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107 Cards in this Set

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idiographic approach
individual differences- the clinician
group differences- researcher
dorthy dix
shocked by brutality in 19th century facilities
fought for rights
measure of intelligence starting with that of children and changing to adults
person looks at ambiguous pictures and tells a story
minnesota multiphasic personality inventory- self report- objective way to diagnos
bad stigma of mentally ill
1880- first psych lab
1896- Witmer dedicated to child learning- founder of clinical psychology
start with psychoanalisis- 1900
play/group therapy
1910- psychology as science not profession
world wars and use of intel test and personality
raise pay of psychologists
1950-ques psycho (Eysenck) and start behav
1970- cog behav
brief psychotherapy
gesalt therapy
patient unique perceptions contribute to their problems
etiological (causes) of mental disorders
genetic predisposition
traumatic childhood
sexual abuse
science practicioner model
psychologist first, clinician second
phD research,
Beneficnece and normaficence
try to help and do no harm
fidelity and responsibility
psych have resp to society and seek to estab trust
all ppl are entitled to benefit of psy should recog own biases and limits of competence
respect for ppls rights and dignity
psy respect rights and dig of all and seek to prtect rights
dont misinterpret qualifications
human relations
no multiple of exploited relationships
advirtising and public statements
dont lie, dont use testimonials and dont seek vulnerable ppl for clients
record and keeping files
take care of client records, cant withold for non payment, openly discuss fees ASAP, can barter
informed consent, clarification of who the patient is, no sex with current patients or relatives (after 2 yrs
practice only where you have expertise- stay current with changing info
know your role and who the client is (multicultural)
only disclose minimal info, discuss limits, know law, ensure storage
not benefiting, harmed by treatment, no longer in need, may harm therapist self or others
emotional release
if a client is cog impaired
behav treatment
what you want immediately
doesnt follow logic
reveal unconscious desires
reveal true feelings
reality principle, mediator, def mechanisms, preservation of self, protect from danger
oral stage
1-5 years- sucking
verbally agressive, witholding
too much gratitification- nursed too long- extraverted, gullible
Anal stage
potty training
punishing, battle of control, struggle= withold of control= obessively clean.
assert control by going to the bathroom wherever they want, messy, extravagent, showy.
Phallic stage
oedipus complex-castration anxiety
electra- penis envy
DM: help understand what its about and be aware of it.
unwillingness to accept or face an unpleasant event
attriubte ones own neg impulses to someone else
transfer of impulses from threatening to non threatening obj
reaction formation
expression of feelings that are oppositeof unconscious feeling
self justifying
rechanneling of unacceptable impulse into socially approved activites
decrese anxiety by thinking in a cold, cynical way> eliminate emotion.
turning to others for support
aim inhibition
ind accepts modificated form of orginal goal
refusing to deal with situation or object
dynamic sizing
culture specific expertise
avoid stereotypes and know when to generalize
understand own culture and have knowledge of others
beneficence and non maleficence
strive to benefit those they serve and do no harm
fiedlity and responsibility
professional and scientific responsibilities to society and earn trust
all ppl have the right to these services
accurate honest truthful
1. resolving ethical issues
always follow the law
respect for ppl rights and dignity
to all ppl...
present themselves correctly and admit when they are not equipt to treat someone
know when you cannot emotionally help a person
3. human relations
no multiple relationships
consider power diferential, duration and reason for termination
update on current law
always go to conferences etc.
4.privacy and confidentiality
explain limits and do everything you can to keep it
be up front, never withold info
6. record keeping
cant withold for non payment
openly discuss fees/barter
keep records
5. advertising
dont misrepresent
no testimonial
dont seek vlunerable ppl
managed care system that employs a restricted number of providers to serve enrollers
alfred binet
made up intel test to test kids in school, cant be applied outside of america,
psychology in wwII
army alpha beta test to classify for mil service, transfered back into normal life, increased pay and status
projective test
ink blot
ambig pic and make up story
first time that ppl connected mind and body, started to see mental health from a dif perspective
systematic desensitization
operant conditioning
science practicioner
research balanced with practice
human relations
no multiple or exploitive relationships (with patient of relatives) - after 2 years can date patient but must be careful
should consider: power differntial b/t doc and patient
duration of therapy and reason for termination
maintain and openly dicuss, lock all things, only tell what you need to tell
dont lie about what you can do, dont use testimonials, dont seek vunerable clients
as a supervisor
respon for anything supervisee does, give feedback, outline rel in writing,
info and first contact, history, risk factors, medical status, diagnosis, treatment plan, summary and testing reports,
when client isnt benfiting
is harmed by treatment
no longer needs treatment
threatens to harm self or others
share with client
your ed, confidentiality, cost, length of therapy, alt treatment,right to terminate
asian americans
less likely to express feeling
respect authority
against therapy
hard in immigration
stress expressed somatically
stress of bringing shame to family- filial piety
must respect familiar roles
low verbalization, work on self growth, use teacher-expert,
understand how family pressures are effecting client
teacher expert: wants to know what they are doing, direct concrete values
is very important when facing charges, record all contact and conversation cannot edit!
hispanic americans
keep prob b/t family and church- respect how the family is organized
therapy as threatening
curaderos, supernatural (not hallucinations), dont discount these impacts
practice only where you have expertise
stay up to date with conferences
African Americans
stress of somatic
prevalence of discrimination, prejudice, lack of recognition
explore experience with racism and how it effected them, how it might effect therapy, see if they have internalized negative messages, take pride in self and heritage,
willingness to persevere
want to be accepted into the afric amer stereotype
difficulties in treating minorities
$ and ses
$ stress= mental prob
mistrust of gov
less opportunities for schooling
involve families, acknowledge discrimination,
helms- 5 ways of understanding self in relation to culture
conforimtiy to current culture
dissonance awareness of culture of origin
immersion/emersion: idealize culture rejection of other
internalization: internal standards to define self and respond to majority group
integration: flexible and complex thinking to value all aspects of identity
discrmination leads to
stress and low self esteem
cultural encapsulation
ethnocentric perspective and not effectively understanding the worldview and culture of origni of client.
to be culturally competent
understnading that each holds dif cultural beliefs that mold their biases steroetypes and comm
recog them in yuorself and what they are
understand dif b/t cultures
anxiety reduction/ release tension
reduce anxiety to allow focus on core problems
degree of understanding of the nature of ones problems
goals of psychotherapy
build ego strength
make unconscious- conscious
Free association
client: whatever come to mind
therapist: confidentiality, blank screen
the other perosn can represent something for them and effect treatment ex: their like dad. Unconscious feelings about them that you dont realize
adler- post freud
believed social factors were prominent motivators and shapers of personality
carl jung
collective unconscious: universal knowledge from past generations
psychodynamic therapy
better functioning of person not personality reconstruction
therapist is more active and goals are specific
social structure doesnt allow beavior of the minority group
person to grow and change

deviates from the norm
the therapist can represent a person in their lifes and they project their feelings fro that person onto the therapist. Avoid by not answering personal questions or having personal things in office> unconcious
neo freudian-
carl jung- collective unconscious- universal knowledge from past genreations that effects all of us.
factors in psychchotherapy associated with positive outcome
expert role
catharsis- release of emotions
anxiety reduction
interpretation or insight
building competence
identification with therapist
positive relationship
active participation
client factors that effect therapy
degree of distress
intelligence- behav for cog impaired
race, ethnicity, ses- may be impor to match with ther
client centered therapy
incongruence with self and external world. Help the self become congruent with what their reality actually is.

personal experience of client, therapist is not the professional, ind come to know emotions, led by patient, innate ability to help themselves, emphasis on therapeautic rel,
self actualization
ability of all to imrpove and enhance self
unconditional positive regard
If dont get this strive on conditional regard, where they look for their worth,can come to believe that they are only worthy under certain conditions
congruence geuinness
the therapist is real about how they feel
what the ther does is c-c
reflect on client and focus on emotions, make comments of unconditional acceptance
No: reassurance, interpretations, information giving, asking questions or criticism
- if you dislike the client tell them, be honest about feelings
to get the client to talk - help the person be the best they can be
no unified theory
search for meaning is the primary motivator
4 existential realities
death- coming to accept this truth
freedom and responsibility- manage not enough or too much
isolation- social beings
meaninglessness- purpose to move forward
seeks to help the ind
accept those things in life that are inevitable
become more aware of what they are doing,how they are doing it, how to change themselves, but also how to accept and value themselves- as a WHOLE
dif b/t psyanalytic t gestalt
focus on what is happening in the moment-ges
goal of gestalt
help client realize they are resp and in control of creating more effective experiences for him or her self.
non verbal cues in gestalt
look for inconsistencies in non verbal and verbal
dreams- gestalt
act them out
gestalt accept responsibilty of own actions
focus on the past indicates resistance
interpreation is a therapeutic mistake is gestalt
becuase it makes it seem like the understand the patient more than they do themselves
can give med, physical exam, combine mind and body with psychological and medical
assist professional