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39 Cards in this Set

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What is civics - what the word means

- how public decisions are made

- issues that are important to the public, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens

Why study civics - why are "you" here?

- To find out how the government works

- To identify your personal beliefs

- To practice basic citizenship skills

- To examine the challenges of participating in communities

- To think about what active and responsible citizenship means to you

What is a citizen

- A member of a nation/city/town who is entitled to its rights and privileges.


- To be an informed citizen

- To be a responsible citizen

- To be an active citizen

Diff. Bwtn politics & Govern't


- the process by which government officials and policies are decided


- the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies

Powers govern't have




Who holds this power?

-single person - dictatorship

- the people - democracy

Characteristics of a nation state

- Territory

- Population

- Sovereignty

- Government

Four ways nation/states developed & and who developed them

- Evolutionary Theory • families, clans, tribes

- Divine Right Theory • God

- Social Contract Theory • Hobbes, Locke, and others

- Force theory • powerful over took the less powerful

How does social contract theory work

- people agree to governance

Distinguish btwn rights, duties & responsibilities

- Rights

• things that are guaranteed you as a citizen ex. Freedom of speech, privacy.

- Duties

• things you MUST do as a citizen ex. Pay taxes, education, obey the law

- Responsibilities

•things you should do as a citizen ex. Stay informed, vote, speak your mind

Living in a community ppt - challenges faced by that

-Some can be dealt with personally, others through support networks

- Other challenges are more complex and require the assistance of larger circles of people

Ex. Ensuring reliable transportation, healthcare, a police force, firefighters & many other services.


Beliefs about what is important or valuable in life


A decision making system that has the power to make laws & direct the affairs of a country, province, municipality

Civil society

Voluntary organization of citizens that work to make a difference on important public issues

Pluralistic Society

A society in which different groups with a range of beliefs can influence political life


A set of beliefs & values, especially about how society should be organized and what goals it should pursue


A system of government in which a few rulers have power to make decisions for the people


A system in which decisions are controlled by the people

Civil Rights

(Fought for in the 18th century)

• Equality before law

• Liberty of the person

• Freedom of speech, thought & religion

Political Rights

(Fought for in the 19th century)

• Right to participate in elections

• Right to run for and hold office

• Right to vote

Social Rights

(Fought for in the 20 century)

• Right to a certain standard of economic and social well-being

• Right to fully participate in society

Rights & Freedom

• those things that we are morally or legally entitled to have to do

Majority Rule

• The principle that the opinion of the greater number should prevail

Minority Rights

The principle that the rights of the minority should be safeguarded


A collective decision in which all parties agree


• A duty or obligation

Ex. Responsibility to go to school, with the right of being able to go to school

Rule of Law

The principle that people are governed by laws, and no person is above the law

Common goal

On of our responsibilities as a citizen is to contribute to the the common goals of our community, so that the community as a whole will benefit


Something enjoyed by someone that they are not morally or legally entitled to

Ex. A new car

Global citizenship - what is it

A responsibility to reduce international in equality (social and economic)

Global citizenship - what are some issues facing the world today - facts about them

-Arms trade

• each year approx. $80 billion of arms sales are agreed

- Global warming

• many agreed climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet

- Racism

• Racism is an issue concerning free speech and article 19 of the universal declaration of human rights come into play

Challenges for global citizens

1. Nationalistic perspectives

2. " I'm just one person"

3. Where to start?

4. MNC's

5. Globalization

6. $$$

Global citizenship- media

One sided views -viewed as helpless victims that cant fix their own problem

Distorted views - we often get the message of poverty, hunger or homelessness exist only in other countries

Getting informed- televisions, internet, schools etc.. also provide information

Global concerns - World Hunger

• there is enough food to feed the whole world but there is unequal distribution of food

• 1 in every 4 children are malnourished

Global concerns - world health

World health organization (who) helps people attain the highest level of health possible

Global concerns - human rights

Democratic societies recognize the following basic rights:

• life

• liberty

• freedom of thought and religion

• equality before the law

Global concerns - child slavery

-1000000 are forced into slavery

- owners demand forced labour to repay loan

- children work to 16-18 hours a day in dangerous situations

Global concerns - women rights

-Some cultures view women as less valuable than men

- they are not paid the same

Global concerns - genocide

-Practice of planning wiping out of a population because of their race, religion and nationality

Ex. Nazi

Global conerns- solutions

- Education

- Publicize the problem

- Non-government organizations

What can u do?

• be informed and get involved

• search and join NGO's