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84 Cards in this Set

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That malabsorption disorder which is a sensitivity to gluten and increases lymphocyte production is:
celiac disease (sprue)
The omentum is formed by double fold of:
parietal peritoneum
_________ describes a mucosal thickening in the lower esophagus associated with a sliding hiatal hernia:
Schatzke’s ring
That type of diverticulum which involves a ballooning of all layers of the alimentary wall is called:
Body habitus determines where certain structures will lay within the abdominal cavity, for example in the hypersthenic habitus the stomach will generally be:
high and horizontal with bulb around T11-12
The telescoping of one part of the intestinal tract into another is termed:
A mechanical blockage of the lumen of bowel, involving a stone migrating from biliary system to GI is called
gallstone ileus
A mechanical blockage of the lumen of bowel, involving a stone migrating from biliary system to GI is called
Twisting of the bowel around it's mesenteric base is termed:
A causative factor of a paralytic ileus is ________.
That diverticula, which is thought to be a remnant of the duct connecting small bowel to unbilicus, located proximal to the ileocecal valve is:
Meckel's diverticula
True or false: Visualization of an apple core lesion is suggestive of colon cancer.
Crohn's disease is also called :
regional enteritis
That diverticulum occurring at the pharyngoesophaeal junction is called:
Barium sulfate is used as what type of suspension?
Patient prep for an esophagram series includes:
no prep
True or false. Motility of barium during procedures is dependent on type of barium salt used.
The most common site for colonic diverticula is:
sigmoid colon
An esophageal abnormality produced when normal epithelium is destroyed by gastric acid from repeated reflux and replaced with other cells is a condition called:
Barrett's esophagus
Whipple’s disease is a form of which syndrome?
That inflammatory condition which involves the mucosal lining of the stomach and may be related to alcohol intake or smoking is:
Veriform appendix obstruction often leads to:
Colonic polyps which attach directly to the bowel wall are called:
Which of the following imaging modalities would be most useful in demonstrating GI bleeding?
Nuc med
A term describing a benign smooth muscle tumor is:
True or false. Gastric carcinoma has ill defined borders.
_________ usually starts around the terminal ileum with inflammation of the mucosal cells which may ulcerate through the bowel wall.
Granulomatous colitis
That neurogenic condition in which the EG sphincter cannot relax resulting in dilated esophagus at the EG junction is:
This congential condition of the eosophagus which stops short of actually connecting to the stomach and is usually associated with tracheosophageal fistulas:
esophageal atresia
An infant demonstrating the double bubble sign on imaging accompanied by gastric distention, no stool produced is probably suffering from:
duodenal atresia
Identify that area of the digestive system least likely to develop neoplasms:
small bowel
Cirrhosis of the liver interferes with blood flow through the hepatic portal system often resulting in:
esophageal varices
The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt may be useful in treating:
esophageal varices
Peptic ulcer disease is thought to be associated with:
Helicobacter pylori
Fungal infections resulting in the shaggy appearance of the esophagus is attributed to:
A mass of undigested vegetable fiber within the stomach of bowel is called a:
What is the name of the pathology is associated with bowel invading scrotal sac?
Inguinal hernia
The rhythmic smooth muscle contractions found in the upper gastrointestinal system are called:
Retroperitoneal structures include:
Pancreas, duodenum, ascending and descending colon and upper rectum
Infraperitoneal structures include:
Lower rectum
How will the stomach be oriented in a sthenic patient?
J shaped w/ bulb at L1-2
How will the stomach be oriented in a hypostenic patient?
Elongated and low w/ bulb around L3-L4
What transport types take place in the esophagus?
Gravity and peristalsis
A small bowel series is complete when:
The barium reaches the ileocecal valve
Motility of barium is dependent on:
Suspending medium
Patient condition
What are contraindications for barium?
GI perforation
Possible leakage into peritoneal cavity
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Vascular infiltration
What is the patient prep for a UGI or SBS?
NPO after midnight
No gum or smoking morning of
For a small bowel enema the tube must pass :
The ligament of Treitz
Another name for a small bowel enema is:
What is the most common type of NG tube?
Miller Abbott, Harris and Cantor are what types of tubes?
Dobhoff, Corpak, and Entriflex are what types of tubes?
enteral for prolonged use
What is a Levacuator tube?
double lumen for lavage and suction
What is atresia?
absence or closure of normal body orifice
What is Hirschsprung's disease?
absence of neurons in bowel wall (typically sigmoid colon) results in gross dilation
What is toxic megacolon?
Bacterial growth with fluid and electrolyte imbalance
What is Meckel's diverticulum?
remnant of duct connected small bowel to umbilicus in fetus
Malabsorption sydrome is a group of disease also referred to as:
What is whipple's disease?
dilation of intestine, edema, malabsorption, fatty deposits on bowel wall
What is celiac disease?
sensitivity to gluten producing lymphocytes which attack mucosa
What is carbohydrate/lactose insufficiency?
small bowel lacks enzyme lactase, lactose stays in bowel drawing water into the colon
What is the treatment for esophageal stricture?
Balloon dilation (Hurst & Maloney dilators)
What is candida esophagitis?
fungal infection common in patients who receive immunsuppressant agents and radiation therapy/chemo
Severe GERD may cause:
Barrett's esophagus
Gastric acid eating away the epithilium will cause:
H. Pylori is associated with :
chronic antral gastritis
Erosion of mucosal membrane most often in proximal esophagus, stomach or duodenum is:
Peptic ulcers
Ingestion of contaminated food (salmonella) causes:
Infection of lumen of small bowel by a protozoa is :
Infestation of roundworms is:
This pathology starts with inflammation of mucosal cells with ulceration of bowel wall. Scaring may lead to obstruction and creates cobblestone appearance
Crohn's disease
What are causes of paralytic ileus?
Infection or drug induced
Esophageal achalasia is:
Reduced peristalsis at EG sphicter, unable to relax, becomes dilated
What pathology causes aganglionic bowel preventing peristalsis?
Hirschsprung's Disease
Zenker's diverticulum occurs where?
Pharyngoesophageal junction
Where is Meckel's diverticula located?
proximal to ileocecal valve
Benign tumors make up what percentage of stomach tumors?
less than 10%
What is a bezoar?
Mass of undigested materials trapped in stomach
What is a trichobezoar?
mass of hair trapped in stomach
What is a phytobezoar?
mass of vegetable fiber or seeds trapped in stomach
Malignant neoplasms of the stomach are commonly found:
pylorus or antrum and lesser curvature
Predisposing factors for small bowel neoplasms are:
Kaposi's Sarcoma
What is a pendunculated neoplasm?
is stalked
What are predisposing factors for colon cancer?
Family history
Ulcerative colitis
Environmental factors including diet