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30 Cards in this Set

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What is Civics?

The study of how public decisions are made, of the issues that are important to the public, and of the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
What is the origin of the word civics?
The romans came up with the word civics which came from the latin word civis meaning citizen.
Who is a citizen?
A person who can claim residency and membership in a state.
What is the importance of being a citizen?
It is of supreme importance and provides many rights such as the right to equality, protection, and to visit foreign countries.
What was the feudal society?
A social system in the middle ages used to distinguish the different classes of people.
Order of the Feudal society
Serfs/ Peons (Lower Peasants)
Peasants (Farmers)
Clerics (People in the church)
Nobles (Family of the king)
Latin Origins of the word "Citizen"
Latin word civitas meaning city
Latin origins for the word "Civilization"
The word civilization comes from the Latin civilis, meaning civil, related to the Latin civis, meaning citizen
6 Responsibilities of a citizen
- To know the issues (or what is going on) in the community
- To assist others who need help in the society
- To use your abilities to help others in the community
- To listen to the opinions of others and accept them even if you disagree with them
- To protect your own rights and the rights of others
- To vote in elections
Challanges of any society
- Ensuring adequete protection, transportation, and health care services are provided
- Protecting the rights and freedoms as citizens of a nation
- The right to live in a peaceful world without epidemics of disease, famine, or ecological disaster
Civil society
Voluntary organization of citizens that work to make a difference/ solve important issues allowing groups of people to voice their concerns.
- A set of beliefs and values, especially about how society should be organized and what goals itshoould pursue.
- Ideologies influence the way we think and act as citizens.
European tribes and the countries they became
Franks -- France
Saxons -- Germany
Angles -- England
Democracy and its origins
Democracy was a word created by the philosophers from two greek words demos (people) and kratos (power)
Greek Democracy Components
1. Citizens were male, norn in the city state and minimum 18 years of age
2. Females, foreigners, and slaves were not eligible to be citizens
3. Citizens could vote and run for office in elections for the superior council
4. Citizens were expected to join the army/navy
5. Citizens were expected to attend meeting of the assembly
6. Citizens were expected to solv disputes and problems in their own neighbourhood
Karl Marx
- Karl Marx was one of the most important thinkers of the 19th century. As one of the founders of Communism
- He predicted that workers world rebel against the owners of factories and take over the economy and the government themselves.
- Marx's ideas influenced many Communist governments.
-Majority rule
- Representatives electd from the communist party
- Only one party allowed
- Individuals vote
- Individuals may govern
- Individuals may not speak or express themselves freely/ easily
- EXAMPLES: Russia, Cuba, China, North Korea
PROS and CONS of Communism
- Individual rights not protected
- The Communist Party rules
- No protests
- Very controlled
- A small group of people take power
- No other press
- The constitution rules
- Elections suspect
- Majority rule
- Elected reps
- Several parties allowed
- Individuals vote
- Individuals govern
- Expression allowed
EXAMPLES: Swede, Denmark, Norway, Finland
PROS and CONS of Socialism
- Individual rights protected
- Some free press
- Economic planning faulty
- Breakdowns in planning
The role of the greeks in developing democracy
- Created the city-state system
- Created the 6 components of Greek democracy
Greek philosophers
Greek City States
Different types of rights - Civil Rights
Civil Rights - 18th century
- Equality before the law
- Liberty of person
- Freedom of speech, thought, and religion
- Right to own property
Different types of rights - Political Rights
Political Rights - 19th century
- Right to participate in elections
- Right to run and hold office
- Right to vote
Different types of rights - Social Rights
Social Rights - 20th century
- Right to a certain standard of economic social well being
- Right to particpate fully in society
Minority Government
A government in which the governing party has most seats but still less than half the total.
- Majority rule
- Elected representatives
- Individuals vote
- Individuals may govern
- Individuals may speak and express opinions
Democracy PROS and CONS
- Protects individual rights
- Input from many sources
- People govern
- Takes more time to make decisions
- More costly
Parliamentary Sovereignty and Constitutional Monarchy
The same concepts where the legislature is the governing body and the monarch acts only as a symbol