-feminists felt that the ERA would lead to a "parade of horribles"
Equal Rights Amendment
a proposed and failed amendment to the US Constitution that would have prohibited any government discrimination on the basis of sex
The New Right
focused on fixing social, cultural, and moral problems